Chapter 203 Get Involved In Your Life

However, when he arrived at the downstairs of the Lofty Apartment, Archer suddenly stopped.

What's the use of going up?

She had been taken away by Ned. The kind of people like Ned...

After last night, and today... Could she still be the old Myra?

Archer didn't dare to think about it.

He was afraid that it would be difficult for him to see her in the future. And what would she look like when they met again?

The woman he used to... No, even now, she was still his beloved woman. What was she going through?

If he h

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ou now, but trust me, it won't be long before... "

"Myra," he interrupted her softly.


"I'm not asking you not to take revenge, nor is I asking you to pay all your attention to me. I mean... "


"I was just an onlooker in your past life. I regretted it. From now on, I hope I will be a part of it. You can do whatever you want to do, but I want to be involved in it, no matter how."

Myra was stunned. She understood.

He was the one who said that. Her happiness, anger and sorrow were all about him.