When Zhou Beishen returned to the living room, the old man was still waiting for him. Seeing him come in, he was very indifferent, "Send it back?"

"En." Zhou Beishen nodded, walked over and sat down.

"I said what's the matter with you? It's been so long and you haven't caught up with Xiaowan? Are you up to it?" He was really worried for Zhou Beishen.

Zhou Beishen was speechless, "Grandpa, what you said seems to be that I don't want to."

If Jiang Wan was willing, he would have been with her long ago.

"She doesn't want to. It's because of your previous actions that made her distrust you. Now you know you regret it?" The old man curled his lips, resentful.

Before Zhou Beishen could speak, he continued, "When we got married, I told you that Xiao Wan was a good boy, and you would definitely like her. But what about you? I didn't even see each other once."

"Now you know you regret it? All the wives you got flew away."

The more he talked, the angrier he became. The ghost knows how much effort he had wasted to make Zhou Beishen agree to marry Jiang Wan, but what happened in the end? The two are still divorced.

If Zhou Beishen hadn't been so stubborn, maybe his great-grandson would be in his arms now.

Zhou Beishen is suffering and can't tell, regretting it now? He regretted it long ago.

"What's the use of you talking about it now? There's no regret medicine for what has happened." If he had known today, he would not have divorced, but he didn't know.

The old man glared at him, "I think you deserve it!"

Zhou Beishen: "..."

This is his own grandfather. If it were the old man of the Zhou family, Zhou Beishen would have left angrily long ago.

"What did the Zhou family say?" The old man changed the subject, he no longer wanted to discuss Jiang Wan's matter with Zhou Beishen, mainly because the more he discussed it, the more angry he became, so he simply didn't talk about it.

"Everything is going well. Now I am the head of the Zhou family, and I will officially take office after the New Year." I think the whole capital will be shocked by that time.

The Zhou family was still in his pocket in the end.

Hearing this, the old man let out a cold snort. If you look carefully, you can still see the pride in his eyes that cannot be hidden: "Thanks to him calculating everything at the beginning, it's not that my grandson was taken advantage of in the end."

"Yes, who made you have a good grandson." Zhou Beishen answered.

The old man rolled his eyes at him, got up and went back to his room, not wanting to talk to him.


Lunar calendar, twelfth lunar month thirty.

On the street, red lanterns can be seen everywhere, and happiness is everywhere.

Jiang Wan woke up very early, the whole villa was empty, the servants and bodyguards had been on vacation yesterday, only she and Qi Mingyuan were left in the whole villa.

To be precise, there is Yu He.

Qi Mingyuan said that he was an orphan and had saved him by himself, so he had been by his side all these years, so naturally he would stay and celebrate the New Year together.

Jiang Wan has no objection to this. During the Chinese New Year, there must be many people to be lively.

"Xiao Wan, what are you going to do today? I can help." Qi Mingyuan was pushed by Yu He to the kitchen and saw Jiang Wan who was busy.

Jiang Wan looked back at him, and waved at him: "No, no, no, I have to wait for the eldest brother and the others to come, and I don't even know how to cook."

She was a little embarrassed. She really couldn't help with things like the New Year's Eve dinner.

"It's not your fault, it's my fault. I asked you to come here, but I didn't prepare the New Year's Eve dinner." He took everyone off yesterday, thinking that he could spend some time alone with Jiang Wan during the Chinese New Year. Things have become difficult.

Actually he can cook, but he is in a wheelchair and can't.

"Let's not talk about that, my elder brother can do it, let him do it, and I'll help him." Jiang Wan didn't care, Qi Mingyuan, she was always grateful in her heart.