"Rourou, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!" Although he knew it was unfair to Bai Wanrou, he was so selfish that he wanted to make a clean living. He didn't want his wife Su to be sad and wanted to continue to live his life.

Bai Wanrou said nothing, but shed tears. Men are really the most ruthless creatures in the world. Their hearts change as they say.

When you love you, you are the treasure in your heart. Others can't look at you more. When you don't love, you are the grass on the roadside. Step on it casually.

She thought this was enough to make her sad. Who knows, Su Yan has more ruthless means in the follow-up.

"Rourou, come and drink this." Su Yan carried a glass of water and a tablet of medicine.

"What?" She unconsciously stepped back.

"This is an afterthought. Last night was the wrong night. It shouldn't leave any follow-up." Speaking of Su Yan's ruthlessness, Su Yan is really ruthless. Even if Bai Wanrou is soft in his heart, he is not allowed to have trouble.

I don't want grandpa's calculation to succeed.

Bai Wanrou opened her eyes in disbelief“ Yan, how can you... "

Do this!

"Rourou, so you and I are all right." He can't be with her. If there is an accident tonight, what should she do in the future?

For him and her, this accident can't happen!

"It's good for me!" Bai Wanrou cried, she can't accept it! Can not accept such Su Yan, he is too terrible!

It's not the person she remembers!

"Soft, trust me, this is the best way to deal with it."

"This is the best way to deal with you!" She is not responsible to eat, but also to get rid of future problems. Su Yan, you are really cruel!

"Rourou, I don't want to force you. I hope you can drink it yourself." Su Yan hardened his heart and sent the medicine to her.

Bai Wanrou shed tears. Her eyes were full of complaints and looked directly at him, "Yan, how can you be so cruel!"

"If you want to blame me and hate me, you can drink medicine." When it's time to be cruel, Su Yan will never be soft.

Bai Wanrou wants to yell at him and want to say that this is not him, he is not su Yan.

But she didn't do anything in the end. When a person cares about you, he will be distressed if you just don't speak. When you don't care, no matter how much you say, it won't provoke a trace of pity.

She numbly took the cup and drank the medicine.

Su Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and his depressed guilt also surged up. He couldn't be in the same room with Bai Wanrou, "I'll let Yufeng send you back."

He turned and left.

He walked too fast and gave Bai Wanrou a chance.

She then spit out the medicine. Just now she just pretended to drink the medicine. They tried so hard that they couldn't fail?

With this time, if you want to calculate Su Yan again, it is impossible. She and he have no intersection at all.

Don't say that person won't let her go. Even if it is her, she doesn't want to.

Su Yan, you forced me!

If you are cruel to me first, don't blame me!

He is so cold-blooded and ruthless to her, why should she think of the past!

Men are cruel, women are more cruel.

Snow White sends the child to the kindergarten. Thinking of Su Yan's communication with Grandpa, she calls him and asks him about it.

Su Yan saw that it was Snow White's phone. His hands trembled. It took a long time to stabilize his good mood.

"Mrs. su."

"What's the matter with you?" Snow White is a very sensitive person. He just shouted Mrs. Su, and she heard that his mood was different.

Su yanruo said it was all right. She would know that he was perfunctory to her.