No matter how curious he was, Wang Shuo wouldn’t put himself in danger to find out.

He took out the Berserker Greaves and scrutinized it. As expected of a special equipment set, it was a piece of mini equipment wrapped in a light ball floating above his palm, just like the Mystic Turtle Armor.

But it was class-specific.

“What a shame. I wanted to change my sneakers…”

Looking at his Nick sneakers that had bigger holes, Wang Shuo sighed helplessly.

Fortunately, he didn’t choose the Berserker Greaves for himself.

It was just that the other five options were simply too bad, so he had to choose the lesser evil.

Although the Colossal Potion had no usage restrictions, he didn’t have to worry about stamina with his massive stash of Five Grains Pills.

On the other hand, as a class-specific set, the Berserker Equipment Set should be very suitable for berserkers. The piece he chose should be able to sell for a good price once he left the novice village.

As for why he chose the greaves, it was entirely because of the Earth Trample +1 enchantment.

During the previous battle, Wang Shuo thought that the crowd control skill Earth Trample was definitely a core skill for berserkers, so the greaves’ value should be higher than the other two.

Wang Shuo put away the item, replenished his stamina, and hydrated himself. After a short rest, he felt that his body had recovered to its peak state. So he walked forward again.

Thirty meters away…

As expected, Wang Shuo arrived in the arena once again amid the clamorous cheers.

Not far away, a man in a hooded cloak who looked like a bamboo pole stood. He suddenly held a purple crystal ball in his hand and muttered something in cadence.

The next second, three black halos of light suddenly appeared around him, with the center rippling like water waves.

As the ripples hastened, a black wolf the size of a calf and two white apes nearly two meters tall emerged.

“I didn’t expect you to make it here!”

Unexpectedly, his opponent didn’t attack immediately.

Judging from his voice, he was a young man. His tone was like that of an opera performer, slightly trailing.

Wang Shuo laughed. “Is it very unexpected?”

“It is.” The cloaked man spoke as if he was chanting. “Normally, it’s impossible for someone with the mediocre bloodline of humans to make it here. But I can’t think of any other possibility besides luck.”

Wang Shuo didn’t comment. “Luck is also a part of strength, is it not?”

“Perhaps. But unfortunately, your good luck ends here because… you met me. Go, my servants, tear him apart!”

The cloaked man pointed at Wang Shuo with one hand, and the two apes and one wolf moved simultaneously.

The two white apes stomped on the ground and instantly leaped over ten meters with their four limbs to arrive in front of Wang Shuo in the blink of an eye.

“So fast!”

Wang Shuo’s body flashed horizontally and appeared in front of the white ape on his left. The Green Dragon Staff brazenly hacked down.

To his surprise, the white ape didn’t even look at him and instead grabbed him around the waist and withstood the blow with its back.


More surprisingly was the toughness of the white ape’s back. This strike felt as though it had struck steel.

Even so, the white ape didn’t have it easy either. The blow slammed it into the ground.

Just as Wang Shuo was about to follow up with another attack, the other white ape already caught up to him. Taking advantage of the fact that he had used up all his strength and had yet to recover, it suddenly grabbed the Green Dragon Staff.

The white ape’s strength was astonishing. Even with Wang Shuo’s superior Physique, it was difficult for him to struggle free.

As Wang Shuo struggled, the white ape on the ground had already recovered, and it stretched out its long arms to hold him again.

“Get lost!”

Wang Shuo roared and kicked his foot into the air without warning, slamming onto that hideous hairy face like a cannonball.

This was the eighth move of the Twelve Kicking Styles—Gold Revolution Standing Split.

Although the Twelve Kicking Styles at the perfection level wasn’t as powerful as the Green Dragon Staff, it was still highly damaging under the increase of his Physique of 4.5.

This kick sent the white ape that bent into a bow flying several meters away, and its jawbone even directly covered its nose.

“Looks like this beast isn’t as tough as I thought!”

As this thought flashed through his mind, he wrapped his leg around the captured staff. Then he flipped his body around and used the move ‘Dragon Capturing Belt Sizing’. The tip of his foot was like a spear as it stabbed toward the white ape’s throat.

This white ape was rather intelligent. After seeing the miserable state of its companion, it didn’t dare to receive the attack head-on. It hurriedly let go of the staff and retreated.

While the kick missed, the Green Dragon Staff returned to his hand.

As soon as Wang Shuo stabilized himself, he used his movement technique and went straight to the injured white ape.

The whole chain of movements from Wang Shuo was swift and decisive. In the blink of an eye, he had executed all his moves.

Just as he was about to seal the fate of the white ape, a menacing aura suddenly erupted from the side.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a crimson fireball the size of a washbasin hurtling toward him.

“I can’t dodge!”

The fireball moved at breakneck speed, and Wang Shuo instantly realized that it was impossible to dodge it completely.

So he simply gave up dodging and struck down with his staff.

As the fireball struck, the white ape struggling to get up on the ground dissipated into particles of light.

A blinding blue light flashed from Wang Shuo’s body. With a ‘chichi’ sound, the huge fireball directly evaporated.

“How is that possible! How can a trial-taker like you rely on equipment to resist a level one spell!”

The cloaked man, who had been standing in place and watching the battle, lost his composure when he saw this shocking scene. “Unless it’s legendary equipment…”

“This treasure is excellent!”

At this moment, Wang Shuo rejoiced that he had made this choice back then.

In a short period, the Mystic Turtle Armor had already saved him twice.

As for the cloaked man’s words, he couldn’t be bothered with them.

The two apes and one wolf were clearly a complete tactical system. The two apes restrained him while the black wolf waited for an opportunity to offer magic support.

He glanced at the heavily panting black wolf. It seemed a little lethargic after attacking with the fireball.

“There are indeed restrictions!”

Wang Shuo diverted a portion of his attention on the black wolf and again pounced at the white ape.

The white ape had a high level of intelligence, and the tragic death of its companion had clearly frightened it. Now, it relied on its speed to dodge left and right, not daring to get close.

“Trying to stall for time?”

Seeing the black wolf’s breathing gradually calm down, Wang Shuo ignored the ape and turned to rush at the black wolf.

“Stop him!” the cloaked man couldn’t help shouting.

A human-like fear flashed through the white ape’s eyes. But despite the hesitation, it still turned around to stop Wang Shuo.

Wang Shuo’s lips curled into a sneer. He allowed the enemy to run in front of him before smashing down with his staff.

The white ape hurriedly hid its head and arched its back.

“An animal is an animal!”

Wang Shuo flicked his wrist, and the staff turned into a swing to strike the white ape’s head from below like a whip.

Being a mystic-tier weapon, the Green Dragon Staff was much stronger than the earlier kick on the ape’s head.

This strike directly crushed the white ape’s skull and burst its brain.

The black wolf was finally prepared again. With its mouth open, a pungent smell of sulfur gushed out, and sparks began to gather.

“Want to spit?”

Wang Shuo stood still and silently watched as the other party’s flames brewed.

Then a green shadow flew across the sky. Like a bolt of lightning, it pierced down through the black wolf’s abdomen like a javelin, skewering it into the ground.

Wang Shuo strode forward, pulled out the Green Dragon Staff, and went straight to the cloaked man.


When Wang Shuo saw that he didn’t do anything else, he slowed down to hear what he had to say.