What's going on?

Did he find a way to resist the "order"?

In a flash of doubt, Lin Sanjiu immediately whispered, "send him away!"

The little man who reported the situation just now had his eyes wide open and his eyes circled between his officer and the strange woman; Before he could figure out the situation, Li wensujiang turned around to him: "you go and ask each team leader to reorganize their own people, and then divide two adult hands to lock the exits - and, transfer all the remaining people here!"

His attitude was urgent, as if he were seizing the last opportunity to devote himself to his duties.

The little man answered in a hurry, staggering and rushing to the people who stumbled not far away; As soon as he left, Lin Sanjiu took another step, stared at him and said softly, "knock the man on your right hand to the ground."

If he may have just completed the last "order" by pushing the boat, then this time, she clearly saw a flash of resistance from Li wensujiang's face. While he was struggling, his right hand suddenly lifted up, and his arm suddenly lit up from under his sleeve. Several lightning like white lights jumped and chopped up the air, beating an unexpected Arsenal member out for several meters.

"Sir!" Someone in the distance immediately shouted, "you... What are you doing?"

Li wensujiang quickly glanced at Lin San wine; The latter stepped back, hugged his arm and whispered, "explain yourself."

She has confirmed that the "order" is still valid.

He suddenly took a long breath, turned around and shouted, "I want you to return to the team quickly! Haven't you seen the fire? Run around again, you're the next!"

The two Arsenal members were obviously startled by his anger as if he wanted to eat people. They hurriedly helped the people on the ground, turned and quickly disappeared into the crowd. However, even with the order of the officer, the crowd, which was half dark and swaying by the sky fire, was still in a panic disorder everywhere - at this time, half of the sky was dark, half of the sky was red, and even the earth was tilted and out of balance by the light and heat emitted by the slender tower.

Lin Sanjiu suddenly raised his head and realized that it was not the earth that lost his balance.

"Come with me!" She shouted angrily and grabbed Li wensujiang's sleeve: "run!"

At the same time, the members of the Arsenal surrounding the commander tower also reacted; Screams, footsteps, shouts when pushing and shoving... The chaotic crowd magnified the panic countless times. At that moment, Lin Sanjiu only remembered that countless chaotic fragments that had been torn to pieces flashed before his eyes. Then, the loud noise that drowned the world occurred.

When she finally reopened her eyes after a long time, there was only silence in the world except for a buzzing in her ears. Her eyes seemed to be blurred and fluctuated like water. She blinked hard and turned her head behind her.

... the commander tower is half short. Its slender, burning upper half stood askew on the ground, but the lower half had disappeared - it smashed the bricks on the ground and ate deeply into the land. Countless people had covered the earth like corpses; Until those bright and dazzling sparks fell like raindrops one after another, those dying talents suddenly twisted and struggled, and turned into countless black shadows in the flames with nearly blazing temperatures.

Lin Sanjiu suddenly regained consciousness, hurriedly looked around, and vigorously patted the shoulder of a person around him.

"Li wensujiang!" She felt herself shouting - her ears were numb with shock, and even her voice sounded far away: "open your eyes quickly! Are you okay?"

The black haired man suddenly opened his mouth, as if he was panting sharply, and climbed up from the ground a little bit. He only had time to look back at his subordinates, and was dragged to his feet by Lin Sanjiu, and ran to the distance with deep and shallow feet - "follow me! They are hopeless!"

"Wait, wait," Li Wensu followed up obediently at the foot of the river, but his tone was full of reluctance: "console... Control..."

"What?" Lin Sanjiu only glanced back, and immediately looked like he was scalded by the fire purgatory in the rear, and hurriedly moved his eyes away. She was kind of grateful that her ears were so shocked that she didn't want to imagine what kind of sound the crowd devoured by flames behind her was making towards the sky.

Most of the buildings in the Arsenal are made of steel. I think the fire will not spread out at least... For people who unfortunately stay in the buildings sealed by fire, the death method is just from burning to roasting.

"The stone floor under the commander's tower,"

For Lin Sanjiu, his voice sounded further; The two men's ears were half numb. If they wanted to talk, they had to raise their voices to each other and shouted desperately, "there is a console in that stone brick field!"

"So what?"

The commander tower just tilted and fell into the sky, and a large area of stone brick ground was hit directly by it; The console may have been reduced to pieces along with the floor tiles.

"There is no fire in that place!" Li wensujiang rubbed his ears and shouted loudly. "When entering the tower, you must open the console to enter... I, I also want to enter, I want to see who the people in the tower are!"

Lin Sanjiu suddenly stopped and turned his head to stare at his eyes.

She had to try again, although she didn't understand the result of the last time.

"Take me to Luze," fortunately, the time limit of ability has not yet arrived, and she can continue to order the other party: "after finding Luze, do whatever you want."

Li wensujiang looked at her, and the flames behind him burned the outline of his shadow faintly distorted, as if it would fluctuate.

All orders can take effect, except this one.

Just when Lin Sanjiu fell into shock and doubt and couldn't say a word for a moment, Li wensujiang seized the opportunity and suddenly turned around and ran away.

"Come back!" Although she immediately gave the order, he was not slow, and in the twinkling of an eye he had rushed out for several steps; In the crackling flames, roars and screams, his ears, which were not very clear, probably did not catch Lin Sanjiu's "order" at all.

Lin Sanjiu hesitated, opened the [protective force field] and quickly followed.

The closer you get to the commander's tower, the hotter the air becomes unbearable; Although Li wensujiang took the first step, it was obvious that the next step was harder than the next step - and Lin Sanjiu had "high temperature adaptation" on her body, so she stepped on a dead body and caught up with him again near the ruins made of broken bricks soon.

"Stop!" She shouted loudly, not daring to rush forward rashly; Li wensujiang still didn't seem to hear it. He just glanced back and forth at the ruins, with sweat and confusion on his face. He still seemed to plan to find the console from this pile of brick waste soil.

Lin Sanjiu subconsciously followed with a look, and his heart suddenly coagulated in his chest.