Say so.

Jerry looked south. "Come on, baby, call Daddy again."

Nanxu is very obedient.

He shouted again, "Daddy."

Jerry looked at Wen Qian. "Do you hear me? Do you hear us Nanxu call me daddy?"

Wen Qian nodded.

Jerry held Nanxu in his arms. His dark eyes looked at Wen Qian deeply. He only reflected Wen Qian looking at her, "Qian Qian, let's get married!"

"Now that Jack has solved it, there is no danger."

"Nanxu is so big that he will call me daddy! Let's get married and give Nanxu a complete home and let me take care of your mother and son all the time, okay?"

Wen Qian didn't refuse. She agreed.

Because she had already promised to marry him, didn't she?


Looking at the happy Jerry, Wen Qian said aloud, "brother, before I get married, I want to go back to DIDU and go to the grave for my parents."

"Tell your parents we're together."

Jerry immediately promised, "OK!"

After preparation, he will take Wen Qian back to the imperial capital.

Sweep the grave of Wen Qian's dead parents, and then prepare to return to m country to prepare for their wedding.

But just before the departure, Jerry received a message from Interpol that Jack had escaped! And Jerry's company is in trouble at this time.

So he can't go back to DIDU with Wen Qian.

"Qianqian, if you don't want to go back to the imperial capital, you'll have to wait until your brother is busy and then go back with you, otherwise your brother won't be at ease."

"Jack escaped. If he hurt you..."

Wen Qian smiled and said, "No."

"Now Jack is a rat running for his life. He is afraid of being caught by Interpol. He doesn't dare to show up, let alone trouble me."

"As for my brother, if your company has something to do, just keep busy."

"I can go back to the imperial capital alone. When I finish sweeping the grave and meet my parents, I will come back immediately. I won't worry my brother."

Wen Qian came back to the imperial capital alone.

This time.

According to the clues found, Mrs. Su came to DIDU to look for her daughter.

Just as she was walking down the street in a bad mood because she couldn't find her daughter, she suddenly saw Wen Qian who was buying white chrysanthemums in the florist.

The girl was young and beautiful, wearing a lotus root pink dress.

That look is just like when she was young!

Mrs. Su immediately walked towards Wen Qian and planned to talk to Wen Qian and ask her some questions.

But just as she walked towards Wen Qian, Wen Qian, who had bought the bouquet, turned and walked in the opposite direction to Mrs. su.

"Hey, girl!"

Mrs. Su shouted loudly.

She quickened her pace and went after Wen Qian regardless.

Because she was too flustered and eager, when Mrs. Su was about to catch up with Wen Qian, she unfortunately ran into a young man riding an electric car.

"Poof!" one.

Mrs. Su was hit hard on the ground.

She had bruises on her knees and wrists and shed blood.

But Mrs. Su doesn't mind at all!

She continued to stand up and saw that Wen Qian, who was farther and farther away from her because she was hit and delayed, suddenly stood up and ran after her on the road.


Mrs. Su was hit by a car.

She was hit and hit the ground.

After landing, he rolled on the ground several times and fell into a pool of blood.

Seeing all this, the young cyclist was shocked. He immediately ran over, "aunt, are you okay? How are you..."

Mrs. Su hasn't fainted yet.

Her bloody hand seized the young man.

Looking straight at Wen Qian in the distance, he told the young man, "please help me stop the girl. She's very important to me!"

With that, Mrs. Su fainted.

The young man immediately shouted, "please call 120!"

At the same time, he ran to catch up with Wen Qian, "girl, please wait a minute. That aunt has been chasing you just now, and there was a car accident."

"She said you were important to her!"

Wen Qian followed the young man to Mrs. su.

She was sure that she didn't know the lady at all.

But the young man said with discretion, "this aunt must know you! Or she has something to do with the girl. When she wakes up, she must hope to see you!"

"So if you're not very busy, please take your aunt to the hospital with us."

The 120 ambulance will come soon.

Originally, Wen Qian was going to worship her parents, but now, as the young man said, let's take the lady to the hospital with them.

Wait until the hospital.

Mrs. Su needs a blood transfusion.

The blood types of the young man and the car driver are not good, but Wen Qian's are just the same.

She drew blood by the way and saved Mrs. su.

And after the traffic police investigated the accident and left, the driver left his medical expenses and contact information because of an emergency.

The young cyclist also left.

Only Wen Qian stayed.

Or because looking at Mrs. Su is kind, it's like seeing her mother.

Or because Mrs. Su didn't hesitate to have a car accident in order to catch up with her, she felt it her responsibility to wait until Mrs. Su woke up and meet her

At night, Wen Qian's cell phone rang.

She answered the phone, "brother."


Jerry answered.

Then asked Wen Qian and said, "it should be over. It's so late. Why haven't you gone back to your hotel room?"

It turned out that Jerry didn't accompany Wen Qian to the imperial capital this time, but he didn't trust Wen Qian alone, so he sent a bodyguard to follow Wen Qian.

Wen Qian went to worship today and didn't let the bodyguard follow.

When Jerry asked the bodyguard about Wen Qian just now, he was worried when he learned that Wen Qian had not gone back to the hotel.

Worried that Wen Qian was in danger.

I'm also worried that Wen Qian will meet people she shouldn't meet!

"I haven't gone to worship."

Wen Qian answered and told Jerry, "on my way to worship my parents, a lady had a car accident. I'm with her in the hospital at the moment."

Jerry panicked immediately.

Asked Wen Qian, "there was a car accident. Is there anything you want?"

"It's not me. It's the lady who had a car accident and can't contact her family right now, so I'll accompany her in the hospital and wait for her to wake up."

Jerry, "where's the hospital? I'll have someone pick you up."

Wen Qian refused, "no, I can go back by myself later."

After thinking about it, the lady may not wake up yet. Wen Qian said, "maybe I won't go back today and I'll go back tomorrow."

Jerry wants to say something.