Outside the Hospital VIP ward, on the corridor.

After Mo Boyuan came out, he made a phone call with someone, and then winked at the bodyguard leader outside.

The leader hurried forward:


"Immediately take some people to consumer lane to protect Xie Zhiming's family."


"Protect people well!"

"I see!"

The team leader and several subordinates not far away at the door of the ward gave orders and went downstairs alone.

After this attack on the young couple, when Mo Fu sent someone over, there must be no less, and each one is a very excellent one.

The people who were guarding outside the ward were several times more than those who were secretly guarding.

Moreover, everyone was scattered around the hospital and watched 360 times throughout the whole process.

If anyone wants to do something, I'm afraid he doesn't even have a chance to do it!


Xie Zhiming was secretly protected by the people sent by Mo Boyuan. Up and down, they avoided the danger several times.

Not only Xie Zhiming, but also his family are firmly protected.

And some people are not in such a good mood.

Jun's house.

In the study, Jun Guoxiong a rather young middle-aged man's face. After hearing that his men failed again, he was very angry, and the phone in his hand fell out directly.

Lu Yunhua, who just came in with tea outside the door, naturally heard such a loud noise and directly pushed the door open:

"What's the matter with you?" asked.

Jun Guoxiong rubbed his eyebrows:

"What do you say?" the tone is definitely not good.

Lu Yunhua knew what it was because of.

"Because of Xie Zhiming again?"

During this time, Xie Zhiming's name has appeared in Jun's house three or four times, and every time the name appears, the atmosphere is very bad.

Don't mention the atmosphere. The husband and wife of Jun's family can sink water on their faces.

Who would have thought that an ordinary but not ordinary little man can step on the ground and crush the mole ants without taking his hand. Over this period of time, Jun Guoxiong and Lu Yunhua have been severely oppressed.

Lu Yunhua put down the teacup:

"Drink some tea to calm down. I already said there was nothing important over Xie Zhiming."

Because Jun Guoxiong is in a bad mood, he will not be more considerate:

"How do you know? Your ex husband and Xie Zhiming were best friends in those days, but others didn't find them. Xie Zhiming is the last possibility!

Even if it's not with him, he must know something! "

When Jun Guoxiong said this, he was extremely confident, which was a very positive intuition.

Lu Yunhua actually doesn't like to hear people mention her ex husband, because every time she mentions it again, Lu Yunhua will have a feeling of that man. At this time, she is looking at herself not far away, which is very creepy.

Of course, his face changed, and his tone shrieked a lot:

"Jun Guoxiong, Jiang Guoyu and I have been separated for many years. I hope you don't mention him outside anytime and anywhere."

In his tone, there was something of a warning.

Jun Guoxiong, who was still angry before, changed his attitude suddenly:

"Don't mention it, why are you angry? Well, I won't mention it in the future!" he said, holding Lu Yunhua's hand as usual.

Lu Yunhua's face eased a little.

Glancing at the husband beside him:

"I know you're in a hurry, but this is the situation now. We can't panic any more."