Chapter 1486

Name:Dark Blood Age Author:天下飘火
When Chu Yunsheng did not find the soul of the creator of the rune, there were only two runes that could break through the fourth level.

Different from wood fire burning the sky, the function of seal Rune goes deep into the zero dimensional consciousness and multi-dimensional world. It is not an attack rune, but its essence is far deeper than the attack rune.

In fact, among all the runes that Chu Yunsheng has mastered and mastered, the non weapon offensive runes are extremely mysterious, profound and powerful. To a certain extent, the once extremely powerful attack runes are not as delicate and profound as these runes.

For example, Chu Yunsheng can't recreate the talisman when he has spiritual implication. However, the seal Rune covers a deeper and wider range. If there is no detailed record of the first stage of ancient books and is remembered by him, otherwise, even if there is spiritual implication, he will not be able to deduce a higher level.

Although it's not an attack rune, at the moment, it has a surprisingly good effect on the attack voice of lunling Lord.

It can't attack, dissipate, or even confront it head-on, but it can block it and prevent it from passing through the channel between zero dimension and multidimensional dimension.

The light blue light is excited on the surface of the rune, covering the rest of the spaceship. The sound of soul attack is one of the obstacles!

Even if the block is only a moment, at this moment, it is enough to shock the living star life.

Left handed waste storage can resist spirit attack!?

Even though Chu Yunsheng showed spiritual implication, his life and body features were normal, obviously not reaching the level of spirit.

How is this done?

As expected, it's the unique life method of Zuo Xuan Old God!?

Only from the left-handed kingdom of God, can such a miracle be produced!

The ring life in the garbage can spacecraft was the first to understand why Chu Yunsheng could resist, but it has only started now. Therefore, he was the first to inject energy into Chu Yunsheng's life body without hesitation.

The hope of life is now!

Chu Yunsheng constantly measures the distance in order to reduce the difficulty and open an escape channel in the time when the spiritual life itself cannot respond.

If the spirit life itself came, Chu Yunsheng could not keep up with the changes of the spirit, and these runes would soon be broken down.

As the trashcan spacecraft injects energy, another Rune surface expands, and one wave after another confronts and blocks the sound of psionic attack.

Other spaceships have also responded. Since Chu Yunsheng took off to fight against the spirit attack, the fact has been put in front of us, and no more spaceships have been destroyed!

At this time, there was no hesitation at all, and the remaining spaceships immediately poured astronomical energy into Chu Yunsheng life.

Life and death depend on whether Chu Yunsheng can withstand it!

Some star life has even begun to calculate, at the current speed, how long does it take for Chu Yunsheng to run out of energy? Is it enough to escape from galaxy 1?

The result of the calculation makes them very depressed. According to the current consumption rate of Chu Yunsheng, it will be consumed in less than a while!

What is the point of such resistance?

It's just a delay in death.

However, they did not stop to inject energy into Chu Yunsheng. If they can delay for one second, they can collect another second of information. No matter whether the final result is still extinction, the reward they paid is enough.

Time passes quickly in the starry sky, especially at this moment.

The energy is quickly exhausted, and the sound of spiritual attack is coming again with death.

But in the next second, all life found it inconceivable that Chu Yunsheng's strange lines created by his little spirit accumulation just now ran on his own, constantly reborn in destruction, and madly drained the dark energy around him in the spirit attack confrontation.

"Let's go!"

Chu Yunsheng fell back to the dustbin spaceship and said, "get to dwarf galaxy 1 as fast as you can!"

When the sound of attack is blocked, the passage of life is opened at the same time.

However, the danger has not disappeared. No one knows whether the sound of spiritual attack will evolve on its own, looking for flaws and breaking through Chu Yunsheng's Rune array. No one knows when the spiritual life will suddenly appear. Chu Yunsheng's calculation is only calculation, not sure.

Thousands of extinct spaceships sailed quietly and automatically in the icy universe. The remaining living star races all speeded up again and rushed to Galaxy one.

At this time, Chu Yunsheng's words and deeds do not need to say anything more, they have been seriously implemented.

Perhaps, there is a real hope of escape!

Looking back, those destroyed spaceships are basically hesitating at that time, and did not immediately follow Chu Yunsheng's steps to Galaxy 1.

If you look at the garbage can like spacecraft, whether they are forced or active, they are the first to go to dwarf galaxy 1. Aren't they still living well now?

The name of the abandoned storage was not so abandoned. It was a lot more mysterious. Not any life could find a way to escape under the attack of spirit.Nearly a hundred spaceships of all shapes and colors were left behind the trashcan spacecraft, rushing towards dwarf galaxy 1.

Although we don't know whether we can really rush into the dark area when we get there, we are at least one step closer to hope.

"Is this your plan?" The voice of ring life changed from cold to respectful: "why didn't you say it at the beginning?"

As he recovered, Chu Yunsheng said, "will you believe it? You won't believe anything. "

"Yes, we believe it only in reality, but even if we escape to dwarf one Do you have any other plans? "

Chu Yunsheng said: "yes, you can tell other spaceships now that they can escape to dwarf galaxy No. 1. Only when they escape to dwarf galaxy No. 1, there is no secret under the spirit. You just have to believe it."

Ring life was silent for a long time and said: "I choose to believe you, but the hope you let me see is not here. I mean the attack of spirit. You understand what happened after a long time."

Chu Yunsheng looked at it unexpectedly and said, "you will see it."

That is the biggest ideal of the new ship at present, open the door of macro field!

Chu Yunsheng's firm tone makes ring life feel a kind of confidence, so that it begins to wonder what kind of power is behind Chu Yunsheng and the left-handed abandoned reserve?

Who's going to follow a scrap store? And it's an abandoned reservoir chased by spiritual life?

While it was thinking about it, the new ship was still sailing quietly.

It's still some time before we reach dwarf galaxy 2. If the spirit life hasn't been intercepted here, it means that Chu Yunsheng has successfully attracted the two spirits.

They will be able to speed up, kill dwarf 2, kill all enemies, and then rush into the dark.

The inversion of the fifth stage of operations has come to an end. The accumulated experience and information are stored one by one. Every contact with the spirit is extremely valuable. In the future, once they escape from life, these things will be brilliant and have important uses.

At the same time, the record of combat achievements has been sorted out clearly. After calculating all the lower level life, one of the races in the sphere world of the second layer grid is almost able to rise to the third level world. What will be there? All the lives of the second world are highly anticipated, and this race has attracted the attention of other races.

Under the guidance of jinjiayuanmen, Yuanmen venerable masters, under the leadership of jinjiayuanmen, made great efforts to "work" with other races of 37 warships. Even the newly formed mu'an, Laosan and des' new regiments are training and learning with all their strength. Although they can't use the sixth stage battlefield at all.

The study of the macro field of the three groups has never stopped. Every time they contact with the spirit, they become more urgent and eager.

Within the new warship, it was thriving and vigorous. On several occasions, as the first person in charge of the war, he was a little confused. What if all this was destroyed under his command?

He didn't know that he had failed once. At that time, his teachers and his comrades in arms were all killed. This time, if he failed, not only his comrades in arms but also hope would be killed

The critical point of the position in the calculation is getting closer and closer. Even though he and Chu Yunsheng have calculated that master Yiling will not come to intercept the new ship, he is still a little worried. If the judgment is wrong, they will die, Chu Yunsheng will die, and everything will disappear.

I don't know what's going on in dwarf one? Has the war been fierce to the point of life and death?

The new signal to the puppet bully has also been sent out. I wonder if it can send the super battle body of Xiaozi and its weapon to the battlefield in time?

The silence in the silent voyage of the new ship is like the calm before the war. The quieter it is, the more thrilling it is. Besides, on the other side of the starry sky, the battle is being fought majestically.

Once they cross the critical position, can they launch a swift attack on Dwarf Galaxy 2 in the shortest time?

With Chu Yunsheng on the other side of the starry sky, he started a bilateral war in the high-speed progress.

In the end, will they be able to rescue the Jedi in the depths, and be in Chu Yunsheng, dwarf 1?

And is energy enough? Which weapons can be used as the first strike?


One problem after another haunted him. He straightened them out one by one, waiting for the moment when the earth shaking war came and the moment when the judgment of right and wrong was revealed.

Waiting, winning, or losing!

Time ran, and they finally crossed the critical position. , the fastest update of the webnovel!