Dark warehouse, narrow space, dim light, only incandescent light swaying in the dark.

Wen wanwan woke up from the misty, breathing, there was still a faint sweet smell of Ge Luofang.

She slowly opened her tired star eyes. In the afterglow, she saw a bright light projected from the narrow air window, and the sound of a gust of cold wind blowing.

It's already dawn.

But where is this?

Wen wanwan could not guess, but also realized that his current situation was very bad.

She closed her eyes and tried to remember what happened before she fell asleep

In order to watch the fire, she did her homework in the restaurant. Later, someone rang the doorbell and she went to open the door. As soon as the door opened, she was dazed


Wen wanwan guessed that it was only possible.

But how could you kidnap her?

Once again, it's not impossible. Wen wanwan is also a child of a rich family. Even if she is not Chunyu's next of kin, if Chunyu's concubine knows that she has been kidnapped, she will save her at all costs!

you 're right.

Wen wanwan figured it out.

It must be kidnapping and blackmail!

Because now Princess Chunyu is the highest administrator of Chunyu group, this matter has been reported by the media for a long time, and the protection attitude of Princess Chunyu to Wen wanwan can be seen by people with clear eyes. Therefore, kidnapping her Wen wanwan is reasonable!

"Hoo --"

Wen wanwan sighed and tried her best to sit up.

Her hands and feet were tied up and clenched so tightly that even if she wanted to bite with her teeth, she couldn't get them off.

"Squeak --"

Suddenly came the sound of wooden door open, Wen wanwan subconsciously raised his head, suddenly saw two wearing black masks, a fat and a thin man came in.

"I'm awake already!"

The thin bamboo pole sneers and approaches Wen wanwan.

"What do you want? Want to kidnap and extort? "

Wen wanwan asked straight to the point, star eyes straight carried, fearless!

"Oh! My little sister is quite bold! "

The fat man said with a bad smile, squatting down, put the fat head and big ears together to Wen wanwan's cheek and sniffed hard.

Wenwanwan quickly disgusted to avoid, heart is very nervous.

"How fragrant! It's really the taste of a little girl! "


Wen wanwan scolded.

"Let me go! Kidnapping is against the law

"Kidnapping is against the law. Of course, we know it, but since we have all done it, we have already let it go! You have so much money in your family

The thin bamboo pole is shaking feet, that pair of greedy eyes son revolves on the small face of Wen Wan.

"Here's an agreement. If you sign it, we'll let you go!"

Thin bamboo pole said, took out an agreement, directly turned to the last page of the signature column.

Wen wanwan didn't know what it was, so she asked her to sign it. Of course, she couldn't sign it.

"Little sister, if you don't want to suffer, just sign."

Fat man stood up and looked down at the unmoved Wen wanwan, with a threat in his tone.

"If you want to blackmail, call my family. Anyway, I won't sign anything!"

Wen wanwan refused decisively, even in fear, but his face was calm.

Get such answer, thin bamboo pole annoyed!

"It's so damn stubborn!"

"Big brother, now..."

"Get her out! Teach her a lesson and see if she signs it or not! "

Thin bamboo pole command, Wen wanwan realize bad when the whole person was dead fat to pull up!

"What do you want to do! let go! Don't touch me