Chapter 1181

Name:Dark Blood Age Author:天下飘火
the chaos in the second battlefield continues. Warships are destroyed one after another by their own people. In some places, the dazzling light of bursting can be seen. More importantly, the light can't be seen because it can't be refracted and scattered in the vacuum. Only when the angle of view moves, can we find that the information brought by photons suddenly enters the line of sight and shines in the darkness The explosion of light.

There is no medium to transmit sound in the universe. Everything is like a silent movie, fierce and tragic, but always silent.

In the debris of the Allied warship that hit the cold star warship, a clean white star ship with wedge-shaped appearance and full of metal texture was exposed. Just now, it arrived in time and without hesitation destroyed the United warship that attacked the cold star fleet.

It is not strange to the underworld villains. It is vosh's fleet starships. When they are on the first battlefield, they will follow it and constantly flee back in the battlefield, until they simply surpass it and escape far away from the battlefield.

However, it was the first time to see the situation when it was fighting. The descendants of the spirit were sure to have some details. In the air space flying with debris, it rushed straight in without any damage. The white metal ship was integrated without any sign of damage.

Compared with the clean outer body, the cold star ship on one side is simply unbearable. The torn hole is not blocked, and the air and objects inside the ship are still constantly throwing out. Moreover, under the impact of a large number of fragments, the triangular huge ship wall on one side of the cone is full of holes, as weak as paper paste.

Perhaps not expecting that the cold star fleet was even more fragile than they thought, vorsch's fleet rushed out a series of nearly curved light cables, forced the largest piece of allied warship debris to push away, smashed the tails of several cold star warships pulled out of the ship, and flew out tightly against the triangular outer wall of the cold star ship.

They did not notice the whereabouts of a small space fighter flying out of the cold star warships. Instead, they were attracted by a red sword that appeared faintly in the main ship of cold star, probably to block the remains of allied warships.

"What is that?"

Fu Xi's voice was slightly excited, and he had no time to show his "credit" for persuading his warships to come to rescue the cold star warship of Chu Yunsheng. He could not wait to send an urgent inquiry.

Chu Yunsheng didn't have the energy to distract himself from talking with it. There was turbulence in the cold star fleet. On the one hand, he had to stabilize the extremely strong abnormal reaction of the four Cardinals. On the other hand, he also had to command the blood clans without large-scale abnormal phenomena to control the whole fleet. In addition, he had to always pay attention to the dangerous situation outside the fleet. He had to be multi-purpose and a little distracted would aggravate the turbulence.

After the emergence of the anomaly, he soon found that the most influential was the life of the cardinal, followed by the people of the five kingdoms, and the least affected was the blood clan, followed by the cold star people.

When he made a decision, he authorized the old hull to help the blood clan control the whole fleet.

The blood clan's code of conduct is very simple. Those who do not respect the king's orders will be killed, while the old hull and the great Lord are simpler. Those who waver in faith will kill, and those who doubt will be killed.

Under the urgent authorization of Chu Yunsheng, they killed in the fleet. There was no other way, or they would wait for the strange people to destroy the whole fleet.

For a moment, there was a river of blood in the cold star fleet.

No one knows what is in the other's mind. Everyone has the possibility of abnormal situations. The only standard is to follow the instructions of the king.

To stop chaos by killing is just like in ancient times, when faced with the pestilence that had no way to deal with, he could only kill the whole thing and eliminate the harm. Seeing this scene in the cold star fleet, vorsch sighed and stopped asking. He was unable to effectively deal with this kind of chaotic backward race, but he could only survive cruelly by suicidal his people.

In fact, it is very contradictory. On the one hand, it does not want the cold star fleet to be destroyed. On the other hand, it thinks that the cold star fleet will have more severe losses, which will be beneficial to them, and they can easily obtain more useful clues from the cold star fleet.

If you look at the whole defeated allied army, only they can maintain stability at the moment. This is due to the genetic advantage of fleeing from other countries for many years and rooted in the body of future generations. It is also the inside information of spiritual descendants. At least that kind of pride is enough to make them resist the tendency of assimilation.

If a dog has thought, he may yearn to be a man, even if he is still a dog. He thinks that he is a man and can own the power and the world. He yearns for this. Once the opportunity appears, he desperately wants to join the ranks of human beings, but people seldom hope to be a dog. Even if the dog's world and life are described in a better way, people also have human pride.

However, it does not help the cold star fleet to calm down the chaos. It can not give the people in the cold star fleet the pride of mind, nor can it accumulate inheritance for them to escape. The stronger the stronger, the more likely they are to be coevolved, and the more insecure they are, the more likely they are to be seduced.

For vosch, the same direction is the dog, but for the people in the cold star fleet, the same direction is "people"!

In particular, the Privy life of lower biological forms has been exposed to the powerful power and tasted the sweetness. In the face of the same orientation, facing the temptation of becoming "human", they have almost no resistance.The blood clan firmly believes in the king's flag, and the cold star people are imprisoned in the blazing legend, so they are least affected. The underground villains are not confident, and the five countries yearn for the strong class. Therefore, they are most affected. The earth people are just in the middle, while the yellow star people are ignored.

After Fuxi sighed, he hesitated for a moment, and still sent the same direction information to Chu Yunsheng in a somewhat contradictory way. As for whether the cold star fleet could restore stability, it was powerless.

It doesn't even know if Chu Yunsheng will believe it.

After all, the entire coalition fleet seems to be gathering together to make every effort to achieve the same goal - escape, but in fact, the different shapes of "sand" can not form a piece of tough metal in any case!

The same direction attack from the enemy below the deep space is lethal to the defeated coalition forces with different minds, and it is also the appropriate and most appropriate means of attack.

If it's just a fleet of one race, it's not terrible, but it's a huge, messy coalition.

The cold star fleet's interior is a miniature of the coalition forces, and there are many races in the fleet, which makes it particularly chaotic.

Fu Xi didn't know the race situation in the cold star fleet. After sending the same direction information to Chu Yunsheng, he thought that Chu Yunsheng would intensify his efforts and kill more quickly until only a few people were left.

But it guessed wrong, Chu Yunsheng not only believed the information it sent, but also made immediate response.

Although he was very close to the cold star fleet, and had been watching the cold star fleet, vorsch still did not see the dark figure flying out of the cold star fleet at high speed.

He's too fast.

Vorsch only caught the shadow of a ragged gun in his hand.

"What does it want?"

Fu Xi guessed that it must be Chu Yunsheng, but he couldn't guess what Chu Yunsheng wanted to do at the moment: "syntaxization is to recombine and arrange the spatial properties of matter according to the mode source. We just know that this technology exists. This is the top-level technique of enlightening lower living creatures in the legend left by our ancestors. Do you want to..."

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