Chapter 544

"Comrades of the police, I'm not the only one like this, so are the other team members." It seems that he is afraid that Han Bin and others will not believe him. Cao Jingyang goes on to say,

"at the beginning, he was responsible for taking my old employee. He patrolled like this. I patrolled with him, and he had a rest, and I also had a rest. As a new employee, if he was special, he would be out of group."

Li Hui said with a smile, "Oh, you still have reason."

"No, no, I don't mean that. I know it's not right to do it, but everyone does it. If I don't, I'll be easily excluded." Cao Jingyang said.

"Where's the old employee who took you?"

"It's not that the efficiency of the resort is not good. It's been laid off."

Li Hui slapped, "that's enough. It shows that your leaders have a steelyard in mind. If you are lazy today and lazy tomorrow, you will be caught one day."

"I know. I will change it later. Comrade police, can you tell manager Hao about it?" Cao Jingyang prayed.

Li Hui is not the person in charge of the resort. Whether the staff are diligent or lazy has nothing to do with him. He said, "as long as you give a good account, you will tell the police what you know, and we are lazy to take care of the rest."

"Well, don't worry. I'll be honest." Cao Jingyang promised.

"Before, you said that someone deliberately framed you. Was it nonsense, or did you really have a suspect?"

Cao Jingyang said, "I have a suspect."


"His name is Chen jialie, and he is the waiter of the resort. There is a contradiction between us. I suspect he may have framed me."

"What's the conflict between you?"

Cao Jingyang clenched his fist and said, "Chen jialie came to the resort before me. He has been working here for more than a year. He fell in love with a girl, but the girl didn't like him. Later, when I got to the resort, I fell in love with that girl. He always envied me and told me to go away sooner or later."

"What's the girl's name and where does she work?"

"Li Xiaoqi, she is also a waiter of the resort. She is my girlfriend now. Since we two have been dating, that Chen jialie has been asking me for trouble and suing Diao in front of the leaders."

"Besides suspecting his motive, do you have any concrete evidence?" Han Bin asked.

Cao Jingyang shook his head. "I just know about it. What evidence can I have?"

After finishing the record, Zhao Ming took Cao Jingyang out.

Li Huiyang raised his chin, "binzi, do you want to detain Cao Jingyang?"

Whether or not Cao Jingyang is detained in this situation is between two options.

"I'm a consultant now. You can see for yourself how to arrange it." Han Bin looked at his watch. "It's getting late. I should withdraw later."

Li Hui squeezed his eyes, "go to dinner with his girlfriend?"


"Well, it's like someone doesn't have it." Li Hui turned his lips. He was still a little uncertain about whether to detain Cao Jingyang. He said, "binzi, how can you see that there is something wrong with Cao Jingyang's shoes? How sure are you? "

"Cao Jingyang's shoes are stuck with a small stone, which is consistent with the characteristics of the shoe prints left at the scene. The chance of coincidence is not big, but it is also difficult to be used as practical evidence." Han Bin said.

Li Hui nods and understands Han Bin's meaning. The shoe prints left at the scene are probably Cao Jingyang's. However, because only one third of the shoe prints are left, it is difficult to form a chain of evidence in law and can only be used to speculate on the case.

At this time, whether Cao Jingyang takes the initiative to admit it or not becomes particularly important. If Cao Jingyang bites to death and refuses to admit it, the incomplete shoe print alone can not be used as the evidence for the final decision.

However, Cao Jingyang was quite cooperative and took the initiative to say that his shoes were lost. As long as his words can be proved to be true or there is sufficient alibi, his suspicion can be ruled out.

After comprehensive consideration, Li Hui decided not to detain Cao Jingyang for the time being.

"Binzi, before you leave, arrange the task."

Han Bin did not polite with him, organized a language, "now the biggest suspect is Cao Jingyang, Cao Jingyang's peripheral relations and alibi investigation."

"Second, since Chen jialie has a motive for committing the crime, she should find the other party to take notes as soon as possible."

"Third, check the monitoring around the duty room to see if someone really stole Cao Jingyang's security shoes."

Li Hui chuckled and said, "heroes have the same ideas. Originally, I wanted to arrange it this way."

Han Bin was lazy and patted him on the shoulder. "Old iron, check it out, brother old fellow."

"Where are you going, dashing?"

Han Bin smiles, "it's none of your business!"


In the evening, Han Bin shakes off the light bulb and Huang Qianqian takes Wang Ting to a bar for a date.

This bar is different from the bars in the city. There is no loud music, no dazzling lights, some beautiful scenery, a gurgling stream, sitting at the bar, chatting, drinking, enjoying a romantic and comfortable atmosphere.Han Bin leaned on the stage with a cocktail in his hand and his eyes were a little empty.

Wang Ting tilted her head and leaned on Han Bin's shoulder, "how did you think of asking me to come to the bar?"

"It's not to get rid of that little light bulb." Han Bin said with a smile.

"Ha ha." Wang Ting chuckled, "let Qianqian hear it, you have to be impatient."

"Just kidding." Han Bin touched Wang Ting's long black hair and said, "I have time this afternoon. I talked with some resort guests for a while. They said the atmosphere here is good. I just want to take you to experience it. How do you feel?"

"It's very good. It's poetic. I also like to stay in such an environment. It makes people feel very comfortable. The whole person is relaxed." Wang tingdao.

Han Bin asked, "how was your afternoon?"

Wang Ting blinked her big eyes, "Qianqian and I made a beauty and skin, do you see any changes?"

For this kind of problem, Han Bin has a kind of conflict from the heart.

He used to associate with a girlfriend, often like to ask him, do you think I have any change today?

At that time, Han Bin was relatively young. He took this question as one thing and answered it truthfully. He didn't see any change.

Ex girlfriend pouts her lips.

Hanbin coax for a long time to know that the other side cut the hair curtain.

All of a sudden, there is a feeling of the ghost.

How many men will pay attention to the fact that the hair curtain is one centimeter long and one centimeter short?

After a period of experience in the society, Han Bin is much more mature than before, and he is more handy in answering such questions.

Han Bin touched Wang Ting's little hand and said with a smile, "it's tender and slippery. Mosquitoes have to fork when they fall on it."

"No, it's not as exaggerated as you said."

Han Bin embraces her willow waist, along with the situation kisses one mouthful, "is not exaggerating at all."

Wang Ting pretty face a red, some embarrassed, way, "next to someone."

"Or let's move to a place where there's no one." Han Bin squeezed his eyes.

"I don't care about you."

Han Bin took a sip of cocktail and asked, "tomorrow, where do you want to play?"

"I haven't thought about it. I was going to study with Qianqian in the evening, but I didn't expect that you would ask me to come here?"

"I don't like what you mean."

"No, I thought you would investigate the case very late, but I didn't expect you to have time to accompany me."

"It's important to investigate, but it's more important to be with you."

Wang Ting has a smile on her lips. She is obviously very satisfied with the answer, "by the way, how's the case going?"

"It's OK. If you're lucky, the case may be solved tomorrow."

"So powerful."

Han Bin a face of pride said, "that is, also don't see who pick the boyfriend."

They were bored in the bar for a while and didn't come back to their room until more than ten


Ma Fangfang's room.

There is soft music in the room.

Ma Fangfang is tidying up her clothes. Zheng Rong is standing at the door of the bathroom to blow her hair. Li Lan is sitting on the sofa chasing the drama.

After blowing her hair, Zheng Rong also sat on the sofa. "Sisters, time flies. In the blink of an eye, we're leaving."

Li Lan echoed, "yes, I always feel that I've just come here for two days. The good time is always short."

"It's wonderful. I think it's a thrilling time." Ma Fangfang showed a wry smile.

"Well, that's what happened. It's all over. Don't worry about it." Zheng rongdao.

"Fangfang, do you still contact the police before we leave?" Li Lan asked.

Ma Fangfang snorted, "what's good to contact? If they had a cable, they would have contacted me long ago. Moreover, the resort must have contacted the police. If the police have clues to solve the case, how can they easily promise compensation?"

"Fangfang, you think it through." Zheng Rong said with a smile.

Ma Fangfang replied, "it's 30000 yuan. I can't care. I think of all the possibilities. As long as the police have clues to solve the case, the resort will not easily mention compensation. They are smart. "

Zheng Rong asked, "when did the resort say it would transfer money to you?"

"Manager Hao said that he would transfer 30000 yuan of compensation to my account before noon tomorrow."

Li Lan said with a smile, "if he doesn't transfer money, we won't check out. It's just making trouble. Who's afraid of who?"

"They are such a big resort, things are really going to be big, the loss is more than twenty or thirty thousand."

Ma Fangfang nodded. She also felt that Li Lan's words were reasonable. However, without money in her hand, she was somewhat insecure.

Zheng Rong waved her arm and cried, "sisters, tomorrow is the last day of the resort. In the morning, I want to climb the mountain. Which of you want to go together?""I'm tired of climbing again. I don't want to go." Li Lan shook his head.

Ma Fangfang shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not going either. My shoes are a little hard this time. My heels were worn out last time I went climbing."

Zheng Rong sighed and looked aggrieved. "Well, I'll go alone. I hope to meet a handsome guy by chance. I envy you so much. "

The third daughter is laughing again