Working On It (2)

Ji Qingzhou slapped one hand on her cheek and made herself forcefully forget these images.

She just woke up, but was already feeling a headache. She opened the door and went to find Shen Rongyu outside the room. She wanted to apologize to him for accidentally falling asleep in his place.

The damned alarms were all to blame for her sleepless nights in recent days.

Shen Rongyu was leaning on the bamboo platform, his pale figure mirroring the shadow of the full moon in the night sky. This time, he wasn’t wiping his sword. The Burial Snow Sword was placed on the wooden table beside him, and he was reading a piece of paper in his hand.

If Ji Qingzhou had looked closer, she would have realized that the page in his hand was a familiar formation drawing, which was the Peach Blossom Mist Formation that Jiang Qianke had used to protect his body.

The Peach Blossom Mist Formation was not just a simple formation to guard Yunshui Peak. This formation was connected to Jiang Qianke himself. If there was any danger, he could easily escape into the formation. As long as this formation was not broken, the power from the entire Yunshui Peak would protect him, unless the power to hurt him originated from himself, such as the Soul Seeking Nails that suddenly backfired that night.

Jiang Qianke had studied the formation for decades, and he had never made the mechanics of the Peach Blossom Mist Formation public. But Shen Rongyu knew the secrets of the formation. He had also confirmed that Jiang Qianke was the culprit that night.

Hearing Ji Qingzhou’s footsteps, Shen Rongyu closed the pages of the paper, and looked at her. “You’re awake.”

“Yeah.” Ji Qingzhou replied in a whisper. She picked up her skirt and walked out slowly. She waited there, of course, because she had something important to discuss with him.

In fact, Xuanyun Sect left a lot of time for disciples to practice. They only had a day or two with morning and afternoon classes every week. The remaining days only had morning classes. After class, they could return to their places to cultivate individually.

Ji Qingzhou’s three-hour daily practice time was really not much compared to other disciples.

However, she knew that she had to drag Shen Rongyu in her cultivation, but he wasn’t always available to accompany her to practice.

She thought she was wasting Shen Rongyu’s time like this, but unbeknownst to her, when Shen Rongyu was idle, he also wanted to forge his disintegrated power, and cultivating with her unexpectedly could speed up the efficiency of his recovery.

In a sense, this could also be regarded as Dual Cultivation.

“Xiao Yu-shixiong.” Ji Qingzhou walked to his side and hesitated, not knowing how to raise her unreasonable request.

The moment stretched longer, and after brooding over it, she felt that she had been overlooking something.

There was no doubt that she couldn’t cultivate by herself, but Shen Rongyu could use his body as an intermediary to channel spirit qi into her body. This ability… Was it Shen Rongyu’s own ability, or a kind of magic, a magic treasure or something like that?

If it was with the use of an external treasure, she no longer had to bother Shen Rongyu, and didn’t have to stay in a cultivation space with him…

Hearing Ji Qingzhou calling him, Shen Rongyu turned his head sideways, and his hair glistened with silver light.

“What is it?” he asked. Ji Qingzhou’s figure was reflected in his deep eyes.

“The way you help me cultivate… Can I use any other magic or magic treasures instead?” she asked hesitantly.

When Shen Rongyu heard the word ‘magic treasure’, his eyes turned somewhat cold, and the thin ice at the depths of his eyes thickened.

Ji Qingzhou was looking elsewhere, so she didn’t notice the change. Her gaze dropped down, just looking at the moon over his shoulder.

“No.” Shen Rongyu’s answer rang cold and resolute.

This wasn’t a perfunctory answer, nor was it to deceive Ji Qingzhou, because he was well aware that even if Ji Qingzhou were to search the entire cultivation world, only he had this ability. However, Ji Qingzhou now apparently regarded his ability as something ordinary.

Nothing could replace him.

Shen Rongyu’s eyes swept across Ji Qingzhou’s face, and he said, “If you’re reluctant, you don’t need to come to me.”

Ji Qingzhou thought that Shen Rongyu was probably annoyed, but her cultivation needs would indeed disturb his normal life.

She was a little anxious and at a loss as to what to do, so she couldn’t help rubbing the small flower embellishment hanging down from her waist.

Shen Rongyu stopped talking. He didn’t even look at her anymore. Youyou, who had been frolicking in the yard, finally fell asleep again, so at this time, there was no other sound in the yard except for the whistling wind, the burbles of water, and their breathing.

Ji Qingzhou didn’t know what to say next. She blinked, became quiet, and lowered her head to count the patterns of embroidered flowers on her skirt.

After a long time, Shen Rongyu finally broke the silence. “Did you wait until now just to say this?”

“Elder Mu said that during the annual assessment, my cultivation base must reach the 5th stage of Qi Refining,” Ji Qingzhou answered. She was rather helpless, and the end of her soft voice dropped a tad lower.

“If I want to reach the 5th stage, according to my current practice progress, I have to add one to two hours of cultivation time every day.” Ji Qingzhou raised her head, her eyes crawling along Shen Rongyu’s chest, and finally stopped on his shoulder, not daring to move higher.

“So?” Shen Rongyu asked. He actually understood what Ji Qingzhou was implying, but he still wanted her to explain.

“If it takes such a long time, it should disturb your normal cultivation, right?” Ji Qingzhou asked.

“Of course not.” Shen Rongyu replied quickly, “Is it for this reason that you want to find something else to replace me?”

Ji Qingzhou was very honest. Although she guessed that it might be because of ‘finding something else to replace him’ that made Shen Rongyu a little angry, she still nodded: “Yes.”

Shen Rongyu called her by her full name, “Ji Qingzhou.”

“Huh?” When Ji Qingzhou suddenly heard her full name from his mouth, she felt not used to it. She jerked her head up and looked at Shen Rongyu blankly.

Shen Rongyu grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him without warning. Ji Qingzhou was totally defenseless, so she fell into his arms after he dragged her.