After so many years, today, for the first time, he tasted the feeling of being put together, and he finally felt it!

The dinner outside is still going on. Wen wanwan and his party all come to the living room on the second floor.

It's still a luxurious decoration, with a noble and elegant atmosphere everywhere.

The servant also brought delicate and delicious snacks and fruit drinks, followed by respectful retreat.

Old man Yan sat on the sofa with a straight face, but he didn't say a word. He just sat quietly on crutches.

Mrs. Helian was also sitting, just opposite old man Yan. All the other young people were standing on both sides. Naturally, Wen wanwan and Yan Shengli didn't want to stand on both sides, just standing in the middle.

Mrs. Helian took out two documents and asked Chunyu to put them on the tea table.

"Mr. Yan, this is the paternity test report of my daughter and I, as well as Wan Wan. It clearly indicates our immediate family relationship. If you have any doubts, we can do it again to ensure that your concerns are eliminated and Wan Wan's identity is confirmed."

"Mrs. herring, you are queen pila's sister. As an authority, my father and I, and my family, all believe what you say."

Yan Liquan spoke instead of Yan. Yan Zhizhi nodded his head and laughed at Wen wanwan.

Seeing the bright smile, Wen wanwan was in a better mood.

Just looking back to see Yin Ziling that gloomy face, Wen wanwan skip line of sight, Xiu Mei gently picked.

Mrs. herring nodded cheerfully.

"In fact, wanwan and Xiaoyan originally made an engagement. Wanwan is also the daughter-in-law that Mr. Yan likes. But later, I don't know who changed wanwan's DNA report maliciously, so Mr. Yan vetoed wanwan in our family."

Mrs. herring went on, always in a calm tone.

Everyone listened quietly, no one intervened, and the old man was silent.

Mrs. herring laughed.

"There may be some misunderstanding between pilar and the Baron, but I think from now on, there will never be any misunderstanding or even contradiction between the two countries."

She promised.

"It's true that the forced marriage of two strangers would be a political victim between countries, but wanwan and Xiaoyan had met and fell in love long before we decided to marry. This is a very rare fate."

Mrs. herring gave a pause.

"More importantly, Mr. Yan, you should also realize that no matter wanwan vs. Xiaoyan or Xiaoyan vs. wanwan, their feelings for each other are obvious to all. I really can't think of any reason to break them up for such a loving, righteous and natural couple!"

Indeed, there is no reason. If there is a reason, it's just for gambling!

"Ha ha ha..."

Silent for a long time, the old man finally made a sound, and once he made a sound, it was an elusive laugh.

The laughter sounded very hearty, but Wen wanwan and Yan Shengli were very worried.

Old man Yan is calm and complicated. No one can guess what he will say next.

However, no one thought that after laughing, the old man looked at Mrs. herring with a bright smile.

"Since Mrs. herring can't think of any reason to break up the young lovers, what reason do I, the old man, have to break them up?"