Chapter 1763

Name:Dark Blood Age Author:天下飘火
In the words of snow region envoy, its respect, the Galactic overlord, never makes mistakes.

Obviously, the puppet tyrant has more information. After calculating the time of return, as long as there is no great accident, it can take the fleet back to its base camp safely before the spirit attack pursued by the spirits of the new kingdom.

It's not too complicated to calculate. The snow field makes it possible for any spaceship under his command to live in the starry sky. Under extreme conditions, the speed of the attack can be directly calculated by the speed of light.

The difficulty lies in the information and the mastery of the distribution, distance and location of the new gods.

He didn't ask the puppet bully and the snow envoys, but he could come up with a method according to the situation of the puppet bully base camp: collect all the historical sailing tracks of the star sky races who have taken refuge in the puppet bully. When the base number of tracks reaches a certain order of magnitude, the corresponding historical dynamic star map can get an area and star path that was once safe on the time line, and "safe" means "safe" There are no left-handed and new gods, and then we can deduce the possible distribution range of spirits

Although this range may be very large, and there are many uncertainties, and the puppet bully may not use this method, but this method still has a strong reference significance, which is probably one of the many functions brought by the convergence of star life.

The great convergence of life in the starry sky means the great gathering of information and various resources.

There are different levels of information aggregation in the survival mode of wunu people. However, if we remove the high technology of wunu people and simply from the perspective of information aggregation quantity, the order of magnitude of information aggregation brought by various star life in the puppet stronghold may be far higher than that of the wunu people in the local super cluster.

Apart from the dangerous situation in the starry sky at this time, as far as the life of the stars is concerned, this kind of gathering of different ethnic and different information is simply a "feast" that we have been dreaming of. If we handle it properly, we can not compare the progress of our own technology in other periods.

However, this kind of "feast" often only appears in the terrible war and crisis, such as here, or the battlefield of God war.

In short, it may progress very fast, but it will also perish extremely quickly.

However, judging from the penetration of fast warships into the snow covered fleet, the puppet tyrants have no interest in this aspect, but they will not stop them. As long as they do not violate their rules, others will be at their own disposal.

After sailing all the way here, although the puppet bully didn't pay much attention to the new ships, there were still stars and sky life in the fleet to exchange information with the new ships in the snowy area. The race of the main ship also participated in the snow area several times, and the puppet bully did not respond.

Of course, the snow covered envoy remained indifferent and ignored the new ships.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the puppet tyrant to win over the life of the star sky, we can obtain a lot of resources and information, including obtaining the star race at the level of three ethnic groups, looking for the whereabouts of other clansmen of the three major ethnic groups, and more information that may involve Macro Technology These are also the original plans of Chu Yunsheng and the new warship. For this reason, he also made "propaganda broadcast" for puppet bullies in the starry sky for many times.

But the new warship and Chu Yunsheng are not coming at the right time and have unequal status. They are just forced to choose under the current situation.

However, the plan ahead is also a plan. Before entering the galaxy, a large number of planned tasks will be assigned to the information world of the new ship's third floor and below.

At this time, the puppet tyrant's warship has slowed down. It will be the last one to enter until the whole fleet has entered.

I'm afraid it won't go in new ships.

He did not slow down the new ship, but he hesitated for a moment.

Although he and Wu Nu Ren had a dispute with Wuxu, they did not mean to deny Wuxu's evaluation of the puppet tyrant. The puppet bully could not be benevolent, and the new warship did not need it. In a sense, it was also a kind of trade. Both the new ship and Chu Yunsheng had to pay a price.

There is another difference. In the new ship, all life, except the drow, can be predicted at the upper limit of the cost. It is about the snow field that makes the star life in the fleet lose its independence.

The cost to the drow will be even worse, just look at the reaction of the five orders.

The price of Chu Yunsheng should be the highest. It is self-evident that the target of puppet hegemony is Chu Yunsheng.

Before entering, he hesitated for a moment. Once he went in, he thought it out again. The cost was not enough. It was impossible.

The attack of the Lost Spirit Lord never appeared. I wonder if it will continue to pursue here.

But according to the information that fireflies sent him intermittently along the way, it is very likely that the lost spirit Master is still there.

Fireflies concentrate most of their energy on the downfall galaxy, but they still haven't defeated it. The biggest difficulty is that it is extremely difficult to accurately capture the spirit loser in time and space.

The best and most effective way to capture and kill it is the way Chu Yunsheng used to repel it - a sword attack with black gas.

Now, Chu Yunsheng is in the micro quantum random fluctuations, and the new ship and firebug have no way to take it, unless the firebug upgrades the whole system again.

However, the firebug did not continue to upgrade. It is estimated that it is the three prohibitions mentioned by Chu Yunsheng.It may be limited.

The key lies in the fact that there are no three forbidden insects in the puppet tyrant.

After hesitation, he showed his plan in a flash.

He cooperated with Chu Yunsheng for a long time, and at some critical time, they had formed a tacit understanding.

He couldn't feel where Chu Yunsheng was, but he thought Chu Yunsheng should be near him at this critical time.

This plan is very simple. Maybe Chu Yunsheng thought of it himself. But just in case, he showed it out and told him not to go in. The new ship would go first.

There is no difference between the puppet tyrant and the lost spirit Master in some aspects. In the current situation, it can be said that the spirit losing master has made calculations according to the situation, or it can be said that the puppet bully is well prepared. However, for Chu Yunsheng and the new warship, under the threat of the encirclement unit and the dark warship, they have no choice. Even if they know the result, they have to pay a price.

Their target is Chu Yunsheng, and they have no interest in the new ships.

They can't find Chu Yunsheng just like new ships and fireflies. Controlling Chu Yunsheng by controlling new ships is the most effective way.

In this case, the result is the same. Choosing a new warship under the control of the puppet stronghold has far more advantages than the lost one.

The difference in price is that death is on the side of the loser, and worse for the Druids on the side of the puppet tyrant.

After showing the plan, the new ship broke into the puppet's base galaxy.

Other ships from the fleet entered.

After one ship went in, it was as if it had disappeared and could not be observed again.

Until outside the galaxy, all the ships have entered the galaxy, leaving only the puppet's starship.

At this time, the puppet bully went to the position where the new ship passed before it went in and said:

"95827, I know you won't go in. It doesn't matter. Although I don't think your idea can succeed, we can still cooperate. I will send someone you know to talk to you.

Maybe, after so many years, you may not remember her, but I believe that you will remember her when you see her.

I hope you and she can negotiate as soon as possible. Needless to say, you also know that the spirits of the new kingdom are coming here. As far as I know, there may be not only the spirits of the New Kingdom, but also the left-handed gods.

You can't stay with me forever. Although I would like you to stay, I know it's impossible.

The coming of the spirits is no threat to me, and I don't need to defeat them. They are not in my plan, but for you, I know, it's very important. This battle is inevitable, whether it's survival or your dreams.

So, it's your only choice now to negotiate as soon as possible. "

With that, the puppet tyrant immediately entered its base galaxy.

At this time, the puppet tyrant was right. The first one who came near the starry sky was not the one who had launched a spiritual attack and was coming, but a left-handed one.

From a distance, it found that the target galaxy of its mission was preempted in advance! , the fastest update of the webnovel!