Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Wang Shuo discovered that it was prohibited to speak in the auction room, and they could only communicate through bids during the auction.

This setting was probably to prevent players from colluding and forcing the price down.

Then there was the option to set the price.

The players were free to set the price for the auction, and they even had the option to use real-life currencies. The entire setup was very user-friendly.

“For the starting price, one hundred Five Grain Pills.”

The cost price of a Yellow Sand Halberd was 100 pills, so setting the cost price as the starting price was definitely reasonable.

In any case, he had no shortage of these pills now, so there was no need to rip off much profit from these poor people.

While Wang Shuo was not a philanthropic and loving person, he didn’t want to go against his conscience.

Moreover, at this point, the number of people who had 100 Five Grain Pills was most likely pitifully little. He didn’t expect many people to be able to afford it.

Most importantly, his goal this time was not to gain Five Grains Pills.

He set up the price and started to input the information.

“Also open to any fist, movement, and staff skills x1.”

[Do you want to begin the auction?]


In less than five seconds, dozens of messages arrived.

Unsurprisingly, there were only two players who bid with the starting price. The rest used skills as their bids.

“[Ground Saber Technique (Middle Yellow Tier)] plus 20 [Five Grains Pills]. Trade?”

“Brother, I have a remnant page of a sword technique, [Single Lightning Sword (4) (Middle Yellow Tier)]. Are you interested?”

“[Twelve Kicking Styles (Middle Yellow Tier)], is this enough?”

“Boss, it’s so expensive. If we buy this from you, we won’t have food left. Can you make it cheaper?”

“[Ironhead Technique (Middle Yellow Tier)]. Big shot, have you cleared the second trial?”

Wang Shou scanned through the bids one by one and found that as more players bid, more good items were offered. But the skills offered didn’t meet his expectations.

The only skill he was satisfied with was the middle yellow-tier Twelve Kicking Styles.

After the player confirmed his bid, Wang Shuo agreed to the trade.

[You receive Twelve Kicking Styles.]

[Twelve Kicking Styles]

Grade: Middle Yellow Tier

Description: Each style is swift and fierce beyond compare.

Note: Cultivating this technique requires lesser mastery in the Common Basic Leg Technique.

“There’s actually a prerequisite?”

Wang Shuo was still wondering why the other party didn’t practice it himself. It turned out that he couldn’t practice it.

“Oh right, someone used a common basic technique to bid…”

He dragged the scroll bar up and found it.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t the leg technique but the fist technique.

“The fist technique is also okay. In any case, it seems like I’ll have to practice it sooner or later. So I guess I’ll take it!”

[You receive Common Basic Fist Technique.]

Wang Shuo casually threw the skill book into his inventory and continued scrolling.

“Huh, Advanced Basic Movement Technique… Middle yellow tier? Nice!”

[You receive Advanced Basic Movement Technique.]

[Advanced Basic Movement Technique]

Grade: Middle Yellow Tier

Description: Contains the advanced skills of basic movement techniques.

Note: Cultivating this technique requires lesser mastery in the Common Basic Movement Technique.

Looking at the description, Wang Shuo smiled in satisfaction.

Earlier, he had felt that his staff technique had reached the threshold of advancement. But alas, he was limited by his movement technique and couldn’t break through.

He had a hunch that as long as his movement technique could advance, it would also benefit his staff technique.

To him, just this skill alone was worth six Yellow Sand Halberds. As for the rest, they were just additional rewards.

He waited for nearly half an hour. Finally, someone offered the Common Basic Leg Technique.

He also found a middle yellow-tier staff skill Three Mountains Staff Technique and the Common Basic Palm Technique.

At this point, he had sold all six Yellow Sand Halberds.

Through the auction, he obtained three basic techniques—the fist technique, palm technique, and leg technique…

And three intermediate yellow-tier skills—Advanced Basic Movement Technique, Twelve Kicking Styles, and Three Mountain Staff Technique.

Practicing the basic techniques was basically the same as before.

With Wang Shuo’s current attributes, they were simple tasks.

In less than three hours, all three basic techniques reached the perfection realm.

On average, each basic technique only took an hour to reach perfection.

Next, Wang Shuo began cultivating the Advanced Basic Movement Technique.

He returned to the cat demon forest and leaped onto the stone array.

Compared to basic movement techniques, advanced movement techniques didn’t change much. The most critical difference was the method of exerting force was more complicated and exquisite.

For players with insufficient attributes, the techniques would be highly challenging.

But it was very relaxing for Wang Shuo.

With a Physique of 4.5, his control over his body improved significantly. Coupled with the Common Basic Movement Technique at perfection, cultivating the advanced version was straightforward.

In less than two hours, the Advanced Basic Movement Technique also smoothly reached perfection.

[Through your relentless efforts, your Advanced Basic Movement Technique has reached perfection.]

[You have a new understanding of the Common Basic Staff Technique. Your Common Basic Staff Technique has advanced to Advanced Basic Staff Technique.]


Wang Shuo punched in the air excitedly.

Previously, he had a hunch that his comprehension of staff techniques should have exceeded the basic level.

It turned out that his guess was right.

But as his comprehension of the Advanced Basic Staff Technique was done independently, many of his techniques were not mature.

After practicing for a total of four hours, he barely reached basic mastery and received the entire skill inheritance of the Advanced Basic Staff Technique.

Only after having the entire inheritance did cultivating it become much easier.

In less than half an hour, Wang Shuo cultivated it to the perfection realm.

At this time, the sun had already set.

Disregarding everything else in the game, the night sky was really magnificent.

“Who would have thought that one day I would become a cultivation maniac…”

Wang Shuo chuckled to himself as he looked at the two remaining skill books in his inventory. His gaze was firm once again.

“Let’s learn the Three Mountain Staff Technique.”

Under the radiance of the stars and moon, Wang Shuo brandished the Green Dragon Staff and cultivated again.

This technique was different from the basic staff technique.

The Three Mountain Staff Technique had a total of three moves, namely the first stance, Mountain Splitting; the second stance, Mountain Traversing; and the third stance, Mountain Shaking.

Mountain Splitting focused on offense, Mountain Traversing concentrated on defense, and Mountain Shaking was a combination of both.

As he practiced, Wang Shuo gradually comprehended the difference between the two intermediate yellow tier staff techniques.

The Advanced Basic Staff Technique contained the same 18 stances as the Common Basic Staff Technique. The stances were complicated and included the proper ways of exerting force through these advanced stances.

But in terms of attack power, it was inferior to the Three Mountain Staff Technique.

Furthermore, the Three Mountain Staff Technique’s effectiveness would shine in certain situations. The only disadvantage was that it consumed more energy than the former.

Simply put, the Advanced Basic Staff Technique strengthened regular attacks, while the Three Mountain Staff Technique was skill attacks.

“Not bad. I finally have a killer move now.”

While the basic staff techniques were very comprehensive, they lacked a game-changing and killer move.

The weaker attack power was alright when he faced average opponents. But if he encountered an opponent of the same level, he would be very passive.

One Five Grains Pill after another entered his stomach. Like a tireless machine, Wang Shuo waved his staff in this silent and lonely place with the whistling sound of air breaking as his sole companion.