Wen wanwan's nerve line was suddenly suspended, and she even felt that the sound was getting closer and closer

"Wen dundun"


Someone's calling me!

In the dark night, in the open valley, suddenly there was such a cry. It was so clear that Wen wanwan woke up instantly!

"Wen dundun"

In a few seconds, the repeated call sounded again.

Wen wanwan confirmed that this is the voice of Yan Shengli!

Only he would call her that!

He received the location I sent out! He really came to me!

Wenwanwan's heart was in a frenzy. In a moment, his eyes were moist!

"Yan Shengli! I am here! Yan Shengli“

Wen wanwan stood up, regardless of ankle pain, a pucker, toward the mouth of the cave stumbling run!

Yan Shengli, who is groping for the direction, hears the familiar response and steps.

It's her!

That idiot is really around here!

Yan Shengli's heart rate also increased rapidly. Thinking that Wen wanwan had been trapped in such a place all night, his heart began to feel a slight tingling.

This fool, really will be so stupid.

When I went hiking, I lost myself in the mountains!


But just temporarily distracted, but don't want to hear the voice of Wen wanwan scream!

Yan Sheng Li's heart was startled, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes!


With the cry of Yan Shengli, Wen wanwan also heard the approach of a hasty step.

Wen wanwan, sitting on the ground, raised his head in a trance and saw a faint light. Soon, someone's tall and handsome figure and outline gradually became clear in his eyes.

It's him!

It's really him!

It's her big wolf!

Tears almost all of a sudden, uncontrollable overflow of the eyes!

Yan Shengli, who was holding a flashlight, had not come near, but her steps slowed down gradually, and her expression was dull.

Where would he expect to see such a Wen Wan.

All wet, white uniform shirt is also dirty, at the moment is still sitting on the wet ground, eyes full of tears, the whole person looks more embarrassed!

For a moment, he felt something heavy hit his heart. It was painful.

Wen wanwan stood up with pain and discomfort. She was so embarrassed and terrible, but she still laughed when she saw the person in front of her.

Something seemed to rush up in her heart, drowning her reason.

Wen wanwan forced himself to endure the pain and rushed to Yan Shengli, who was not far away. In his trance, his petite body suddenly bumped into his arms and held it tightly.

"I don't think I'll see you tonight!"

Wen wanwan brings back Yan Shengli's thoughts with the voice of crying. He just wakes up, and his expression is contradictory. He doesn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

Yan Shengli slowly raises her hands, embraces Wen wanwan, and touches her head with one hand to gently pacify her.

At this moment, the real embrace, the real touch, so that he came all the way hanging heart is finally a little down.

Feeling the strength of Wen wanwan's embrace, she also felt the fear and uneasiness in her heart. Yan Shengli bowed her head and kissed Wen wanwan's hair top, and raised her lips slightly.


He make complaints about two words.

"It's all right. Don't be afraid."


Wen wanwan nodded hard and held Yan Shengli's hands tightly. He didn't want to let go.

It's all right. She knows it's all right. Even if there's anything else, as long as he's around, no matter what happens, she won't be afraid