The third prince has solved the problem, but the trouble has not stopped. No, there are envoys of the state of Lu.

The state of Lu is different from some big Confucian countries. They grew up on horseback, and their situation and style are very bold, let alone pay attention to the red tape. For example, when their father died, as a son, he could inherit his wife and concubine in addition to his property. Now, it is said that the old emperor is old and the princes under him are ready to move. At this moment, they suddenly came to canglan state, I'm not sure what wrong idea I'm making.

The envoys of other countries had no reason to refuse the audience. Gu Bai followed his finger to a minister to greet him. As for the next thing, it is often said that the soldiers came to cover the water and earth.

When winter goes and spring comes, the thick ice and snow has already smiled. In the twinkling of an eye, Ji Beiting has lived in the palace for half a year. During this half a year, the little emperor has called him a good man. The harem is vacant. The little emperor spends most of his time with him, enjoying flowers, moon, wine and food. As long as it is a good thing presented by the bottom people, the two princes have one.

Slowly, there began to be messages in the palace. For example, the emperor was not close to women. It was entirely because he liked the northwest king. You know, although the emperor had a funeral period, it was not really close to women. It was just that he could not take a wife and concubine. Ordinary favor was OK. Taboo love is often the favorite gossip of the people in the market. They don't know whether it's true or false, but they talk in full swing.

Gu Bai certainly knew about this, but she deliberately couldn't help it. Instead, she had fun and became more and more interested in Ji Beiting.

For example, at this moment, she appeared in Yuyang hall in a white dress and looked at Ji Beiting with a cold face.

"Second brother, let's go out of the palace. I heard that a new restaurant has been opened on East Street. It tastes good. The most important thing is that the girls inside are very good at telling stories."

Gu Bai smiled with bright eyes and bright teeth. He couldn't see the ruthlessness in the past. He was just like an ordinary young man. He was coquettish occasionally, which made people can't bear to refuse.

The little emperor is used to being a demon. As long as it doesn't harm the surrounding palace attendants, they have already dealt with it calmly. Only northwest Wang Ji Beiting has a cold face and a pair of Phoenix eyes.

Gu Baicai didn't care. Seeing that he was unmoved, he directly dragged his sleeve out.

Although the little emperor was not tall, but her strength was not small. She dragged Ji Beiting like this, but she was out of breath and her face was not red. She looked as if she was walking.

Ji Beiting stared at her with a pair of Phoenix eyes. For half a year, he said it was not long. They fought secretly for countless times, but he was stunned that he couldn't get any benefit from her. On the contrary, many of the rights of those waste brothers fell into his hands.

He looked at the hand holding his sleeve. The hand was green and delicate. It didn't look like a man. Looking up at the smiling face, he suddenly felt a cold hum in his heart. Outsiders said that the little emperor was very handsome, but he felt that a man should have masculinity, just like those generals in his camp. Which was not strong and tall?

He intended to brush his sleeve and leave, but somehow, he suddenly lowered his eyes, but saw that the little emperor was blinking a pair of big eyes, just like the dog that was about to be abandoned by his master, looking at him pitifully, which made people unbearable.

With this hesitation, he was pulled out for a long distance.

"Second brother, although we are out of the Palace this time, you can't be as naughty as last time. You can't go to places such as South Street, let alone meet any villains again. I have to take good care of my second brother's body for my second sister-in-law in the future."

Ji Beiting stared at the small mouth and had the illusion that he wanted to tear it up.

"Shut up."

He couldn't bear it. He finally said such treacherous words, but the words had been exported, and it was too late to regret. However, he would not regret Ji Beiting.

Unexpectedly, the little emperor was not angry. Instead, he said with a smile: "the second brother has a bad temper. I don't care, but the second sister-in-law in the future is a charming flower and can't be scolded."

What she said was wanton and loose, but Ji Beiting was suddenly silent.

Future second sister-in-law?

He Ji Beiting has been fighting in the battlefield for several years, but he has never been moved to anyone. He has never been moved before. Later... Thinking about the current situation, he suddenly shook his head and sneered. How can he have a long love for children and women? Although Yueer is the only person he cares about in his heart, this kind of thinking is not a long love for children and women. She is the salvation of his youth. This feeling is higher than all.

"My future wife won't bother the emperor."

He was always cold, like ice, but only the little emperor still haunted him for half a year. Sometimes he didn't see her for a long time. He thought strangely about what she was doing. Sure enough, habit is a very terrible thing.

Gu Bai doesn't know that her perseverance in the past six months has finally been effective. At the moment, she is really just thinking of the palace.

The capital is a good place. At the foot of the emperor, it is prosperous and lively. Gu Bai always goes out for a walk from time to time. According to 518, she looks for some delicious food or interesting things, which also adds some color to her difficult task.

The emperor made a private visit in micro clothes. There was no one around except Ji Beiting, which surprised both sides.

The people on the emperor's side wondered whether the emperor planned to secretly remove people outside the palace; The people on Ji Beiting's side thought so, so although there was no one on the surface, there were a lot of dark guards behind.

Ji Beiting still looks sick and weak, so Gu Bai doesn't take him around, but directly comes to the restaurant she's looking for.

Most of the East Street are ministers of the imperial court, as well as the areas where scholarly families live. It is not difficult to guess the identity of the owner behind the restaurant. Those who come here to spend are also those who are either rich or expensive. After all, the price of the restaurant is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

However, the problem of money is not a problem for Gu Bai at all. She led Ji Beiting all the way to the elegant room on the second floor. The layout of the elegant room is very elegant. When you open the window, you can see the bustling and bustling streets.

This restaurant is quiet in the middle of trouble. When you open the window, you can see the bustle of the secular world, but when you close the window, there is another scene inside.

The delicious food was soon brought up. Ji Beiting was a stuffy gourd. He didn't talk much. Gu Bai had good wine and didn't bother to talk to him. He simply carried the wine pot and sat obliquely at the window. He looked a little happy, young Xia in the Jianghu.

In addition to delicious food and wine, the restaurant also provides services such as playing the piano and storytelling. Gu Bai ordered a storytelling before. The visitor was a young boy who was talking about the gratitude and hatred of the Jianghu. That's the beauty.

The young man's book says very well. It's like being on the spot.

Therefore, Gu Bai, on a whim, suddenly took the piano in the room to her lap. She held the wine pot in one hand and played the piano in one hand. She sang exactly: "I should stay in the Jianghu, drink a pot of muddy wine, and watch the flowers in the deep sorrow when drunk. Don't go on a wild trip outside the pass and leave a beautiful woman waiting. How many floors is this in the dream..."