Chapter 1001

Previously, the content of the new case in the previous chapter was ignored.

We can't write a case. We can only revise the outline and think about a new case.

The last part of the last chapter has been revised. You can take a look at it again.


At 10:30 in the morning, Han Bin arrived at Jiufu Jindian, Dingxi road. He only took Zhao Ming and Zhang shungu with him. Others were still on vacation.

Han Bin has informed Wang Xiao and Zhu Jiaxu that they should summon the team members to the scene of the crime as soon as possible. As for leave, it can only be temporarily cancelled.

403 Jindian robbery was committed at 9 o'clock last night. Because the light was dark at that time, the scene investigation would have a certain impact. It is likely that the scene will be investigated again the next day. In order to avoid damage to the scene, the police have always sent people to protect the scene.

There was a cordon at the door of the store, and two policemen from the police station stood at the door.

Han Bin shows his police officer card, and the police officer on guard salutes in a hurry.

Han Bin didn't rush into the store, but looked around. The store is located in the downtown area of Qindao. It is a relatively prosperous place in the north of the city. Many cameras are installed around it. The place less than one kilometer away is Dingxi Road police station.

Han Bin takes back his eyes, the door of the gold shop is also equipped with surveillance cameras, it seems that the equipment should still be able to use, we have to say that these robbers are really brave.

Han Bin crossed the cordon and walked into the gold shop, which covers an area of about 70 or 80 square meters, with rows of glass counters. The counter has been damaged. A lot of broken glass is scattered on the ground, and the gold and silver ornaments inside the counter have been swept away.

There are scattered blood stains on the counter and on the ground, which is frightening and important evidence.

According to Ding Xifeng's description, these bloodstains are probably left by the injured shop assistant. But there is no absolute solution. When the suspect smashes the counter, he may be scratched by the glass of the counter, and his blood may be mixed with a lot of scattered blood.

If the blood of the suspect is found, there will be a breakthrough in the detection of the case.

Generally speaking, the robbery scene of this gold shop is not very different from that of most gold shops.

There are also four monitors installed inside the gold shop, three of which are facing the glass counter, and one is facing the cashier. As long as these monitors are not damaged during the robbery, we can use the surveillance video to perfectly restore the course of the crime.

This is very important for the detection of the case.

While Han Bin was checking the scene, the members of the second squadron arrived one after another. These members were the elites of the criminal investigation system of Qindao City, and soon turned from vacation to work.


At this time, a black car stopped near Jindian, and Ma Jingbo got out of the car.

He Yingsheng's eyes are sick and his mouth is quick. He reminds him, "the horse team is coming."

Han Bin also walked out of the gold shop and said, "horse team."

Ma Jingbo patted Han Bin's arm, glanced at the people in the second squadron, and said with a smile, "everyone is here."

"The horse team."

"Good horse team."

"Team horse, I heard that you have been promoted to the leader of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Chengbei Branch. Why don't you invite us to dinner?"

Ma Jingbo laughs, "I just took office for a short time, and my work is not smooth. I don't have time to invite you to dinner. When this case is finished, I'll treat you to a big meal. You can't have less than one. "


"It's the horsemen's treat. How dare we not go." The players roared one after another.

Han Bin said, "team horse, why did you come in person? I also said that after checking the scene, I would go to Chengbei Branch to see you."

"I miss you. I haven't worked with you for a long time. I just take this opportunity to miss you." Ma Jingbo waved, "let's go, I'll introduce you to the scene."

"The time of the crime was at nine o'clock last night. Two suspects rode motorcycles to the door of the gold shop and stopped the motorcycles at the door. They entered the gold shop directly. The two suspects had guns in their hands and soon controlled the staff of the gold shop and immediately closed the door.

One of the shop assistants tried to escape under the chaos. One of them was holding a suspect and injured his head with a hammer. Then the rolling gate was pulled down. The armed suspect controlled the shop assistant, and the other suspect was responsible for smashing the counter and taking away the gold ornaments.

The whole time of committing the crime was very short. It took less than four minutes from pulling down the rolling gate to pulling up the rolling gate. Then, the two suspects left the gold shop on motorcycles, and the clerk had time to call the police. When the comrades from the police station arrived, the suspect had already run away. "

Han Bin asked, "when the suspect pulled down the shutter, no one doubted, and the neighbors around didn't help to call the police?"

"It was already nine o'clock in the evening. There were not many pedestrians around. Some shops were closed. Even if they were not closed, the shop assistants would not stand at the door and stare at them. The suspect didn't get noticed when he entered the gold store. Afterwards, we visited a 24-hour convenience store.

At that time, the staff heard the two suspects yelling, but they didn't say it was a convenient time when they entered the shop.One of the convenience store clerks also stood at the door to check, but there was no abnormality on the street at that time. The gold store had pulled down the shutter. They thought it was going to close, so they didn't think much about it and returned to the store. "

Han Bin said, "only two suspects? Is there no Lookout outside the shop? "

"From the existing monitoring and clues, no third suspect has been found yet."

"What about the blood at the scene?"

"It should be the blood of the shop assistant. No blood sample of the second person has been found yet."

Because people from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Chengbei Branch Bureau have already investigated the scene, it's much easier for Han Bin to take people to investigate the scene again. He just knows the situation on the spot and has a definite impression in his mind.

Later, Han Bin and others followed Ma Jingbo back to Chengbei Branch.

In the conference room of Chengbei Branch Bureau, Han Bin met Hao Jianbo and Zhao Renqi again. Because they had drunk together, they got familiar with each other and were convenient for cooperation.

Later, Han Bin checked the surveillance at the time of the crime, and the video content was very clear. The two suspects rode a red motorcycle to stop at the door of the gold shop, wore helmets to enter the gold shop, and then switched to the surveillance in the gold shop.

In terms of body size, the suspects should be two men, one wearing a black coat and dark blue trousers, the other wearing a fur collar coat and black trousers, the man riding a motorcycle wearing black leather gloves, and the other wearing transparent plastic gloves after entering the store.

From this point of view, the suspects have done their homework in advance. The risk of robbery in the downtown area is very high, and they must act quickly. The most time-consuming place to rob a gold shop is to collect the gold and silver jewelry in the gold shop. The wider and thicker the gloves are, the more inconvenient it is to collect them. The thinner the plastic gloves are, and they will not leave fingerprints.

The two men were carrying bags on their backs. After entering the store, the man riding the motorcycle took a handgun out of the bag. Another man pulled down the shutter and tried to escape from the two suspects behind, leaning against the shop assistant near the door.

Unfortunately, this move was seen by the suspect who pulled the gate. He took out a hammer from his bag and hit the runaway clerk's head without hesitation.

"Bang!" Life, blood splashing, shop assistant scream, fell to the ground.

The man with the gun came to help and kicked the injured clerk. Another suspect continued to pull down the rolling gate.

When the shutter fell, the two suspects worked together. The man with a gun was in charge of guarding. Another man smashed the glass counter with a hammer to quickly collect gold and silver jewelry in the shop.

"Bang bang!" The sound of smashing the glass is heard all the time.

Several shop assistants were scared to hide in the side, with a lesson from the past, don't say cry for help, a voice dare not make.

After taking away the gold and silver ornaments, the two suspects left the gold shop, and the picture turned to the monitoring outside the shop again.

Two suspects mounted motorcycles and quickly disappeared under surveillance

After reading, there are three words left in Han Bin's mind: clean, neat, cruel

After Han Bin watched the video, Ma Jingbo asked, "how about it? What do you find? "

Han Bin pondered for a moment, "the sound of breaking the glass is so loud, and the convenience store is only 20 meters away. It's reasonable that the clerk can't hear it."

Ma Jingbo said, "yes, there's something wrong with that. I'll make a record for them later. If these two people really intend to hide, we must find out the reason.

Team Han, do you have any other discoveries? "

Han Bin continued, "according to my observation, the leg of a man with a gun should have been injured, and he should be about 45 years old. The man with a hammer is younger, and he should not be over 30 years old. Of course, this is only a rough observation through the video. If the technology department can collect the footprints of the suspect, it can make a more accurate judgment. "

Ma Jingbo spread his hand, "unfortunately, the scene did not find the footprints of the suspect."

Zhao Renqi was a little surprised, "Captain Han, I've heard of the technology of judging height by video. The suspect didn't even show his face, so you can judge their age?"

Han Bin said, "I've learned some skills of footprint identification, and can roughly judge the age of the suspect according to the posture, gait and characteristics of the suspect's walking."

The people in the second squadron took it for granted, while the people in the North Branch of the city were a little skeptical. Although they all knew about footprint identification, they also knew that this knowledge was very complicated, and it was hard to believe it if they didn't see it with their own eyes.

Ma Jingbo smiles and doesn't explain too much. It's a mule or a horse. When he catches the suspect, he will know.

Han Bin said, "horse team, I heard from Ding detachment that there were two gold shop robberies seven years ago. I don't know what the two cases have in common with this one."

Ma Jingbo took out two kraft paper bags and handed them to Han Bin. "This is part of the information of the other two cases. I'm also coming with the Ding detachment. The detailed files are still stored in the Municipal Bureau. If you want to check them, it's more convenient than me. "

This is also the reason why Ma Jingbo wants to set up a special joint investigation team. It's not easy for lower level departments to transfer files from the Municipal Bureau. Although he used to work in the Municipal Bureau, now he is transferred to the North Branch of the city. It's not convenient for him to lose a layer of identity."I also participated in the investigation of two robberies seven years ago. I can give you a brief introduction. These two robberies happened in Yuhua District. In the first case, a shop assistant was shot and killed. It was the homemade pistol in the video. It was the same style, size and color. I remember it very clearly because it was different from ordinary pistols because of its rough workmanship.

In addition, there are several common points. For example, the suspects involved in the case are two people, the vehicles are motorcycles, they use plastic gloves to collect gold and silver jewelry, and they all wear helmets to cover their faces when committing crimes. These distinctive criminal characteristics are exactly the same as those of the previous two cases. "

Han Bin roughly looked at the file and asked, "are there surveillance videos in the other two cases?"

Ma Jingbo said, "yes, it should be kept in the Municipal Bureau archives. If you want to see it, you have to think of your own way."

Han Bin nods and begins to look at the information of the first two cases. The premise for setting up a joint investigation team is that this case is related to the two cases seven years ago. Without certain evidence, Han Bin can't believe Ma Jingbo's one-sided words. After

, Han Bin as like as two peas in the seven cases two years ago, had a lot of similarities with the 403 robbery. One of the suspects was a picture of a pistol in the hands of a suspect. It was almost identical to that of a 403 suspect.

Then, Han Bin said hello and left the conference room to report to Ding Xifeng by phone.


Forty minutes later, Ding Xifeng personally arrived at the North Branch of the city.

Ma Jingbo and Han Bin met in the yard ahead of time, and also alerted Chen Weixiong, deputy director in charge of criminal investigation of Chengbei Branch.

When deputy director Chen learned that Ding Xifeng was coming, he also went to the courtyard to greet him in advance, which caused many police officers to watch.

Ding Xifeng is a vigorous and resolute man. After getting off the bus, he exchanged a simple greeting and said, "director Chen, is there any new progress in the investigation of 403 Jindian robbery?"

Chen Weixiong is still in charge of the case with Ma Jingbo

"Good." Ma Jingbo should say that he knows his old boss better than his new one and is more used to communication.

Subsequently, Ma Jingbo briefly introduced the progress of the case and made his own speculation.

Ding Xifeng heard, "Han Bin, what do you think?"

"I've taken people to investigate the scene of 403 cases, but I don't know much about the two cases seven years ago. I need to read the detailed files to determine whether the three cases were committed by the same group of suspects."

"OK, I've got the file. Let's go and have a look."

The party returned to the conference room again and, as mentioned by Han Bin, showed the monitoring images of the two cases seven years ago.

Because of the limitations of the times and technology, the definition of surveillance video seven years ago is far less than that of 403 case video, but the process of the suspect's crime can still be clearly seen. As Ma Jingbo said, there are some distinctive common features in the three cases.

From these clues, we can see that the characteristics of the three cases are very similar, either they are the same group of suspects or they are imitators.

Different from other players, Han Bin should be more careful. In addition to the above details, he is also observing the body shape, walking posture, gait and other characteristics of the suspects to further determine whether they are the same group of suspects.

Within half an hour, Han Bin replayed the video more than ten times in a row. After careful comparison, he found a new clue