Chapter 214

"Team Zheng, why is it so sudden?"

Han Bin also had some accidents. He thought that even if he wanted to become the acting group leader, he would have to wait until Zeng Ping came back from training. When he had a new position, he would take over from Zeng Ping as the acting group leader.

This period is also a test of his ability.

"This is what Chen Bureau means. In his words, the criminal police are the backbone of the police force. At the critical moment, they have to be bold and able to keep the local stability and protect the peace of the people. If you do, the criminal police force also needs people like you." Zheng Kaixuan said.

"It's all the credit of the whole team. I'm just playing a leading role." Han Bin is modest.

"Then you should carry forward the leading role, take the team members of group 2 and continue to work hard to become the backbone of criminal investigation in our district and even the whole Qindao." Zheng Kaixuan encouraged.

"Yes, I will continue to work hard and live up to the trust of the leaders." Han Bin is right.

"I love to hear that."

Zheng Kaixuan smiles and glances at the crowd. Seeing that there is no difference on their faces, he continues: "there is a task to be assigned to your group."

"Another case?"

"Not new." Zheng Kaixuan organized a speech and continued:

"the key to the food poisoning case is the source of the poisoned beef. Although you caught Qian Guangyue, the butcher selling meat, the case of poisoned beef in beixizhang village has not been solved. If another cow is poisoned, it is likely that a similar situation will occur, so you need to take over the case."

"Beixizhang village is not under the jurisdiction of our branch. The local police station is already investigating this case. Is it appropriate for us to intervene rashly?" Han Bin said.

"Yes, they are not affiliated to a Branch Bureau. We are not familiar with the land. What should we do if they don't cooperate?" Li Hui agrees.

"That's what director Feng of the Municipal Bureau means. The Municipal Bureau doesn't want similar cases to happen, so it sends out elite police forces to fight criminals accurately and quickly. Just as you are familiar with this case, we will send your team to take a trip." Zheng Kaixuan said.

Since it's the meaning of the leaders of the Municipal Bureau, Han Bin naturally can't get rid of it. He says, "yes, let's clean up and start right away."

Qian Jinfeng is from beixizhang village. He was originally wanted to be arrested. It seems that this trip is inevitable.

Zheng Kaixuan explained a few more words about the local situation and contacts in beixizhang village. He explained the matter clearly before he left.


As soon as Zheng Kaixuan left, the room became lively.

"Congratulations, brother bin. If I get a promotion and a raise, I'll have to cover up later." Zhao Ming and he Xidao.

"Bingo, congratulations on your promotion." Sun Xiaopeng arched his hand and said in a gruff voice.

"Brother Bing, he doesn't have any eyesight. He'll have to call group leader Han in the future." Tian Li corrected.

"Yes, it's still Tian Jie who has a high consciousness. In the future, she'll have to call group leader Han." Li Hui echoed, then covered his back and sighed:

"recently, I always feel sour, weak, sweating and depressed. What's the matter?"

"Brother Hui, you kidney deficiency should be treated quickly." Zhao Ming said solemnly.

"How can this be treated?" Li Hui then asked.

"If you eat kidney, you can make up for what you eat. It's effective immediately. Make sure your legs don't hurt and your waist doesn't hurt. Eat it, and you'll have a good body." Zhao Ming embraces Li Hui's shoulder and cooperates very well.

"It's delicious, but the price is too expensive. I can't bear it." As Li Hui spoke, his eyes turned to Han Bin.

Han Bin laughs. He doesn't know the same old way. He wants to treat himself again. He points to Li Hui and Zhao Ming and says, "if you don't want to eat cashew, you can buy Huiyuan Shenbao. He's good and you're good."

Li Hui and Zhao Ming are embarrassed when their voice falls, and their posture of embracing their shoulders is even more dazzling.

"Ha ha..."

Sun Xiaopeng laughed.

Tian Li spat: "bah, hot eyes."


Han Bin's words are very lethal.

In the morning, Li Hui and Zhao Ming did not dare to see each other. Even if they took the bus, they were one before the other and never close to each other within one meter.

Li Hui, in particular, wants to throw up when he thinks of that sentence, he is good, you are good.

Even if it's the charred and tender kidney in front of you, you don't have that appetite.

Beixizhang village is nearly an hour's drive away from the urban area. Along the way, he just passed by Beiying village. Hanbin's hometown is a house facing the street. He just passed by the door of his home, but he was on business. Hanbin didn't get off the car.

Beixizhang village is under the jurisdiction of Xizhang Town, and the police station of Xizhang town is responsible for the case.

Cattle farmer Qian Jinfeng has been controlled by the police station, Han Bin and others directly rushed to Xizhang town police station.

Xizhang town police station area is not small, a door is a big yard, a row of south facing bungalows, the police station is not many, sparse parking a few police cars.

As soon as the car of Han Bin and others entered the yard, it attracted the attention of the police in the police station. Although it is also a police car, there is no such kind of cross-country car in the grass-roots police station.As soon as Han Bin and others got out of the car, a middle-aged man came up and said with a smile, "you should be comrades of Yuhua Branch."

Han Bin shook hands with the other party and said, "I'm Han Bin, leader of the second group of the third criminal investigation team of Yuhua Branch."

"Hello, leader Han. I'm Zhao Yusheng, deputy director of Xizhang town police station." The middle-aged man is very polite.

"Good director Zhao."

After introducing each other, Zhao Yusheng invited Han Bin and others into the office, and the police poured tea for them.

"The environment of the rural police station is relatively simple. I hope you don't blame it." Zhao Yusheng said.

"Director Zhao is very polite." Han Bin took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "this Laoshan tea tastes good."

"One of my cousins grows tea. Every year when the tea leaves come down, he will give me some. If you like, you can take some with you when you leave. There are still many in my family." Zhao Yusheng said with a smile.

"It's hard to get such a good tea. It's so funny to drink it with you." Han Bin said with a smile.

"Team leader Han, I like your accent. I think it's local." Zhao Yusheng asked.

"I'm from Beiying."

"Oh, look, it's not far from here. We're still villagers."

Han Bin put down the tea cup of his mobile phone: "yes, I feel kind when I listen to your accent."

Two people exchanged greetings again a few, Han Bin's words front a turn a way: "Zhao Suo, where is Qian Jinfeng now?"

"We received instructions from the county bureau. Yesterday afternoon, we arrested him and locked him in the next detention room, but..." Zhao Yusheng wants to talk but stops.

Han Bin handed a pair of cigarettes: "what's the matter?"

Zhao Yusheng took the cigarette and took the initiative to help Han Bin ignite with a lighter: "a little emotional."

"When I enter the police station, I'm still in a mood. It's good enough." Li Hui was also greedy. He took out a cigarette, lit it for himself, and smoked happily.

Han Bin is also a little puzzled and looks at each other with inquiring eyes.

"His cow was poisoned to death. I came to our police station to report the case. I took people to the scene. I also made some efforts to investigate, but the case got into trouble and several clues were broken." Zhao Yusheng took a puff of cigarette and said helplessly:

"yesterday, when we went to his house to arrest people, he was very happy. He thought that there was progress in the poison cow case. As a result, we arrested him. It's hard to avoid some contrast in his heart. I was so scared that I didn't dare to go home all night. I'm afraid he didn't want to go out and stare at him all night."

"Zhao Suo, what is the specific situation of this cattle poisoning case?" Han Bin asked.

Zhao Yusheng leaned his chair forward and said, "on October 14, at about 9 a.m., Qian Jinfeng reported the case in the Institute. At 10 o'clock, we arrived at the scene. There were six cows lying outside the cattle farm. One of them was dead. The other six were foaming, spasmodic and stiff limbs. I knew it was over as soon as I saw the symptoms. They must have been poisoned."

"What did the cow do with it?" Han Bin asked.

"We directly sent the dead cow to the County Bureau for testing. The remaining five cows were not dead at that time, so we had to dig a hole to bury them. Qian Jinfeng didn't agree. He thought the cow could be saved. As a result, we went to the scene the next day, and Qian Jinfeng said that the cow had been buried." Zhao Yusheng stood up and sighed:

"for this matter, our director was called to the county bureau. When he came back in the evening, he held an emergency meeting with us. At the meeting, he didn't say anything else, but just scolded him. Qian Jinfeng really hurt others and himself."

"How was Qian Jinfeng's cow poisoned?" Han Bin asked.

Zhao Yusheng took a puff of smoke and recalled: "he took the cattle out to eat grass in the morning. It should be that the grass was sprayed with tetramine. The cattle ate it and soon got poisoned."

"What do you say about the autopsy report of cattle?"

"It's tetramine."

"What clues were found at the scene?"

"We launched a carpet search around the scene and searched continuously for two days. We found a bottle containing Tetramine and the shoe print of a suspected suspect."

"Are there any fingerprints on the bottle?"

"Yes, we sent it to the County Bureau for comparison on the same day, but the fingerprint database was not successfully compared, otherwise it would not have been so hard." Zhao Yusheng said helplessly.

"Where's the shoe print?" Han Bin asked.

"Just a moment."

Zhao Yusheng went to one side, opened a wooden cabinet, took out a document from it, and put it in front of Han Bin: "this is the file of the poison cow case, which contains the photos and records of shoe prints."

Han Bin opened the file, looked at the information, looked at the photo of the shoe print, the shoe print is relatively clear, can't see the traces of wear, should be wearing for a short time.

"Any suspects?" Han Bin asked.

"Qian Jinfeng explained two suspects, but neither fingerprints nor shoe prints could be compared." Zhao Yusheng said.

"Judging from the shoe print, the suspect should be a man about 40 years old, about 1.75 meters tall." Han Bin said."Do you know footprint identification?" Zhao Yusheng had some accidents.

"I understand. If you see the qualified personnel involved in the case, you can pay attention to them." Han Bin said.

"No problem." Zhao Yusheng answered, but he didn't think so. His height is just that. You can infer it according to the size of his feet. Can you judge his age?

That's awesome, isn't it?