Before the world disaster, there were endless thunder and fire, especially the gushing of earth fire, which made the earth's crust move laterally, and many huge cracks were born. The high mountain was the sea, and the low sea was uplifted into the high mountain. In just a few months, the earth vein and terrain changed a lot.

After arranging the seeds of evil thoughts among the souls of all the dead, it's time to let them leave the sea of blood. It's not in line with Wu Yi's plan for the world.

At this moment, the blood demon image drives the vast sea of blood water to sink into countless cracks on the surface, with vertical and horizontal gullies. Although there are many blood waters, they divide and fall, and soon they all go underground.

Wu Yi did not bridge these separated surfaces. Through the separation of the sea of blood, he turned the land into scattered islands.

In the future, these islands will be the breeding and preaching places for the dead.

We should not gather the islands into the mainland. We should disperse their forces, otherwise there will be another land and Sea dispute in the future. Of course, if Wu Yi's mind changes, it is another matter.

Those people in the dead world suddenly left the sea of blood and saw that there was silence and no vitality on the ground.

After all, shortly after the great disaster, the world baptized by thunder, earth and fire, the lowest creatures have long died, but the so-called breaking and then standing. Although there are not many creatures now, the aura of the four directions is gradually born. In time, it's nothing to restore vitality.

Of course, with the current cultivation strength of the mind devil body, it is simple to speed up this process. It is not difficult to ascend to the sky step by step and everywhere, so as to make the world full of birds, flowers and luxuriant leaves.

Just before, because of suspicion, some people were wiped out, and there were still a lot of blood. Once they were sprinkled, they changed seeds with the way of five elements change. Under the nourishment of aura, plants and trees were born everywhere and had a small reincarnation.

At the next moment, the sea of blood surged. The people in the dead world didn't know what Wu Yi meant. They were afraid, but they didn't even have the courage to escape. The turbulent sea of blood deliberately avoided these small islands, otherwise a wave would go down, and these small islands would disappear in a moment, so they had to take pains to rebuild.

In the sea of blood, like before, a blood giant was catapulted into the sky, but at the moment, they were not allowed to resist the enemy, but to seal the gods in place.

With the golden light shining in the sky, it was originally just a group of blood giants who were not even living creatures. Therefore, they won the throne, and a group of gods who are responsible for clouds, rain and wind are responsible for a place.

The so-called aura, in short, is just Feng Shui, so Wu Yi sealed the God first. This is the God related to Feng Shui. As for why these blood giants should be sealed, naturally, it is because they are easy to control, weak in origin and limited in growth, and will not threaten the blood demon statue.

It was because of their weak origin that Wu Yi needed to seal many blood giants at one time.

Even if Wu Yi doesn't grant it now, with the further improvement of heaven and earth, some gods will still be born. In that case, it's better to occupy the pit early.

In a word, it's full of tricks. It's a bit of mischief in the eyes of outsiders. It's just that you can achieve your goal. What do you do.

The gods of wind, fog and thunderstorm are complete. We can see that the wind god is blowing. A gust of wind blows, breaking willows and flowers, destroying forests and trees, uncovering tiles and turning bricks, raising sand and moving stones. There is no light in the red sun on the horizon, and the yellow sand under the ground has wings.

Wu Yi was speechless for a while. Most of the plants and trees he had evolved with his aura were destroyed by this guy at one breath, but the air machine was stirred and the world was no longer dead.

Wu Yi doesn't mean to interfere. If a new official takes office and doesn't know what to do, he will be familiar with it. He only needs to be responsible for the beginning, and the subsequent evolution is up to them!

Just as nothing happened, Wu Yi watched these newly sealed Gods work in the air. After the God of wind, it was the God of fog, as if the ink had overturned. This was the fog that Wu Yi had seen most unlike fog. It covered the world in an instant and covered the world in a moment. Like chaos.

At this time, the fog was hazy and thick clouds were pouring in. When the God of thunder appeared, he thundered and shattered the mountains below. He flashed white thunder and flew out of the sky. A little thunder fell in the dense forest, and the mountain fire rolled and burned half the island.

Finally, the God of water appeared and exerted his divine power. It was as powerful as a silver man leaning into a natural graben and as fast as a cloud flowing through the Haimen. Gurgling like an urn to pick up, rolling like a basin to pour, there is no way to wash away the scenery.

Wu Yi could not help laughing when he saw the scene in front of him. The fatigue and fatigue of many days were swept away at this moment with the rough and clumsy actions of these new gods.

Accustomed to dealing with smart people, Wu Yi is about to forget that there is always a growth process in heaven and earth, regardless of Xianfan. He feels stupid when he goes back to see himself in the past.

However, with the growing time of cultivation, the boy who claimed to be able to live a long life, although he has more powerful strength, has become more and more cautious. To put it harshly, he is greedy for life and afraid of death.

In a neutral way, do what you want without exceeding the moment. The strength is much stronger. You can do whatever you want, but you don't exceed the rules. It's not impossible, but bad. Since it's bad, don't do it. Everything is within the rules.

With the passage of time, these ignorant new gods will one day understand the location of Qi luck and understand that they should be consistent with Qi luck. This is the potential rule. They can't go beyond it. Don't they go beyond it now? But when they understand this, they won't go beyond it.

The wind blows and the rain shines, and the aura changes with the wind and rain. The world is slowly moving on the right track. The people in the dead world are not weak in cultivation, enlighten the living creatures, teach Taoism, and everything is orderly. The size of the world is enough for these people to survive.

Wu Yi looks at the changes in front of him. He is quiet and peaceful. It is time for him to leave when things are finished in this world. However, it is unknown what the mind of Miaozhen devil is. It is a hidden danger.

The blood devil statue must stay in this world. In fact, it is impossible for the blood devil statue to leave this world. As a fundamental place, relying on the blood sea of this world, the blood devil statue can give full play to the strength of Taiyi Shangxian. If it leaves, it is a problem whether it can maintain mana stability.

Then, only the mind devil and the body are going to leave. If the wonderful real devil takes this opportunity, how should he deal with it.

Of course, as long as the mind devil body returns to the upper world smoothly, the wonderful real devil king cannot catch up with it. Although the mind devil body is a devil body, the upper world will not reject it because of the existence of Black Lotus. On the contrary, it will be welcome. If the wonderful real devil king enters, do you think those Taiyi immortals guarding the wall of the upper world are vegetarian?

Therefore, the most wonderful devil is to send a team to sneak in. With the power of Black Lotus, it is not without the power of a war.

How to smoothly return to the upper world from this world has become a difficult problem in front of Wu Yi.