Date: 25/8/2269
Location: The Grand Canyon, classified hidden bunker 2000m below the surface.
Current Event: The Atomic war between Russia, China, and the US.
The classified hidden bunker, also known as, UP (Underworld Protocol, launched by the US government in case of apocalyptic instances) is a series of large spherical hollowings, descending downwards, which are connected by tubes. There are thirteen of these 1000m radius spheres. Each of them is layered with land every 25m as one descends further. Over 1.5 million people are inhabiting this gigantic bunker. Each of the operational zones is also named in the alphabetical order going from A to M, from the highest altitude to the lowest respectively.
In the Medic Ward of the Zone M, life both flourishes, and meets its destiny.
This place was soon to be known as the 'descendence of the great savior', as per religion-based communities, the 'birthplace of the eccentric psycho', as per the science-based communities, the 'origin of the human god', and etc, due to what was born here. In the far East end of the ward, both life and death were about to occur.
(AN: I'm probably the farthest thing from a doctor but please bear with the explanation that is about to come)
A 24-year-old woman name Susan Van Quille was in the process of giving birth.
One would think that the cure to cancer had been developed by then but at that moment all portable CT scanners were in use. So, unbeknownst to anyone, this woman was at the verge of extinction. what was worse was the tissue that had mutated to become cancerous had started out in the stomach and was now nearing the womb at a rapid rate. Just as the baby was about to be delivered, the cancerous cells had reached the baby's brain and had affected it. The cancerous tissue had also reached a major artery and affected the vein tube, severely weakening the amount of pressure it could take from the inside.
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Right as the woman pushed, her major artery popped. Her stomach started to fill up with blood by the second. As her focus was purely on pushing out the baby she ignored the feeling of fluids filling up her stomach, thinking it was a normal occurrence.
The baby was out, with a slight tinge of blue able to be seen on the back of the head near the neck. when the doctor was actively investigating the baby's body for flaws and issues, he found the blue tinge and instantly ran out of the room, taking the nurses and the surgeons as he realized the baby wasn't normal, but not knowing it was cancer and thus, not checking on the lady that just gave birth. Right after the room was left empty, the woman started choking on the blood that had filled up her food pipe and had overflown into the air pipe. Due to the blood loss and the fact that she had just given birth, she couldn't move towards the bell ringer to call a doctor. In only a spare minute or two, her life signs had disappeared.
As for the baby, he (as the doctor had found his gender during the investigation) was placed in an old CT scan room, as at that moment, the portable ones weren't available. He was then transported to an emergency operation room, as the scan had discovered the bluish tissue was cancerous and had affected the brain. Because of the relatively new tissue of the baby, the speed of the cancerous cells had decreased drastically.
The surgery had taken only half an hour and by then, the death of the lady had been notified to the doctors by a nurse that had rushed back to the lady after remembering that no one was left to care for her.
There had been a fair amount of medical advancements in recent years and could gain back an arm with stem cells embedded with one's genes. This worked for most people but some had mutations which made their gene embedded stem cells mutate weirdly, for example, the stem cells mutate into a right arm whereas the gene for the left arm was embedded.
This was also the case with this baby. A part of his cerebral cortex was affected by the cancer cells and had been removed and replaced with stem cells embedded with the DNA of the whole brain.
The mutation then occurred. The stem cells mutated and changed into another part of the brain, namely the Wernickes' Area, the part of the brain where comprehension and processing occurs. But that was not all.
A strand of stem cells had been left as the number of cells needed for making the Wernickes' Area, was lower compared to the amount of stem cell tissue that was replaced. The strand had been moved towards the frontal lobe, which is the part of the brain because of which emotions are formed because the nurses had moved the baby to the attention center for babies in the medical ward. The stem cells that had moved then started to mutate AND change the connections inside the frontal lobe. The stem cells mutated into a brain stem that was connected to the frontal lobe and ran down towards the second brain stem that was already partly formed and joined itself to it.
This baby had now lost the ability to form emotions for the gain of perfect processing and memory.
And Thus, was the birth of the Greatest Human mind to ever exist, without even a greeting from his mother to remember her by, nor the ability to care for it.