Chapter 1611

Name:Dark Blood Age Author:天下飘火
"These spirits are mad!"

It was not only the life of the whole supercluster that was illuminated, but also the new ship was shocked by the strong radiation of three seconds.

"In order to achieve this effect, at least a large number of materials, squeezed by the crazy spirit caused by their war, form dense stars like neutron stars, collide fiercely with each other, and explode terrible energy radiation!"

However, the fifth order denies: "no, the conventional dense star collision does not last for three seconds, and the intense radiation is likely to be squeezed by strange substances such as dark matter rather than conventional matter, and the formation of quark stars of higher order is more likely."

Both the conventional compact stars and the strange quark stars are the by-products of the battle of the spirits. It can be seen that the battlefield of the battle of the spirits is "keep away from mortals"!

The new ship recorded the information of strong radiation for three seconds, and the five orders immediately turned into their own state of war.

The attack on kuiling master starts immediately after the first battlefield!

signals are sent out and interstellar strike weapons are opened immediately. Although they are different in distance and distance, the time to reach kuiling master's base camp will be almost the same after calculation and arrangement.

These weapons will attack at the speed of near light after being powered by the new ship based on drow technology. The enemy can't give early warning and avoid in advance!

They will also block the escape space of kuiling's main fleet from all directions.

At the same time, the attackers and the puppet ship sea, also attack!

All of the first strikes were immediately after the strong radiation of the first battlefield.


Kuiling's ship group observed the strong radiation of the first battlefield a little later. After the radiation light illuminates here, it will not stay and will continue to fly further.

In the first three seconds, they were equally stunned by the madness of the first battlefield.

I can't imagine what a starry hell would be like there now?

But they only have three seconds to think, three seconds later, the overwhelming attack from all directions at the same time!

There is no warning, no sign, just like what appears out of thin air, immediately after three seconds, it comes to destruction.

The spaceship and life that are not under the protection of Kui Lingzhu's spirit are hit in an instant and die out rapidly.

However, there are different ways to die out -

some spaceships and their life have become iron elements all over the sky in an irresistible violent reaction, which is the latest annihilation weapon of wunu people.

Some of them were torn into pieces by strong repulsion, and then turned into basic particles, floating into small galactic dust clouds, which were small tear weapons developed by three major families.

Some inexplicably turn matter into energy, and the accumulated energy accelerates the transformation process. Within a moment, there is nothing in that area except energy radiation, which is the drow's energy weapon.

Some spaceships and life find that their own spaceships and life bodies suddenly enter the extremely low energy state, and at the same time enter the highest state of material gravity. Under the sudden change, the stability of the original material and energy of the spaceship and the life body is destroyed and perished. That is the compulsory low steady-state force jointly created by the URU people and the Zhuoer people according to the natural principle of the lowest energy The device.

Some of them seem to have been filtered by something, and then they are completely analyzed. They are only cold spaceships. This is probably the best preserved relics in the suddenly chaotic battlefield, which is the mirror of the attacker.


The most magical thing is that a weapon with only one quantum state launches an attack from the microscopic world. Using the principle of incompatibility of quantum states, the smallest particle attacking the target will be squeezed out, and the physical properties of the upper layer will be changed. The chain reaction will be created layer by layer rapidly, and the complete shape of the target will be smashed instantly.

This is the latest weapon of the three clans. It completes the attack process from micro to macro.

All attacks are extremely rapid, from the strike to the end, basically equal to the time from the discovery to the direct death.

In a twinkling of an eye, Kui Ling Lord has not responded.

The fastest feedback of its spirit is transmitted at the speed of light. Without knowing it, the "world" outside of its spirit essence is almost emptied by the first wave!

When the shock was discovered, the second wave of attack followed the first, and then came quickly.

Although the first wave of attack is fierce, there are still some fish who miss the net. Some star life have special advantages in special fields. They can make use of their unique advantages to survive in a single way.

However, in the second wave of attack, the weapons in all directions were rotated once. In the area where the weapons were killed, the energy weapons of the drow people were replaced, and the places where the low steady-state attacks were forced were replaced by quantum squeezing weapons Continue to ravage the already appalling battlefield.

The few surviving spaceships outside the protection of Lingyun tried their best to get close to Kui Lingzhu. However, those who had been under the protection of Kui Lingzhu's spirit Yun and had been lucky enough to avoid being robbed, retreated subconsciously and looked at the death battlefield outside the spirit essence with shock.The attack came too suddenly, too violently, in all directions, and completely enveloped them in a sharp attack.

The advanced attack technology makes them produce an irresistible "fear".

Kui Ling Lord's reaction was very quick. After he found out that he was attacked by the unknown, he immediately spread his spirit and tried to save those lucky stars.

At this time, only its spirit can fight against it.

All other revolts failed.

However, the second wave of attack was too fast, and only one of the remaining star races finally managed to escape under the protection of the spirit of Kui Spirit Lord, and all the others were destroyed.

Kui Ling Lord was frightened and worried. He didn't know where he was attacked. If it was left handed, it would become a victim!

It's the only one Spirit Lord here. It can't fight against the left.

It immediately retreated, trying to escape.

But it protects the remaining ships with spirit, and has not changed its course. The third wave of attack hits again!

Attacks in all directions have also been rotated for the third time.

Every position is locked by the attack.

One of the ships in Lingyun has been scared straight to kuiling's main ship, trying to get close to it. Except for one or two fierce races trying to observe the way of attack, they are almost empty.

These fierce races believe that relying on their own strength and the spiritual protection of Kui Lingzhu, they are not afraid of all kinds of attacks from outside.

But soon, after the third attack rotation, they paid a heavy price for their confidence.

The first to be killed is a long body ship, which is on the edge, observing the new ship's quantum weapons. After the third wave of attack, an invisible mirror rotates to this position.

They thought that the attack could not enter the spirit range of Kui Lingzhu, but the mirror, which seemed to have no quality, was against the spirit of Kui Lingzhu, and directly swept over its hull!

Then, there was no then.

After they are resolved, they die together, leaving only an empty ship behind the mirror.

Kui Ling Lord soon found this mirror. He was worried about the left-handed attack. At the moment, he finally found that there was a spirit attack hidden in many attacks!

Originally, although it was worried, it was not too worried. No matter how fierce the attack was outside, as long as there was no spirit attack and as long as it was spiritual, everything could be blocked back.

But now it's different. There are attacks that can invade the spirit.

Although it is only a mirror, it knows that behind the mirror, there must be a spiritual master!

It quickly destroyed the invading mirror with its superiority in the battlefield, but it did not stop, and the fourth wave attack reached again!

Moreover, it is a big rotation of attacks in all directions.

No matter which direction it tries to break through, it will encounter all kinds of attacks in turn. However, it does not know the rules of rotation, what kind of attack will appear in the direction of the next breakthrough, or who is attacking it!

It is a spiritual master. He is pressed by the other party in the starry sky and attacks wave by wave, but there is no way to fight back.

At this time, another mirror suddenly broke in from the new position after rotation, and eliminated a spaceship!

After kuiling's trunk dropped it, he faintly felt a little uneasy. If it went on like this, it would be attacked by the other party's wave after wave and constantly rotate its position. Finally, it would cut off its spaceships one by one, until it was cut into a light stick spirit Master!

However, the attacking party, which has not yet appeared, ignores its ideas. Waves of attacks are still surging in succession and continue to ravage the battlefield one after another!

Fifth wave!

The Sixth Wave!

the seventh wave!

The eighth wave!


Wave after wave of attack, wave after wave of rotation around them to attack and hit!

Within the spirit, it is no longer a safe place. Sometimes it changes its orientation and raids the mirror, which almost destroys a spaceship every time.

For a moment, the ship was in danger and everyone was frightened.

But as if the blow never-ending general, still a wave of people's scalp numb to achieve!

The power of science lies in the fact that as long as the mature technology and the rich material of the galaxy are available, an endless stream of weapons can be produced and the continuous attacks will never stop.

The star races in the spirit pool, like startled birds, do not know where the mirror will suddenly come in, and when the attack wave sequence outside will come to an end and stop. At this moment, they have an idea that they have never had before -

the God who has always been invincible in their eyes, even if there is no such mirror, has never existed today Such a mess, by others across the distant starry sky, press here a burst of fierce attack!

Every second of the spirit accumulation is consumed. As long as the opponent has enough patience, the battlefield layout is broad enough, and the weapons are advanced and rapid enough, it seems that the spirit essence of a spiritual master can be consumed little by little.If you kill a spirit Master's ship again, even if you can't kill a Spirit Lord, it will become a bare rod.

They can't imagine what enemies they are facing?

It seems that only left-handed can do it.

Only left-handed can attack them!

After a long time, when they managed to escape from a starry distance with Kui Ling Lord, in all directions of them, suddenly appeared the airtight mirror array like the surface of the space ball, completely enveloping them!

After paying the price of a large number of spaceships, they finally broke through the blockade of the mirror world under the leadership of Kui Ling Lord.

But just came out, suddenly again despair!

It's still a sphere face array, but this time it's a rune array with spirit!

After paying the price, it's the mirror sphere array, and then the rune array

They did not know that by this time, the full blockade had been completed.

They are enclosed in layers of sphere arrays, breaking through one layer, another layer, breaking through another layer, and still

Layer by layer, the mirror array surface and the rune array surface are overlapped alternately, which completely blocks them in the sphere space. , the fastest update of the webnovel!