His father died and he was shot because he was drunk driving, causing the truck to roll over, killing a couple and a boy to lose a leg.

She saw her father's cold body. She was stupid

Since then, she had no father, and she was more afraid of such a thunderstorm night.

Ye Qi's face was pale, and fear made her heart tense, like pulling the string of a bow.

The thunder and rain are getting louder and louder.

Tears ran down her cheeks

Just then, the door of the room opened and Lu lichen came in.

He opened the quilt and saw the girl curled up in a ball with tears in her eyes. He said in a deep voice, "Ye Qi, don't be afraid, I'm here..."

Ye Qi raised her sad, white and tearful face and saw Lu lichen appear. All her fears relaxed. Then she burst into tears and rushed into Lu lichen's arms.

She wept and clung to his pajamas like a child.

Lu Li Shen hugged Ye Qi, pressed her hard on her chest, and gently patted her trembling back because of fear.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm here..."

His movements were very gentle, and every move seemed like silent comfort. Ye Qi's body slowly began to relax.

I don't know how long later, ye Qi went to sleep again.

Lu Li looked down at Ye Qi. There were tears on her pretty face. She looked pathetic.

Lu Li gently wiped her clean and fell asleep with her in his arms.

The next day.

Dawn opened the curtain, the rain stopped outside, the sun penetrated the clouds and sprinkled on the earth, as if the thunderstorm last night was a dream.

Ye Qi opened her eyes and saw Lu Li's beautiful face.

Last night's scene rushed into her mind. She looked at Lu lichen in a daze.

His forehead is smooth and full, his eyebrows are thick, his eyelashes are slender, angular and cold.

It's as if God made it up with his own hands. He can't pick out any defects.

For the first time in so many years, she looked at him so seriously.

Afraid of him? Of course.

Lu lichen is domineering and ferocious, cold and strong. No one must be afraid of him.

But I'm afraid of him, but I can't live without him!

He always held her and coaxed her to sleep on Thunderstorm nights.

That year, he extended his hand to let her go with him. At that moment, she felt that only he could protect her in the world, so she extended her little hand to him.

For ten years, this man invaded her life in all aspects, as if everywhere.

He protected and restricted himself.

Just like the sentence in the book, the person who can protect you from the wind and rain can also keep you out of sight.

But from beginning to end, ye Qi did not forget his mission.

She's here to pay off her debts. She'll leave after paying off her debts

Her long gaze finally made Lu Li Shen open his eyes. He looked at the girl's black eyes and said in a hoarse voice, "when are you going to see me?"

Ye Qi was slightly stunned. She realized that Lu lichen had awakened. She looked away unnaturally and her face was slightly red.

He looked at Ye Qi with a slight side. It was difficult to distinguish the joy and anger on his handsome face: "did you have an idea about me after peeking at me so long in the morning?"

"I tell you, ye Qi, you are still young. You should get rid of your worries. Besides, I have a fiancee!"

Ye Qi lowered her head and said softly, "no, I'm waiting for the young master to wake up, so I'm afraid to wake you up, so I don't dare to move..."

"Really?" Lu Li Shen's face was slightly heavy, stared at Ye Qi and snorted coldly: "if so, that's the best!"

He glanced at the time, got up and left the room.

Before leaving, he took a special look at Ye Qi and found that her expression was as indifferent as ever and had no special reaction.

Lu Li Shen's face was as gloomy as water. Fortunately, he was kind and afraid of thunder last night. He specially ran to accompany her. As a result, the girl didn't even say thank you.

Go back to your bedroom and watch the room clean and spacious.

The bustling crystal lamp, precious furnishings and soft carpet are just like the past.

But Lu Li Shen felt an unspeakable sense of solitude.

What's going on? He found his room so deserted.

Recalling the scene just with Ye Qi, Lu Li sank his lips and sipped tightly. Suddenly he found that ye Qi's room was warm

Downstairs, Su Wanqing came to Lu's house early in the morning to find Lu lichen. When she saw Lu lichen coming out of Ye Qi's room, her face suddenly cracked.

He was wearing blue silk pajamas with messy hair and a lazy look. It was obvious that he had just woke up.

He even came out of Ye Qi's room, that is to say, he slept with Ye Qi last night!

This cognition makes Su Wanqing completely collapse, just like a grumpy beast, eager to tear up Ye Qi.