After a fierce escape battle, the hall on the first floor of the prison has been restored to its original appearance again. The cement and gravel broken by plants have been reassembled into a flat ground; At this time, Bohemia's bare feet were turning around on the ground, and the turquoise foot chains wrapped around her ankles collided with each other, echoing gently in the air.

Like a cut pig, Lin Sanjiu, who only had half a fan left and looked particularly miserable, has not studied how to stand up again until now - it doesn't hurt to actively segment the conscious body, but she can't support herself at all with only the first half of her feet left, so she has to lie on the ground and look at Bohemia with a confused face.

The blonde beauty, who had originally looked delicate and charming, had a livid face and walked for a long time with her arms in her arms, as if she had finally reluctantly eased her mood. She thumped back to Lin Sanjiu, squatted down suddenly in front of her, and her soft and wide dress hung on the ground, looking like a tent.

"Anyway," Bohemia seemed to declare sovereignty, and looked almost gnashing his teeth: "... I want to get back my potential!"

Lin Sanjiu looked at her and didn't panic at all.

If you can do it directly, Bohemia won't squat here and just lean against a mouth to say; She thought for a while, and even flashed a smile at Bohemia: "then take it, why don't you move?"

Bohemia took a breath.

"I warn you -"

She slapped the concrete floor fiercely, and her brown eyes seemed to burn red; As if with great willpower, she controlled herself and didn't beat Lin Sanjiu: "you, you guy -"

I was so angry that I stuttered a little.

Lin San smacked his mouth and lowered his head on the floor. It doesn't matter if there's a back of the head missing. She's more flexible when turning her neck; As soon as she relaxed after the fierce battle, she was a little tired and asked listlessly, "you brought me to the consciousness sky just to get back the potential value?"


"As soon as I came back to the game field, why did you follow in? It's not a coincidence -"

"Of course not!" Bohemia was so angry that he didn't know where to start. At this time, Lin Sanjiu asked two questions, Instead, he led her to say, "you were brought in by my special items. When you entered the starry sky, it was reasonable to say that you would only follow me and not separate. As soon as I opened my eyes, I found that you were gone, but I was next to the online game field - the fool guessed that you must be in the game field. Did you forcibly quit in the middle of the game? What method did you use?"

Lin Sanjiu said "Oh" without explaining.

Somehow, Bohemia was even more angry with her sudden realization and silence: "... Oh shit! I spent a few extra potential values to find your game by name! This online game field can really make money, but it's a stronger attachment condition. You can earn a lot of potential values here..."

Her recovery of potential value is really bumpy; So far, a potential value has not been recovered. Instead, a lot of human and material resources have been put into it - not to mention the distance. Just the straw rope that tied Lin San wine into the starry sky cost her a lot of special items to exchange.

"I don't have the ability to resist now. Why don't you come and get back the potential value?" If she was interested just now, Lin Sanjiu is really curious now.

"Because online game fields are not allowed." Bohemia glanced at her unhappily and sat cross legged on the ground. "This is a place to practice fighting and improve ability. If the defeated person can't even keep his potential value, who else will come?"

Lin Sanjiu didn't think of this and immediately relaxed.

Thinking about the situation of both sides, Lin Sanjiu suddenly understood the current situation——

In Bohemia's view, she is now in a dilemma: if the prison guards win the game, she will be sent out by herself, and Lin Sanjiu knows that she must be waiting outside, so of course she won't send it up foolishly. In this way, as soon as 30 days arrive, she still has to withdraw from the consciousness starry sky obediently; Even if you come back immediately, it's just a tug of war.

It seems that the only way left is to let prisoners win the game——

"What are the rules of the game for your prison guards?" Lin Sanjiu couldn't help asking, "if you ask the fugitive to run away, will you be forced to stay and continue the game until you win, or will you be transported away together?"

Although she asked, she had guessed the answer vaguely. If it could be transmitted together, Bohemia would have "committed suicide" on the spot.

Bohemia was honest, muttering unhappily: "... If I was defeated by the prisoner, I would be sent away immediately. If the prisoner escaped, I would have to serve an hour's sentence."

No wonder - if the prisoner Lin Sanjiu wins the game, Bohemia must be worried that she will run away in this hour.

The only two places where she can face Lin Sanjiu are God's love and online game field; However, these two places can't directly capture the potential value - Bohemia gets more and more angry when thinking about it, and a beautiful face clearly writes a very ugly swear.

"Are you finished talking?"

J7 was pinched between Lin Sanjiu's fingers, and finally couldn't help asking.

Bohemia was surprised, and her eyes turned around, but she couldn't find the speaker; Just as she was about to jump up, she turned around and finally found a black spot the size of melon seeds between Lin Sanjiu's fingers. The black dot actually made a sound, and there was a trace of unhappiness in the sound of the tablet: "... The fragments of consciousness over there have disappeared."

"This... What is this?" Bohemia held out a finger as if to poke it.

"Don't touch me!" J7 immediately raised his voice, "if you touch me, we will all be thrown back into the cell."

Is this small metal block also a player? Bohemia looked surprised, withdrew his fingers, took a few steps back and said, "do you want to absorb the fragments of the conscious body? That's no good. All the conscious bodies lost by players in the game will be washed and purified into pure consciousness, and then given to the winner as a reward."

J7 stopped talking.

Seeing that she never came to catch herself and kept a certain distance from them, Lin Sanjiu thought that her guess was not a big mistake - Bohemia should be really frozen now, in a dilemma. After thinking about it, she took the initiative to ask, "in fact, as long as you get back your potential value, you won't bother me, right?"

Bohemia sneered: "I hate eating flat most. According to my past temper, if someone told me to hold my breath for so many times, I certainly wouldn't let him go. But after all, you saved my life, so I don't care - it's just the potential value, and I have to get it back."

"It's clear that you robbed me first, but you're still so righteous."

"The law of the jungle is the law of consciousness in the starry sky. If Nu Wa took my potential value, I naturally have nothing to say; but since it's you, I think I can beat you completely. How can I not try?"

J7 a small head turned back and forth, and he was very confused about the gratitude and resentment between them. He looked at this and that for a while.

Lin Sanjiu also laughed, "according to what you say, it's natural for you to be robbed by me when you want to rob me."

Bohemia blushed and muttered something like "one yard to one yard", but it was inaudible.

"What are you going to do now?"

"I, I don't know." Bohemia was at a loss.

"Well," Lin Sanjiu thought for a while and said, "I think I'm fair and square with your potential value; if you can grab it, you'll grab it. If you can't grab it, I won't take the initiative to give it back to you."

She is not like Ji Shanqing or Gong Daoyi, who can make people turn around in a few words. Therefore, she told the truth in her heart at the beginning, making it easier for people to believe her - Bohemia's veins jumped on her forehead and said coldly, "the problem is that now I can't rob!"

"In fact, there is a way," Lin Sanjiu did not expect that one day he would take the initiative to provide the enemy with an opportunity to attack himself: "but we must cooperate."

... the suspicion on Bohemia's face is almost so thick that it can choke to death.

"Just let me kill you," said Lin Sanjiu with a relaxed expression. "You think that as soon as I kill you, you will send it out first, and you can block me outside; and because I won you, I can't continue to stay in the cell. Even if I want to receive a reward, it will only take a while at most. When I go out, you can rob as much as you want?"

"I don't believe it," Bohemia immediately said, "why do you want to put yourself in danger? It's completely unreasonable - ah, I know, you must want to quit the game as I left last time? I tell you, even if you quit the starry sky and have my protective circle, you can't hurt me -"

"Last time it was the great witch." Then Lin Sanjiu told Bohemia how she had been forced out last time, "if it weren't for her, how could I break the rules of the game field?"

Bohemia stopped talking. She knew that Lin Sanjiu did know the great witch, and it seemed that he was a friend rather than an enemy; Not long after meeting the great witch, Lin Sanjiu disappeared from the starry sky - what she said was indeed somewhat believable.

"Do you know this?" J7 immediately turned his head and asked her for confirmation.

"I know," Bohemia answered casually.

"She said she didn't know how she got in this time..."

"I dragged her in."

As soon as these words were said, Lin Sanjiu immediately felt that the J7 on his finger moved - its melon seed big body suddenly opened, and from the shape of a man, it was reassembled into a half short mechanical body: "you are telling the truth, I misunderstood you, and I apologize to you."

"There's no need to apologize. You really suffered because of me..." Lin Sanjiu was a little overwhelmed by it, and hurriedly wanted to tear away the topic: "what do you mean by changing shape?"

"I heard that you humans must salute in order to show sincerity when apologizing, so I'm kneeling."

"Get up quickly!" Lin Sanjiu was so scared that he almost threw his fingers off it, "change the shape back quickly!"

J7 changed back to the upright shape like a stream.

When they talked, Bohemia was thinking deeply, and the two faint eyebrows of the distant mountains almost twisted into fried dough twist. After a long time, she hesitated and asked: "... Even so, I still don't understand. Aren't you afraid at all? My ability is better than you."

"Not necessarily. And even if I can't beat you, I can still run. I don't believe I can't run you."

This is indeed Lin Sanjiu's real idea - she is different from the last time. Now she has more potential values of syphilis and Bohemia, her consciousness has soared, and she has just been promoted. Teacher Yi also woke up, which is the time to be full of confidence; She even vaguely felt that even without Bohemia, she might be able to quit the starry sky.

Most importantly, Lin Sanjiu plans to take advantage of the hard chance to enter the starry sky to inquire about the whereabouts of the great witch first - even if she can only ask one person in time, it is better than not asking.

As for throwing himself into the body of God's love, Lin Sangjiu didn't worry: Bohemia was reluctant to kill himself with so much potential.

The idea is certain. Instead, she can't wait to urge Bohemia: "what do you think? Decide quickly."

The more she urged, the more Bohemia hesitated; After thinking for a long time, she finally gritted her teeth: "OK! Let's fight openly - but how can you beat me now that you've both become like this?"

"So we need to cooperate." Lin Sanjiu showed a row of teeth to her. "Let me slow down first, at least when I can move."

Lin San Jiu, who has only half a body, can't make up for it even after a half day's rest. But at least she can control one hand——

Bohemia brought two chairs, broke one, picked up half of Lin San wine with the chair legs, put her on the other chair and sat down, sharpened the broken fork of the chair legs and handed it into her hand. Throughout the process, they carefully avoided physical contact, and finally did not trigger the notice.

After Lin Sanjiu held the chair leg, Bohemia sat on the ground with a pale face, nervous, angry and a little afraid, and stretched his neck. As soon as she closed her eyes, she said almost awe inspiring, "come on! But try to move faster, or it won't hurt too much."

Lin Sanjiu didn't say anything, just handed his hand forward, and the sharp fork was stuck on Bohemia's neck - she cried when she was in pain, but her skin didn't even blush; Because the strength of Bohemia's consciousness body is far more than Lin San wine.

"No way," Lin Sanjiu said comfortingly, "who calls you so conscious? One more time, one more time."

... next, the whole prison hall couldn't help ringing out the prison guards' nasal screams.