Chapter 174 - First Time

Name:Death… And Me Author:
Roan then turned to Amanda and asked through a Spiritual Sense Message.

'What was the content of the mission?'

Amanda was taken aback by Roan's question. Still, she answered nonetheless. She also used a Spiritual Sense message to answer Roan, so Malaka didn't know they were talking.

'It was to acquire a Verdant Spring Herb in the Millikan Valey...'

Amanda then recounted what happened during that time. Amanda just acted as the two little girls protector for their first mission out. However, she didn't show herself and followed them in the shadows. With her Peak Foundation Establishment cultivation, there was no way for Malaka and Oka to feel her presence. After all, it would be meaningless if she did it herself. This kind of mission is far below her level.

Malaka and Oka looked for the herb for several days. Finally, they found one. However, it turned out that they had company. Millikan Valley was located in the country's border, so the disciples of another sect of the neighboring country were also there looking for it.

This is the cultivation world, and the Verdant Spring Herb was precious for those at the Energy Gathering Realm like Malaka and Oka. Of course, it was very important for the enemies as well. What else could have happened? A battle immediately broke out after that. Amanda watched from the sides, not showing herself. In her eyes, this was an excellent opportunity to hone Malaka and Oka's wills. 

Both sides were close in strength. Although Malaka was much stronger with her Death Staff Style, the enemy had three members instead of two. In the end, Oka committed a mistake, which would cost her life. Malaka couldn't simply let that happened, so she immediately attacked with all her might. However, Malaka never killed anyone. When she fought other humans, she couldn't really bring her full strength out, afraid that she might kill them. But at that moment, that limit was broken due to the desperate situation.

Malaka knew that she wouldn't have time to hold back. If she didn't use her full strength, Oka wouldn't survive. Of course, Amanda was nearby and ready to jump in if that really was about to happen. She could still intervene in the last second with her much higher speed and cultivation, but Malaka didn't know that.

In the end, Malaka killed the guy who was about to kill Oka by smashing his head.

One must remember that Malaka was using Rean's Low-Level Spiritual Staff. A full-power head-on hit definitely couldn't be resisted by a simple Energy Gathering Realm guy if he didn't defend with something else. Not to mention that that staff was made of metal as well. Rean made an alloy that would bend to a certain point, which was perfect for Roan's Death Staff Style.

The other two enemies were enraged by what Malaka did and immediately pounced at her ferociously. However, Malaka was in a state of turmoil at that point, so she didn't hold back either. In the end, she killed another one of the guys. The last one understood that he wouldn't be Malaka's match alone, so he immediately fled. Malaka also didn't follow him and helped Oka with her injuries instead.

Amanda wasn't as naive. To prevent the rising of problems, she killed that last disciple before he could get away without Malaka and Oka noticing.

After that, she followed Malaka and Oka back to the sect without showing her presence. On their way back, Amanda did notice that Malaka didn't seem happy. But that only lasted two or three days. After that, she came back to her usual self. Not only that, but Malaka was the one to comfort Oka all the time after what happened. 

Malaka didn't show any sign of emotional unbalance after what happened. That made Amanda believe that Malaka had killed others in the past, so she didn't talk about it either. Amanda knew that Malaka came from a tribe far away, and it was customary for wars and killing to happen in such places. Malaka's behavior in the following days only reinforced that notion.

Of course, the two waterfalls coming from Malaka's eyes proved that she was utterly wrong. Malaka was only putting a strong front while she was, in fact, deeply affected. 

Roan then sighed. However, he wasn't sad about it. This is the cultivation world. There is no such thing as a real friendly competition. Sooner or later, Malaka would have to kill something. It was bound to happen. Otherwise, she would be the one to die instead. He was quite please by Amanda's decision since he would have done the same thing.

Malaka continued like that for quite some time. Rean had to even pay for the room once more so that they didn't need to leave. Finally, the weeping ended, and Malaka slowly got away from Rean with her red eyes.


As soon as she did that, Roan gave her a slap on the back of her head, though. Malaka, of course, was taken aback by that. She then looked at Roan with a wronged expression.

"What? If you don't like it, you can try to hit me back."

Malaka sulked while saying.

"I want to, but you are too strong."

Roan agrered with her.

"Exactly. I'm stronger, so I can do it. That time when you killed those guys, you were stronger, so you could kill them. I know you very well. You would never kill them if you had a choice. However, they wanted to kill you first, and they paid the price for it. Or could it be that you preferred to let Oka die instead?"

Malaka immediately shook her head vigorously.


Roan nodded.

"Good! There is no need to feel sad for them. You did the right thing. I trained you so that you could protect yourself, didn't I?"

He then put his hand on her shoulder before saying.

"I'm proud of you. Remember, Rean, and I, won't stay by your side forever. This was only the first time you had to deal with things by yourself, and it definitely will happen again. When that time comes, I want you to not hold back."

Malaka was surprised by what Roan said. It was the first time she heard him saying that he was proud of her. After that, her expression couldn't help but brighten. Receiving Roan's commendation was as hard as ascending to the heavens. 

"Say it again!"

"Say what?"

"That you are proud of me."

Roan snorted and returned to his seat while saying.

"In your dreams."

Malaka's excited expression quickly disappeared after that. Obviously, she immediately began to complain and nag at him.

"Keep talking, and we will return to the sect to do fighting lessons. Let me see, three days straight should be good enough to shut you up."

Malaka immediately closed her mouth after hearing that.

As for Rean, he laughed out loud after seeing all of that. He then patted Malak's head once more before saying.

"Don't worry, your big brother Rean will protect you. But just for today, after that, you need to put your efforts into training again, just like your big sister Amanda."

Amanda was taken aback after hearing her name being mentioned.

"Cough, cough... your brothers are right."

She then got up and grabbed Malaka's hand.

"But that can wait. We still have an entire day to play, so your big sister will be the one to show the fun places now."

Malaka's eyes brightened, and she quickly got up as well.

"Great! Rean, Roan, let's go together!"

Roan immediately shook his head, though.

"I'm going back to the sect. I have a lot of things to do. If you need anything, let me know later."

Amanda was just about to stop Roan to ask about the Death Sword Style when suddenly, a book came flying in her direction.

"You already told me the things you were in doubt on our way here. I can also guess the other parts where you will probably get stuck. Just follow the instructions I put in there. It should be able to clarify most of your and your sisters' doubts."

He then turned around and began making his way to where they left the flying demon beasts.

Rean did the same thing.

"Me too. I only asked for a few hours free, but I need to return. I'm on sect duty at the moment. Amanda, I hope you can bring her back later."

Malaka got sad again, but Rean quickly patted her head once more.

"Don't worry, there will be plenty of time for us to play again in the future."

Malaka nodded.


Rean then turned around and quickly caught up to Roan in the distance.

Amanda saw those two running away and then at Malaka, who followed the twins with her eyes. Deep down, Amanda couldn't help but feel a little jealous of their relationship. As if she wanted to have big brothers like those two too. 

However, she immediately shook her head.

"What I'm thinking?! A proud member of the Blue Orchid Faction like me doesn't need any man's help!"

Although she said that, her voice's resolution wasn't as strong as it would usually be.

Malaka, of course, got confused.

"What you talking about, Senior Sister?"


Only now did Amanda notice that she said that aloud.

"Cough, cough... It's nothing. So, shall we go? We still have half a day free."

Malaka's eyes shinned again.


Just like that, the two girls disappeared in the middle of the crowd.