"Nothing is more important than having a sister!" As soon as Su Yan's voice fell, the snow took off.

He was hugged by the princess.

"Children don't mean they can be born." Snow White doesn't have a good airway. If there's anything good between them over the years, it's in bed and. His enthusiasm always makes her feel that he loves her. Such a thought also keeps her going.

No matter how many times she has experienced it, she always doesn't learn well and always struggles for the slightest possibility.

"Because of this, we should work hard!" Su Yan's favorite time was when he was on her. Only at that time did he feel that life was still interesting and that she had always been there and belonged to him!

"My great aunt has just passed, and her efforts are in vain." Snow White is still thinking about the urgent mail in her study.

"You can get pregnant when you are safe. We can't miss any chance!"

Snow White didn't have a chance to refuse his request and joy.

One night's joy and love made them very tired, but they were very satisfied. The breakfast atmosphere the next day was very good.

Snow White cooks, and Su Yan is responsible for serving it.

Suyafu woke up and came to the restaurant to see the interaction between his parents. He obviously felt that the atmosphere between them had changed. He couldn't say what had changed, but he liked the atmosphere very much.

After the two took their seats, he stepped forward and one kissed them, "I like it."

He likes the atmosphere between them!

His actions made Bai Xue and Su Yan deeply agree. According to the psychologist a year ago, he said that although children don't like to say and he doesn't show anything, he knows and understands everything and can feel the interaction between you. If you really love children, you should first deal with the relationship between the two sides.

After they came back, they tried very hard to pretend love in front of their son. He didn't respond for a long time. They didn't know how many times they scolded the psychologist.

Now think about it. It's not the doctor's fallacy, but that children can feel what is true and what is false.

They both looked at each other with the same message in their eyes. For the sake of their children, they must come really!

In fact, snow white is true every time she comes. She hasn't given up Su Yan for so many years because of love.

The key is to see if Su Yan can really put down the hatred and entanglement in his heart.

The flower has not been watered. People with a clear eye can see it at a glance.

Whether a woman has been loved or not is the same. A woman with love and moisture will be particularly beautiful, just like a flower that has just been watered.

Gong Zeyu is a bright eyed man, but he hates what he sees.

With the passage of time, his love for snow white not only did not decrease, but also increased day by day. He looked at his beloved woman every day, but he couldn't touch it. It felt like putting a bone in front of a dog, but only let it smell and don't let it eat. It was so cruel and painful!

In particular, he has to look at his beloved and be eaten by others!

But no matter how painful it is, he can only bear it.

Meng Tuo first became friends with Gong Zeyu before joining their catering business. This time, he came to Jincheng to talk with them about opening a chain in Europe, and also to contact them.

Gong Zeyu's feelings for Bai Xue are very clear to him. He feels sorry for Gong Zeyu.

"You can't keep it like this." Meng Tuo tried to persuade Gong Zeyu many times without success, but seeing him like this, he couldn't help saying.

There are updates.