"Originally, this is really... 'garden of eden'!"

When Lin Sanjiu finally recognized her environment, her skin began to tremble and murmured out these words.

Because she was too surprised, her eyes were even a little dull - she looked at everything in front of her blankly, and I didn't know when a huge thing came behind her, and the huge shadow cast over her.

She felt something strange behind her. Looking back, she couldn't help scolding softly.

"Damn it."

... just half an hour ago, Lin Sanjiu was still sitting in the capsule and couldn't help drifting along the wave in the mucus.

Her judgment of "confluence of tree roots" was right - as the velocity of mucus gradually accelerated, the wave flow became more and more violent. From other directions, a large number of black shadows were washed into the "River" where she was located. Soon, countless kinds of corpses were floating near the capsule.

Waves of turbulence wrapped the body, beating the capsule staggering and rotating. For a time, Lin Sanjiu was dizzy and couldn't see anything clearly. He could only feel that the flow rate suddenly accelerated and was falling down rapidly.

The things in the tree stream fiercely hit the capsule with the wave current, and some accessories in the capsule were knocked off - in the fierce rotation of 360 degrees under the head and feet, the accessories banged on the capsule wall one after another, and Lin Sanjiu even nearly lost his face several times.

In such a hurry and self-care time, it was not until a minute later that Lin Sanjiu suddenly realized that the capsule was being attacked.

The capsule designed to imprison female evolutionists can't be opened from the inside anyway. On the contrary, it's not difficult to destroy it with violence outside - when Lin Sanjiu raised the alarm in his heart, he couldn't see the figure clearly. Just rushed away the mucus flow and hit the capsule door hard again, and the place where the door and the capsule wall combined immediately shook in a disorderly way.

Lin Sanjiu was surprised and wanted to hold the door, but there was nothing in the capsule - she just scolded fiercely, and saw the dark figure rushing up again. This time, she successfully grabbed the handle outside the door. The door swung vigorously.

This one. She also saw clearly: outside the door was a very strong man, with ragged clothes, revealing a pale wound. Only the mask on his head was still intact, and a pair of thin and long eyes were staring at Lin Sanjiu through the mask.

——This man is coming in!

Lin Sanjiu also understood: in this strange root, all creatures involved rely on their own flesh, abilities, or maybe oneortwo special items to fight hard. But no matter what means are used, corrosive mucus and fine fibers are enough to make people miserable - more. He couldn't even hold on at all, and had already become a dilapidated body.

under these circumstances. Like a small boat, it can contain a capsule to protect people, which has become a very hot thing.

The man outside must have reached the limit of survival, and he saw that Lin Sanjiu couldn't hold the door inside, so he was kicking and kicking like a life. It has the meaning of dying together if you can't get in.

After his several offensives, the violently shaking capsule made Lin Sanjiu feel that it was about to fall apart; She had already burst out a evil fire in her heart and quickly called out the long knife. Just wait for the door to open and poke it up.

Suddenly, he saw a long knife pointing directly at the crack of the door, and the man stopped. A pair of slender eyes looked back and forth.

"Son of a bitch, if you dare to come in, I'll cut through you!" Knowing that the people outside couldn't hear, Lin Sanjiu still scolded severely. "Get out of here quickly!"

At this time, the turbulence became more chaotic and intense. Even if he grabbed the door handle, the man's body was still shaking - he couldn't even stabilize his body, and it was almost impossible to avoid the long knife.

After staring at Lin Sanjiu with bloodshot eyes for a while, the man finally gave up, let go of the door handle in his hand, and swam away with difficulty.

Lin San Jiu held the knife tightly and didn't dare to relax at all until he disappeared in his sight, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I didn't expect that this breath hadn't had time to breathe, but I felt a heavy force suddenly coming from the back of the capsule, and even people with the capsule immediately rolled out - Lin Sanjiu was unprepared and knocked on the wall of the capsule. If it weren't for her instant card of the long knife, I'm afraid the one who was pierced first would become herself.

Before she could stabilize her body, she was kicked vigorously again in the same direction - those slender eyes that didn't know when to wrap around the back seemed to be a little surprised that Lin Sanjiu didn't die. As soon as she regained her strength, she planed and swam closer to the capsule.

"If you want to die, I will help you!"

Lin Sanjiu's heart was full of murderous thoughts, and he put away the capsule on a second thought. His body immediately soaked in mucus, and a slight tingling came from his skin. However, before she called out the long knife, the man suddenly panicked and desperately went upstream. Lin Sanjiu was stunned, and then a tsunami like turbulence suddenly came face-to-face——

In an instant, all five senses lost their function. Under the force of Wan Jun, his eyes were dark, his body was aching, and his nasal cavity was emitting sour water. In the feeling of being messy like fragments, her body was pushed away by the turbulence and hit a hard plane.

... is this the corpse of some creature?

This idea just came out of Lin Sanjiu's confused mind. She suddenly felt empty behind her. The hard wall like thing just now was missing. A thin beard suddenly pushed her waist, and she was pushed out.

——The hard skin of the rhizome opened.

This "nutrient free" creature happened to be next to the hard skin, and the rhizome almost couldn't wait to squeeze her out - the man in the distant turbulence stared at this scene, and then used his hands and feet almost crazily, but he couldn't get close to it before the hard skin closed.

... outside, there is land thousands of meters deep.

"I'm really going to die this time..."

The rhizome has been walking down, and I'm afraid it has already touched the center of the earth at this time - when Lin Sanjiu closed his eyes and waited for the rock layer to crush him to death, he suddenly felt a light body, and then was wrapped in the sense of weightlessness.

The wind whirring in her ears suddenly opened her eyes, which almost scared her heart out: she was falling down from a high place. The wind slapped on her body, causing her tears to burst out - but at this time, nothing was better than the fear of falling to death. Lin Sanjiu hurriedly called out his long knife and turned his hand into a piece of things beside her——

This thing may be the cliff of the cliff, but the knife unexpectedly inserted smoothly, and the falling trend suddenly slowed down. Although her body is still sliding rapidly. But at the current pace. At least he couldn't fall to death -- Lin Sanjiu held the handle of the long knife tightly with both hands, and saw that the long knife had rubbed out many sparks along the way, and the blade rolled up quickly. The shadow representing the earth is getting closer and closer at your feet. Just be ruthless, loosen the long knife, and jump.

The body slammed into the ground. Lin San's throat was sweet and quickly rolled over. A lot of downward momentum has been eliminated.

Fortunately, the place where she landed was very soft and elastic, so she touched her body, except that she felt some bruises and bruises on the epidermis. Not even a bone was broken.

Lin Sanjiu's heavy breathing eased after a long time.

"What, what... What's going on..." her mind was a mess. "Isn't it nearly to the center of the earth? Why... Instead, I fell from a high place?"

The spark went out and it was dark all around. I can't see anything.

Lin San Jiu has seen a lot of dark places - but there has never been a place. It's so dark here.

Everyone has the experience that even in the darkest place, there is always a trace of sky light; No matter how weak, after the eyes have adapted for a while, they can always see some outline. For evolutionists, they can see it more clearly.

However, there was only pure darkness in this place, and there was no room for a little light. If it weren't for the spark of the long knife just now, Lin Sanjiu might have thought he was suddenly blind.

This feeling is like someone built a room without windows and doors with thick bricks and cement——


Lin Sanjiu suddenly felt a drop of cold sweat sliding down his forehead.

The fragmentary clues were subconsciously put together by her.

The roots of the tree are under the shallow soil layer. The deeper you dig, the thicker the roots.

After walking thousands of meters down, everything in the roots converged

It should be in the center of the earth, but it fell from a high place.

There is no light here, just like a dead room

Compared with Nuwa, Lin Sanjiu's wisdom is indeed not enough to see; But when things were clearly in front of her, she still couldn't help shivering - because she finally figured out the mystery of the root.

Lin Sanjiu called out [ability polishing agent] tremblingly, and the silver light immediately spread all over the whole space - just because the owner's hand was shaking all the time, the light seemed to be shaking slightly.

She didn't have time to look around, so she quickly lifted the [ability Polish] high and looked at her head——

There was only a darkness that seemed to devour everything, and there was nothing else.

With a "clatter", the [ability Polish] fell down and rolled to the ground, brightening a small piece around.

"This is indeed the center of the earth..." Lin Sanjiu said softly, feeling that every word of his words was not very rational. "It's just that the center of the planet is... Empty."

The world is more like a ball hollowed out in the center, so when it reaches the center of the earth, it reaches a void - pushed out by the mucus here, and naturally it will fall down.

No wonder the tree roots grow under the shallow soil layer, because the tree grows upside down - the tree roots are on the outermost layer, absorbing a large number of organisms as nutrients, penetrating the earth's crust and transferring nutrients to the trunk and crown - and the latter two are growing in the empty center of the earth.

I think the place where she just fell out is the "tree" that can't be found everywhere.

However, Lin Sanjiu looked around, but he didn't see the tree. There are indeed many tall plants around her, but it seems to be more like some kind of tall herbs. Just now she fell on the leaves of these plants.

Picking up the polishing agent, Lin Sanjiu squinted, and could vaguely see a round dark figure at the end of the silver light. From this distance, it was about the size of a truck.

"... what can it be?"

After watching it for a long time, it didn't move. It didn't seem to be a living thing. Since it is not a living creature, the danger is much smaller... She muttered and walked carefully towards the dark figure.

As she got closer and closer, the light dyed the thing clearer and clearer.

That is an apple half taller than her.

The unique shape of Apple outlines a reflective line in the vast silver light. Even if you can't see its color and the whole picture, even if the apple is more than two circles larger than the truck——

Lin Sanjiu opened his mouth wide and couldn't believe his eyes for a long time. After a long time, he murmured a word.

"Originally, this is really the 'garden of eden'..."

When she was still surprised, from the silver light of [ability polishing agent], a dark shadow several times larger than this apple quietly approached Lin Sanjiu. (to be continued)

PS: Thank you for the colorful Peach Blossom Fan ~ ~! You rewarded two in a row. I almost missed it. I was so happy when I saw it clearly~~

I feel that yesterday's Chapter belongs to the excessive chapter, which looks a little tasteless... (fortunately, it's a lot of bugs, but I've modified it, and it may take a little later to see the modified version on the mobile terminal). However, if I didn't read yesterday's chapter, today's chapter will probably be a little cloudy.

Last night, I thought about this setting and couldn't sleep. I didn't sleep until late!

Speaking of apples, last time I bought that bag of particularly unpalatable peaches (what's the matter), there are still four left today. Finally, I did not live up to my expectations. I was very happy to throw them away.

Eating them is too much exercise of willpower. Who wants to taste them? I'm going to open a "willpower exercise peach purchasing service". r655
