Louis tightened his grip on Seira, his hand slightly raised, and pulled her in closer to his body. His legs were intertwined between the hems of her dress, touching her lower abdomen.

Contrary to his relaxed attitude all throughout, his body was extremely hot to touch. It was so intense that it was comparable to being a wizard living in a laboratory.

“Yes…” Seira murmured.

The door was already open, but they didn’t care who was standing in front of it. Regardless of who it was, Louis deepened his kiss even more. Even Seira found it difficult to withdraw from the kiss. She felt like she would stumble if she even tried to take off her arm around his neck.

After a while, she heard the door shut again.

Still, Louis kept his hold on her, and only took off his lips after a long time.

In the midst of their labored breaths, their saliva which no one can even distinguish whose was whom, became thin threads as they stretched from their parted lips.

Louis’ lips were wet and slightly swollen red. After all, it was such an intense kiss. Seira slowly turned her head, thinking that perhaps her lips looked the same. She was still in Louis’ arms.

With his back to the closed door, Calrad stood.

Louis looked at her lips a little more and then turned his head slowly to greet Calrad, “Your Majesty.”

There was not a single hint of emotion in his voice. He didn’t seem to be particularly amused or anxious that Calrad barged in.


Contrary to Louis’ calmness, Calrad’s voice was apparently faltering. It was enough that even a fool would’ve noticed.

“Let’s talk.”

He stood still in the shadows, trembling with anger and embarrassment. Seira, who was looking at him quietly, loosened the arm around Louis’ neck. With a sigh of regret, Louis let go of her waist and neck.

“Louis, will you stay in the hall?”

Even if she had tried to avoid it, Calrad still made sure that he had the time to talk to her alone. If so, it would have been better now that the nobles were crowded beyond the door.

“No, I’ll be waiting in the carriage.”

“Yes, of course. I’ll be with you in a moment.”

Upon hearing Seira’s answer, Louis made an impeccable example to Calard, who openly treated Seira as badly.

“Then, if you’ll excuse me,” Louis said, “I’ll be heading out first.”

But instead of going out the door normally, he jumped over the terrace railing. Maybe it’s because he didn’t want the others to know that only Calrad and Seira were left alone on the terrace. Many of the aristocrats in the hall would be watching and are surely talking about it behind their backs.

Only after Louis had completely gone off did Calrad approach Seira.

His face escaped from the shadows and was clearly exposed under the moonlight now, was very distorted. Apparently, it looked like he chewed hard on his lower lip to the point it was bleeding, and his eyes were bloodshot red.

“I couldn’t believe that you were accompanied by a partner,” he said in a suppressed voice, just a step away from reaching Seira.

“Well… One can change their party partner as much as they wanted. Even so…”

Seira’s words were interrupted as Calrad closed his eyes and groaned low. It seemed like he was suppressing his growing emotions as much as he could.

That image of Calrad was very unfamiliar to Seira.

‘Like a wounded man…’

Like someone who owned an entire empire, he was far from what he was supposed to look like, who was accustomed to trampling and suppressing nobilities with a single glare. Perhaps it was just her imagination. It was an illusion that came from hoping he would be hurt the same way he hurt Seira as he drove Askan into a corner without hesitation.

“How long do I have to put up with you?”

As expected, all Seira could feel in his voice was bloody, cold anger.

“You spent a night in Jeff, then kiss Franto right after…” Calrad continued, his voice shaking, “Are you thinking of showing up next time with another Alpha’s child in your arms?”

A sharp feeling suddenly prickled Seira’s skin. Whether it was from someone precious or insignificant, the question that was raised made her feel bad.

If it was asked from her seven years ago, she would’ve shuddered, but now she was different. Seira looked him straight in the eyes and said, “It’s none of His Majesty’s business who I mingle with.”


“Did you forget? Our engagement has long been broken. Whether I choose Jeff or Franto, or marry an Alpha from another family, it is something His Majesty doesn’t need to pay attention to.”

Apart from what she felt inside, her voice was as sweet as honey and her tone was gentle. As if trying to placate and make a child understand.

This was actually the same way Calrad used to treat her in the past. He used to lock her up in her own enclosure and let her grow up blinded from everything else.

‘You don’t have to worry about anything. I’ll be your world.’

It resembled a friendly whisper.