Chapter 103 - Danger On The Horizon

Shen Chen thought for a moment before placing the picture down. "I want one billion upfront as a means to show your sincerity. If you are willing to do that, I will deliver this girl to you." 

"Haha! Shen Chen is indeed a businessman. One billion is worth it." The young man sneered. He knew Shen Chen had no idea that his niece he was trying to sell off was actually a fox girl. 'The Shen Clan seems to have fallen greatly.'

"Then I will make my move once the money is transferred." Shen Chen said with a smile as he stretched his hand out. The young man also smiled and shook Shen Chen's hand. A deal between two idiots was just made.


Back on Shen Xia's side, she patted Shen Bai's back as she said: "Thank you. I will use this information well. But Baibai, stay away and act like you know nothing. Do not get involved, okay?" 

Shen Bai almost started crying again when she heard Shen Xia calling her so intimately. She never thought there would be a day when she would be this happy to hear Shen Xia call her in such a way. She nodded her head as she squeezed Shen Xia as she answered: "Mmm… I will listen to Xiaxia from now on."

Shen Xia smiled and rubbed Shen Bai's back. She was actually happy to know this girl was willing to turn over a new leaf. She just hoped this trend would continue. After the two hugged and talked for a while, Shen Xia sent Shen Bai on her way and sat in the dimly lit room by herself. "You girls can come out now. I smelt your scent a while ago."

"Ahh! Xiaxia, your nose is not fair!" Quan Xinya cried out. 

Three girls walked into the room to see Shen Xia sitting on a desk, looking back at them with a small smile on her lips. "You heard, right?"

"Yeah, but to think Shen Bai would be so different. It kinda sends chills down my spine." Quan Xinya said as she held herself and shivered.

"One less headache for me, the better. Plus, it is also better this way. If she becomes reliant on me, then when or if she has a baby girl, it will be easier to drag her along. But what concerns me are Shen Bo and Shen Chen. That uncle of mine has been acting strange as of late, and Shen Bo just wants to get revenge against me. While I can forgive Shen Bai because she realized her ways were wrong and was able to apologize, Shen Bo is a different story. I will not let her off easily. I also can not look past it if she gets pregnant... I will not allow my Shen Clan's bloodline to fall into the wrong hands."

"How do you plan to deal with that?" Lilith asked.

"This…. I think I may need my hubby's help with this." Shen Xia said with a sigh before realizing she said a little too much.

"Hubby!? Xiaxia did you already get married!?" Quan Xinya yelled as she stood up.

Shen Xia sighed and nodded her head. "We are officially married, but… We are not telling anyone so if you speak about this to anyone…. You do not want to know what I will make you do."

Quan Xinya pursed her lips and playfully punched Shen Xia. "I wouldn't say anything. Why do you have to threaten me like that?" 

"Haha!" Shen Xia let out a laugh as she rubbed Quan Xinya's head. "I know I was just joking. But things will go as planned already. We will still announce our engagement and then hold a wedding later on. So keep this to yourselves, please."

"It is probably best this way anyway," Lilith said with a bright smile. "While those of the Vorn family already know and are excited about it. Human society will not see it as good if you were to get married so early."

"Yes, but I think I might be looked down upon anyway very soon." Shen Xia blushed as she gently rubbed her stomach. 

The three girls' mouths all opened wide before smiling from ear to ear. Quan Xinya was the first to snap out of it and pounce on Shen Xia."Our Xiaxia might be having a little Xiaxia!"

"Alright, calm down!" Lilith said as she grabbed Quan Xinya by the collar of her school uniform and pulled her back. "What if you hurt my Young Miss!?"

Shen Xia could only shake her head at The two's antics. When she looked at Dai Na, who was staring at her stomach, she waved her over. "If you want to rub my belly too, you can. But you will see it is still pretty flat."

Dai Na blushed and shook her head. "I will wait." Yes, she would wait until it was a little round with a baby inside so she could feel the little one kicking.

Shen Xia shrugged and stood up. " We should head back to class. Lunch is almost over."

With that, the girls returned to class. The rest of the day was without incident. That night Shen Xia slipped into the hot bath that was filled with suds and leaned back. Her ears twitched a bit as she gently rubbed her belly. "Kable and my baby… I wonder how cute he or she will be. I will need to get tested soon to see if I truly am pregnant or not."

Shen Xia closed her eyes and thought back to all the sex she had with that handsome devil. Before she knew it, her finger was already dancing inside herself. She couldn't help but softly moan. The thought of the things she did with Kable really turned her on. She brought herself to a climax before finally retracting her hand. She licked her fingers as she mumbled. "Mmmm… If I am not pregnant then I will make him work harder..."

Outside the bathroom door with a towel in her hand, Lilith's face was bright red as she realized she had just heard something she should not have! "Maybe I should tell Mistress ahead of time that I will be coming to wash her hair at night… I will wait a few minutes before knocking…."