When the shadow of the bald man hit, Lin Sanjiu's eyelashes had not finished shaking in time, and she had been shrouded by the effect of special items.

At a glance, everything in the world seemed to slow down suddenly; The water waves rose slowly and slowly, and after a long time, they began to spray bit by bit. Even the speed of the formation of the spray is so slow, as if it had to wait for endless time to see it gradually turn white and jump.

In front of the river, only the figure of the bald man was missing.

[human fictional Imagination series] No. 2 product [does time really exist? And inferences from this problem.]

This item belongs to the special item of "human fictional imagination" series, No. 02. There are five pieces in this series, with different names. There is no surprise after all.

Does time really exist?

Thirteen billion years ago, the universe came into being from the big bang; 3.8 billion years ago, life began to exist on the earth; Seventhousand years ago, a creature called Homo sapiens first walked on the surface of the earth. Before the emergence of Homo sapiens, it is true that atoms were still combined and separated, cells were still dead and born, and the tide was still rising and falling... But only after Homo sapiens did the concept of "time" appear. From this point of view, it is only one of the fictional imagination of human beings; Time does not exist, it is created by human beings, and it is only the measurement and description of changes in themselves and the outside world.

If a thing is eternal, can we say that it also has the concept of time?

Similarly, all novels and movies involve "time reversal", which is not time, but the development process of things, because time does not exist.

Because it is only a human concept, it is particularly easy to mess up.

This product can just disturb human perception of the changes and development of external things, and will cause random perception confusion of the target (only one at most), which is reflected in "unable to grasp time".

"What about him -- people --"

Lin Sanjiu slowly opened her mouth and spit out this sentence word by word with a kind of slowness that she didn't realize; She might have thought she was urgent and quick, but both the young swimmer and the fat man glanced at her in surprise and doubt, and realized that the woman had taken a move.

But they can do nothing——

Because once Lin Sanjiu was thrown into chaos and became a threat, the bald man rushed to the young man swimming; On the other side, dozens of snow-white waves seemed to be excited at the same time, rushing towards them in the loud sound of water.

In Lin Sanjiu's perception, although things around her suddenly slowed down, she still moved at the same speed; She didn't know how long this feeling lasted, and things around her suddenly accelerated, but she slowed down again - self, outside, perception, all became several different levels of speed, messing together; Everything in front of me was so fast that I was caught off guard, as if a video had been pressed three times fast forward, and everything in front of me suddenly became a distorted pattern.

She could not see where the bald man had gone, but vaguely seemed to hear the half scream of the white fat man.

His scream flashed by, and it sounded as if it was just a fleeting gap in the long river, which was not worth mentioning. Lin Sanjiu floats blankly in the water, and is pushed by the waves. In her spare time, she is full of anxiety, but she can't do anything - she seems to be unable to control the speed of her actions. In the sudden fast and slow, chaotic perception, she sometimes looks like sleepwalking, sometimes like twitching.

The bald man took his eyes away from her and smiled at the young swimmer.

"I'm sorry, I don't have a grudge against you, but this game is not good." He whispered, and then his arm pressed from the air, "get down!"

Several waves immediately rose high and broke into countless tiny drops in the air, which covered the faces of young people and white fat people like fog.

As the master fell into a mess, the barrier of consciousness did not work at all; The mist quickly spread into their five senses, seven orifices and skin texture. As soon as they squinted, they were suddenly pressed into the water by some invisible force——

Without even a cry of surprise, the young swimmer was submerged above his head, and the white fat man followed suit.

He struggled desperately, stirring up layers of white waves, bubbles bubbling on the water; However, no matter what means they used, the waves that hit them dragged them deeper and deeper.

As soon as these two people touch the bottom of the river, the bald man can get out of this competition.

Seeing that the bubbles on the river were getting smaller and smaller, the bald man snorted gently, wiped the water on his face, and turned to Lin Sanjiu - he deliberately left her aside, not because he wanted to be merciful to her, but because he was thinking of the special items on her.

Lin Sanjiu was still in cognitive confusion at this time: in her eyes, she finally saw the bald man swimming towards her in a slow motion; Only when he waved his hand and several waves jumped up from the water, she finally slowly raised her hand and shouted, "let go - he -"

Bald men don't have the patience to continue listening.

Seeing the time on the river in the distance, the breaking water waves gradually approached in this direction. With a whistle from the bald man, the waves immediately rushed at Lin Sanjiu.

But this time they didn't turn into water mist and get into her body. The waves connected themselves into a water circle hand in hand, and tied Lin Sanjiu's body suddenly - in her mind, she obviously had a very abundant period of time to react, but she had lost her ability to act in the blink of an eye.

The water circle connects the river, and it presses heavily on her like a water wall around her, making people unable to move at all. Even if Lin Sanjiu wanted to take action, her hands and feet were also affected by cognitive confusion, and her speed could not be coordinated - she watched helplessly as the bald man grabbed himself and pulled the traction rope. Immediately, they broke the river and rose into the air, rising higher and higher towards the top of the stone column.

The cold wind in the air stabbed Lin Sanjiu's wet body like a knife, so that she couldn't help shivering, and a series of vague voices rolled out of her throat.

The bald man glanced at her, and his hand was wrapped around her arm like a steel ring, making her bones ache.

Lin Sanjiu's perception of things around him became more and more strange, even as if every eye he looked out and everything he saw were at a separate time flow rate - another cold wind blew down the drops of water on her forehead, and the ice fell on her little by little, which made her shiver again and say something vaguely; Barely looked up, it seemed that the top of the stone column under the pressure of white fog was only a short distance away.

When the two were finally dragged onto the table by the rope at the top of the tower, the bald man loosened his hand and threw Lin San wine, which was still tightly wrapped, on the stone platform. He took a few breaths and walked up to a metal rod standing in the center of the stone platform - the metal rod was also covered with a pulley and rope, which was slowly retracted with the steps of the bald man.

"What?" The bald man suddenly stopped, as if he heard something, frowned and turned his head.

Lin Sanjiu, lying on the stone platform, didn't know what to say - her voice now not only sounded vague, but even the rhythm was very uncomfortable: often the first few words were so fast that they seemed to bite the tongue, and the last few words suddenly slowed down, completely irregular, causing her words to sound like a child's nonsense.

"You've been muttering for several times," frowned bareheaded, smiled, untied the rope, and squatted down in front of her. "I won't let go of anything you say -"

"You, you have heard --" Lin San Jiu suddenly burst out a half sentence sharply and quickly, and then slowly said, "three... Hundreds... Roads...?"