“What magic weapon do you need, Miss?” Boss Yang thought while rubbing his chin.

Ji Qingzhou heard his question. In fact, she herself didn’t know what kind of magic treasure she wanted. After all, she even walked the path of cultivation, forcing herself to do something entirely beyond her, not to mention that she had no clear goal in cultivation.

“What do you like, Zhouzhou?” Shen Rongyu bent down and asked her.

Ji Qingzhou thought about it for a while, and her eyes fell on Burial Snow at his waist. So far, the most powerful magic treasure she has ever seen was Burial Snow.

So she answered, “A sword.”

Shen Rongyu: “…” You got me thinking. It seems that you wanted to hang the jade pendant you carved with your own hands on my sword, right?

He fell silent for a moment, and before he could speak again, Boss Yang who was at the side, took the lead, “Miss, the killing intent of a sword is too strong. It’s not suitable for you.”

“How about this?” He took a treasure box from the shelf, opened it, and a surging water-attribute aura burst out.

It was a royal blue mirror, dominated by a gentle water aura.

“Seeing that you have a small mirror hanging around your neck, maybe this precious mirror is suitable for you,” Boss Yang suggested.

Ji Qingzhou thanked him and took the precious mirror. She didn’t know how to use it, so she held it carefully, for fear that it would crash to the ground.

“Just use your magic power to communicate with it,” Boss Yang instructed her.

Ji Qingzhou released a wisp of magic power, trying to resonate with it, but the mirror didn’t respond. It didn’t seem to accept her vital energy.

“Change it to another one.” Boss Yang took the mirror back. “It’s because it is as blind as a bat.”

In the face of wealthy customers, he always managed to flatter craftily.

While Boss Yang was picking other magic treasures for her, Shen Rongyu held her wrist and replenished the magic power she had just consumed.

Boss Yang was searching in a pile of treasure boxes. His lifelong hobby was collecting magic treasures and forging swords. This small wooden house was his little treasure house. However, when faced with a cultivator like Ji Qingzhou, he surprisingly found it difficult to pick a high-grade magic treasure that was compatible with her.

Such a beautiful little girl was standing there, but she appeared isolated from the outside world. It was as if nothing could break through the barriers around her.

How could the precious mirror reject her? It was all because she had no intention of communicating with the mirror from the get go.

It was the first time Boss Yang encountered such a cultivator, so he asked her, “Miss, let me take out a few pieces, and you can choose by yourself.”

He opened many treasure boxes in front of Ji Qingzhou, in which lay rattan whips, spirit rings, orbs and other kinds of magic treasures.

Ji Qingzhou obeyed Shen Rong Yu’s previous instruction — “Zhouzhou, pay attention to those magic treasures similar to wood.” Hence, she chose the wooden rattan whip.

“I’ll try that rattan whip.” Ji Qingzhou stood by Shen Rongyu’s suggestion and chose the whip.

Of course Shen Rongyu knew that she chose it because of his teasing words just now, asking her to choose wood. She really chose wood. She truly was a piece of wood.

The rattan whip was handed to Ji Qingzhou. Even though she tried hard to communicate with it, her magic power and the rattan whip’s aura were like two parallel lines that never intersected. They had no resonance at all.

“Xiao Yu-shixiong, you lied to me,” Ji Qingzhou whispered as she handed the rattan whip back to Boss Yang.

At this moment, Shen Rongyu suddenly felt inexplicably guilty — He obviously was devoid of conscience.

“What about this?” He picked up the moon-white orb, put it in her palm, and tenderly recommended it, as if in an attempt to cover up something.

Ji Qingzhou continued to resonate, but of course, the result remained the same. She ignored the magic treasure and the magic treasure ignored her.

“How could this be?” After trying almost all the magic treasures in the cabin, Boss Yang expressed his disbelief.

“Theoretically speaking, the higher the cultivation base, the harder it is for a cultivator to match with a magic treasure. Your cultivation level should resonate well with the magic treasures.” Boss Yang stared at Ji Qingzhou, with probing and doubtful eyes.

Ji Qingzhou turned around and hid behind Shen Rongyu.

“Since you don’t have something here, we can only look elsewhere,” Shen Rongyu said helplessly.

He knew he was speaking out of politeness, because there was no other shop selling high-grade magic treasures around the area.

“That’s the only way to go. It’s a pity that I didn’t make money from you,” Boss Yang replied, equally helpless.

Shen Rongyu remembered how Ji Qingzhou gave the new sword forged by Boss Yang just now more than a couple of glances. That sword was just a mortal product, nothing special. After all, it was just a hobby piece of Boss Yang.

However, Ji Qingzhou said that she liked swords.

So he asked, “Can we take away the sword on the forging platform just now?”

“One thousand middle-grade spirit stones,” Boss Yang cast a number and gestured “ten” toward Shen Rongyu in an angle Ji Qingzhou couldn’t see. It meant that the price was multiplied by ten.

“Okay.” Ji Qingzhou also liked the sword, so she, as the buyer, immediately agreed.

After the sword was polished, it was very beautiful. The slender sword body reflected a faint pink radiance. Ji Qingzhou stroked the sword body, liking it very much.

“Miss, this sword is only ordinary, and it can only be used for fun. If you want other magic treasures, you have to search again.” Boss Yang handed the sword box to Ji Qingzhou.

“It’s fine.” Ji Qingzhou nodded. She really liked the little pink sword, and it was cuter than Shen Rongyu’s Burial Snow.

Moreover, she knew that this sword existed because of her.

“This sword doesn’t have a name yet, so you can give it one yourself, Miss,” Boss Yang expounded, waving goodbye to them.

After Ji Qingzhou and Shen Rongyu left the place, she thought that he would take her to see other magic treasures, but he led her back to Xuanyun Sect.

“That’s the only place in the market selling high-grade magic treasures,” Shen Rongyu explained on the way back.

He didn’t understand why Ji Qingzhou couldn’t resonate with any of the magic treasures. He glanced down at her and found that she was fiddling with the little pink sword in her hand — This sword hadn’t been sharpened yet and couldn’t even kill an enemy.

What kind of magic weapon can she resonate with?

Shen Rongyu looked at her for a long time, then suddenly realized.

He opened his lips and called her, “Zhouzhou.”

“Huh?” Ji Qingzhou answered him immediately. She straightened up, waiting for Shen Rongyu’s next words.

Shen Rongyu produced something out of nowhere and placed it in Ji Qingzhou’s hand.

“Zhouzhou, it seems that only you can use this.” Shen Rongyu calmly stated. He landed on White Water Island with her and said, “Try this magic treasure.”

Ji Qingzhou didn’t expect him to take out a magic treasure himself. She gazed down at the object he put in her hand.

It was an umbrella, glowing with a gorgeous red radiance, the luster of gems.
