Chapter 1508

Name:Dark Blood Age Author:天下飘火
Chu Yunsheng stopped tracing and was quietly suspended over the sea of bubbles.

First of all, the target of this cage is not him, but all the people including him who trace their origins through the human line. It is not because of him that he appears. He does not have such a great influence, but it is because of this that he appears more terrifying and mysterious.

Secondly, the huge cage built on this tracing line is not a cage in the sense of space. On the star map he has observed and recorded, these planets are very far away.

What it has clamped down is that no matter how it can be traced back, it can always only be found in its "world". It is a huge cage world composed of many similar planets with fire sources and metal bodies. The same world will never break free and restrict the tracing of human beings on this line.

When the number of signs is increased, a long "giant dragon" will gradually be formed. There are some missing places in the middle. The base number of his retrospection is still very small, which is impossible to complete.

Without reference coordinates, the long, meandering lines of these cage planets are plain and meaningless.

But he then moved, and selected the observation points of the star map to the position of the earth, and immediately found that they were gradually away from the earth, away from the galaxy group, like a sword into the depth of the universe!

If we move the trajectories of these planets again in the long history, we can be shocked to see that there seems to be a wave which contains some meaning and goes to the distance.

This is information!

It's the information left in the vast starry sky!

And only people who can trace back to many caged planets can get information from the comprehensive analysis of the star map, not from one of the planets.

Chu Yunsheng's retrospection is still too small to analyze the meaning of this message for the time being, but he thinks of another possibility -

if we confine our current situation and thinking to what someone has done, it is difficult to understand why, but if it spreads, it will be different.

Some people made cages, and then others "carried them away" so that they gradually moved away from the earth, dispersed, and left celestial information.

The former and the latter must not be the same kind of people, while the latter may be a person or a group of people who have done it for generations.

They can't break the cage on the traceability line, but there are ways to "carry away" the cage, and suppress the germination of science and technology with fire and metal bodies, so as to protect cage planets from being discovered and waiting for people to trace back.

And the information available on the cage planet has been reduced to a minimum, hardly even if discovered by other life forms.

Only by tracing these planets together can we find the information hidden in the motion of dynamic celestial bodies and avoid the leakage of information.

In this way, it seems to be able to explain the contradiction between the rigor of the cage itself and the unusual simple arrangement on the cage planet.

Whether or not Chu Yunsheng traced back to the planets is still very few. If we can't fully obtain the information of celestial bodies left by the latter, we can't really determine.

There is no time now, so we can only explore it later.

However, it was very helpful for him to know this. First of all, he realized that the new ship over there was dangerous!

Kui Ling master is the first level for them to leave the galaxy group of Andromeda, but Master Yi and master Lun are not the last.

How can he trace his death to the new ship?

Everything is just beginning. Kui Ling Lord and Yi Ling Lord can't wait for the unexpected level. The real interception has not yet appeared.

However, Chu Yunsheng can't go back to the new warship now, and it's useless to go back. If he can't find the body, he will die. At present, it's all relying on the fire source to hold on to the time.

We must speed up the pace. No matter whether human beings have the conditions to trace back or not, we should transfer to the line between drow and firebug as soon as possible and make a complete attempt.

After returning from a caged planet for the 21st time, Chu Yunsheng is ready to gather all the black gas, invert the subject of tracing, and take the connection of black gas as the subject of tracing for the first time.

Only in this way can we avoid taking chances.

But it can also get stuck directly and can't get rid of it.

Fortunately, he still has the knowledge of three major ethnic groups as the basis, as well as the experience accumulated in the previous 21 times. He can make some local fine-tuning to reduce the risk to the minimum level that can be reduced.

Then, start!

in the decadent world, he seems to see a towering door and die immediately.

Then back to the bubble world, the consciousness violent concussion!

It's a bug. I just traced it back to a bug.

But he died in an instant, for unknown reasons.

Time was running out, and the drow line was left, which could be traced back to the new ship or to other drow scattered in the starry sky.

If he can find the line.Chu Yunsheng replaced the black spirit, directly used his consciousness at this time as the main body, and then quickly launched to trace the source.

His consciousness has been in the violent concussion, any later really will die.

But this time, he failed and almost disappeared in the retrospection.

People also began to blur, like a faint fire that was about to be extinguished, but at least once he had the experience of going back to the drow at that time.

The second time he started, he used all the things related to the drow, all that he could use.

In the light and darkness, he vaguely saw a world full of wars, countless lives were dying in the war, and a powerful force directly wiped out all living creatures in his area.

It's not a new ship!

It was his only thought after his rapid death.

Returning to the world of bubbles, he finally found that the relationship between himself and ontology became more and more clear.


In a corner in the dark, Chu Yunsheng's noumenon, a childish voice said:

"it's coming back, little stone. We've agreed, oh, you can't tell it I'm here."

"Don't move. I know your life logic can't lie to it, and I didn't let you lie."

"It does not ask, you can not take the initiative to say ah."

"How can you be so brainless?"

"Forget it. I'll find a way."

"Well, well, I'll add a logic to you, hehe."

"Don't run, just one!"

"You think it's easy. It's not simply adding a logic. It has to be compatible with your other life logic, but also integrate with each other. It can't be found by yourself. It's difficult."

"Oh, I forgot how to add it. Wait, don't move, let me think about it..."

"Don't run, I'm about to remember."

"Well, that's about it!"

"Little stone, for the sake of perfect logic, at the same time, I will sleep and disappear. Don't make trouble for me. I'll add it to you!"

"Zero dimensional small isolation method Flexibility adjustment... "



"Finally, I'm going to sleep."

When its voice was about to disappear, it suddenly seemed to think of something, faintly confused: "Oh, forget one thing, this is over..."

Immediately, it will be in the depression completely depressed.

After a long time, Chu Yunsheng's eyes opened slowly in the dark. , the fastest update of the webnovel!