... the weather seems to be getting colder and colder.

Lin Sanjiu was awakened by the cold - as if her bones had shrunk into a ball and her blood had solidified. When she half opened her eyes in confusion, her muscles trembled slightly for too long, and at this time, everything hurt.

Out of the quilt with only a little heat left, she pulled her floral cotton padded jacket shivering and wrapped it tightly on her body.

It was later, and the room was darker than before she went to bed, leaving only a vague outline of the furniture; It was quiet outside without any sound, as if the world had forgotten this small hotel room.

Turning on the light, Lin Sanjiu glanced at the sunny doll on the ceiling. Seeing that it was not different, he opened the room door and came to the corridor.

Waking up alone in a cold and gloomy environment, she is now very eager to say a few words - Lin Sanjiu knocked on the door of Chen he's room and raised her voice and asked, "Chen he, are you there? When is it now?"

The voice fell and the knocking fell, but the door of the room was quiet.

She waited for a while and called again, but there was still no sound inside.

... did you go out?

Lin Sanjiu thought of all kinds of things in this world, and her heart couldn't help slowly lifting up - she twisted the door handle and found that it was locked; With a gentle wipe of your fingers, a little dust fell down. It seems that no one has touched the door handle for a long time.

She went downstairs and walked around the hall, but there was no shadow of Chen he or Xiaoqing.

I don't know what happened at the end of the day. The red carpet in the hotel hall was kicked up in half, and the sofa for guests to rest was also in a mess; Whether on the table or the service desk of the front desk, there was a thick layer of ash, showing a desolation abandoned by others.

The end of the day must be a sudden change - a woman's Kun bag fell in the middle of the hall, sprinkled with powder and lipstick, and the man's leather shoes were crooked under the service desk, but the owner didn't know where to go.

There is no sign of anyone living or moving here.

The sky outside is gray and the world is lonely.

In such an environment, Lin Sanjiu's confidence suddenly wavered.

Did she really meet a man named Chen he? Is it just her dream of exhaustion?

——This idea of doubting yourself, which would never happen in the past, grew up quietly.

Lin Sanjiu suddenly fell down on the sofa and stared in the dust: she frowned and thought for a long time, but found that she had no actual evidence to show that she had indeed met Chen he.

Although the story about Ruyue station was floating in her mind, it didn't mean anything - she had heard this story before, but she just forgot it for a moment.

Just as she fell into confusion and doubt, and planned to go upstairs and open the door to have a look, she heard a mutter suddenly coming from a distance outside the hotel building: "why do people here throw balls and shoes...!"

Then there was a snap, as if someone had kicked something away.

"Chen he!" Lin Sanjiu's eyes lit up, and the vague fears that had surrounded her thoughts just now disappeared. She jumped up and went out: "are you back?"

The round headed man was carrying a large plastic bag in his hand. Seeing her out of the hall, he couldn't help but be stunned: "are you awake? Are you waiting for me?"

Lin Sanjiu was a little embarrassed at the moment.

"Well, it's not... Just seeing you haven't come back for a long time..." she didn't know what she said, so she quickly changed the topic and said, "where did you find so much food?"

At this time, her lips were blue with cold, and she was wondering whether she should eat something to supplement her calories.

"Oh, I ate all the food in the hotel. I found it in the nearby residential building. Anyway, it's great that there is food and no danger in this world." Chen he was also happy when he said this, and rolled up his short sleeves. "You see, there are a lot of rice, flour, lunch meat... The kitchen here can make a fire, and there are all kinds of spices."

This is not the best part - because the water and electricity in the world are still working normally, and there are even a few pieces of chicken breasts frozen hard after cold storage in Chen he's plastic pocket.

I forgot how long I hadn't eaten hot meals and hot dishes of Lin San wine, and my stomach juice was almost overflowing.

She breathed on her frozen hands, "let's cook now! It's just warm..."

Chen he said "Hey", picked up his pocket and walked back to the kitchen. As he walked, he laughed and said, "I feel fine. When I first came here, I was frozen enough, and now I seem to have adapted..."

The two of them were in a light mood, and even joked about Lin Sanjiu's floral cotton padded jacket. They soon arrived in the kitchen. After a few automatic attempts, Chen he found that his cooking was much better than Lin Sanjiu, so he simply let her rest. He made a meat fried rice with chicken, lunch meat and a little dry scallion, and soon brought it to her.

The hot white steam jumps slightly on the oily rice grains, and the aroma is very attractive.

Lin Sanjiu immediately took a bite.

As soon as the hot meal was eaten, it suddenly turned into a bone chilling chill, as if even her internal organs were frozen.

Her face was blue and purple, and her body could not move for a long time. After a long time, she felt her heart struggling tenaciously from the cold, barely jumping for a few times, sending out some warm air——

Lin Sanjiu's fingers trembled slightly and touched the bowl that was still a little hot.

As soon as she looked up, Chen he was looking at her with small eyes.

"Why not eat?"

"I..." Lin Sanjiu wanted to open her mouth, but her mouth was so cold that she knocked several times involuntarily, breaking her words.

Even if she wasn't too cold to speak, she realized something was wrong.

Chen he had a round face full of red light after eating the same rice fried in a pot. Because he was in a hurry, he even had a little hot sweat on his forehead.

You don't have to ask. He doesn't feel any problem.

"I don't know why. I'm a little cold." She forced a smile, feeling that her blood flow slowed down, and the blood vessels on the back of her hands were purple. "... have you ever had this situation before?"

To her surprise, Chen he nodded.

"Yes, but it didn't last long. At that time, I didn't have anything to eat. If I didn't eat it, I would starve to death. Even if it was cold, I could only eat it by force... I didn't expect to eat it. Eat it quickly!"


Lin Sanjiu silently looked down at his job.

She has only two days' rations from the garden of Eden. If she wants to stay here for 14 months, she must eat the food here.

Lin Sanjiu even spooned a spoonful of rice and put it into his mouth. r1152
