After that, the couple cultivated themselves in the hospital.

About a week later, moboyuan was able to move by himself. Of course, it was faster to jump on one leg.

Jiang Tingxu is about to undergo the next repair operation.

Girls, who doesn't love beauty?

How can you endure so many burn scars left on yourself?

You have to have a repair operation!

The doctor who performed the repair operation for Jiang Tingxu is an expert professor in the Department of burn cosmetology in China. He has worked for 30 years and has done countless operations.

Before the operation, Mo's father and mother, Su muxue, who usually had a good relationship, and colleagues in the emergency department of Yuncheng No. 1 hospital all gave various instructions on the phone one by one.

Therefore, Jiang Tingxu was very relaxed from the beginning of this operation.

Of course, the hospital has sufficient blood reserves, and there will be no accident like the last time.

Before being pushed into the operating room, the man threw the crutch with the crutch and held the woman's hand instead:

"Don't be afraid, I'll wait for you right here."

"Well, I'm not afraid."

There's really nothing to be afraid of. The doctors who operate are very professional and should trust the doctors 100%.

Repair surgery will take a long time. After all, it is precision work, but in fact, the risk factor is not the highest.

Jiang Xuxu was in good condition this time. The whole operation went very smoothly.


When the door of the operating room opened, people were pushed out.

Sure enough, the man has been waiting outside. Jiang Tingxu hasn't woken up because of anesthesia. The chief surgeon looks a little relaxed and says to the man:

"Don't worry, it's very successful, and then you can make the last repair."

"Just do it again?"

"Yes, if there is no accident."

For this, Mo Boyuan sincerely thanked the doctor in front of him:

"Thank you, doctor."

"No, no, it's just my job. It's my responsibility."

The people of Jun's family arrived at this time.

Well, from the accident to now, as a biological mother, she came a week later when her daughter had a second operation.

I'm afraid it's worse than outsiders?

You know, Mrs. Qiao comes every day, although she won't stay for too long. Moreover, maybe the ladies are too boring and coming to the hospital is just to kill time.

But when people came, they also came to the ward, accompanied and talked.

My biological mother

Gee, forget it. It's hard to care.

Lu Yunhua came with her little daughter. When she came, the operation was over, and Jiang Tingxu was pushed back to the ward. The efficacy of the anesthetic gradually disappeared, and people slowly woke up.

"Mom, she's awake!" a girl's clear voice sounded.

Jiang listened to Xu's eyes freeze, still a little stiff, and then saw the man standing by the bed:

"Ms. Lu?" she whispered.

For Lu Yunhua's arrival, Jiang Tingxu didn't show an excited look on his face. Instead, he was very calm, like facing a very strange stranger.

Naturally, they are not alone in the ward. Mo Boyuan, Zhou Xian and Mu Bo are all there.

However, I don't know what Ms. Lu Yunhua wants to say?

She invited everyone out, including her own daughter.

In this regard, how can Mo Boyuan rest assured that his wife will stay with this woman in private?

You know, the situation of his wife is not normal. If Lu Yunhua really wants to do something, his wife may not even have the strength to fight back.