Chapter 128 Important One

To her surprise, the hall was not big. It could only accommodate over a hundred people. It would be full of people and there were many empty seats.

There were many cameras in the venue, and some security guards were maintaining order.

Myra wanted to sit in the back seat, but she remembered what Kian had said when he sent her the invitation.

"It's an occasion to make my identity public. I hope you are present."

He said seriously at that time.

So, at least it should sit at a place that he could see.

So she walked forward and wanted to find a pla

have anything else to say.

Jane raised her eyebrows and nodded, "I know."

That was not what she wanted to know. Because just now, the brand with her name on it was putting next to her!

Noticing what she meant, Myra explained awkwardly, "I'm not a member of the news media."

"Oh," Jane nodded as if she suddenly understood. "Then you must be an important person invited by the Bai group, right? Otherwise, why is your name on the seat? We are all invited to have a random seat. You are the only one who is different. You must be an important person."