In late spring, there are cicadas in the courtyard outside the window.

Hissing cicadas chirp intermittently, which is more annoying than usual, as if they are not determined to fully devote themselves to this cause because summer is not yet here. They came early this year; When Mingming approached the window, the dark night outside was still as cold as water, leaving a layer of tiny goose bumps on the exposed skin of Qiao Yuan Temple.

After placing the bird food box on the outside window edge, she closed the window, lifted two mugs from the table, and glanced over an open notebook next to her. The hot tea in the cup was too full. When she walked a small step, the steam was steaming, like a powder mist blowing away, whitening the air in front of her eyes.

Sakura Shuian jumped up from the sofa, walked a few steps closer to her, and took two tea cups.

"Why is it so hot?" he lowered his head, glanced at Qiao Yuan Temple from under a few messy hairs, and pretended to put the cup close to her mouth: "come on, take a drink first and I'll take it."

"Stop it," Qiao Yuan Temple resisted with a gesture and smiled - but the smile soon dissipated.

The clock pointer is close to ten o'clock, and the heat and noise in the day gradually sink down like snow points, making it a silent and cold night.

Qiao Yuan Temple was wearing suspenders and hot pants, sitting cross legged on the carpet, holding the cup was too hot, and his fingers were cold without touching the cup; Sakura Shuian sat on the sofa opposite, looking at her fingers busy for a while, and finally couldn't help but bow his head and smile.

After the laughter in his throat dispersed, they both fell into silence again.

They got along too short and separated too long last time. When they met again, it was like light and shadow meeting solid ice, and they couldn't find a point of communication and integration. Qiao Yuan Temple kept hanging his head. After a few seconds, lengbuding asked, "why did you come back?"

Sakura Shuian rubbed her hair a few times when she heard the speech, fell down on the back of the sofa and breathed a long breath. "I... I just happened to pass by this place and think of you. Come and see if you are OK."

Qiao yuan nodded silently, and the room was quiet again. She could feel yingshuian sweeping her eyes again and again, talking with him for several times to the end of her mouth - he didn't seem to expect that she would close herself tightly like a clam shell, and he was still hesitating for a moment, not knowing whether to knock her shell.

"I'm fine," Qiao Yuansi said in a low voice, looking at the tip of his finger red by the cup and saying, "now you've seen it."

Sakura Shuian leaned over, curled up his broad and thin shoulders slightly, and asked: "... Do you want me to go?"

Qiao Yuan Temple was silent for a while, suddenly lowered his head and stretched out his hand to wipe his eyes.

"Since you decided to leave, you shouldn't come back." She said hoarsely, "you know what I mean... I also know what you mean."

Sakura Shuian was stunned and didn't speak.

"I know you have only fourteen months in every world, I know." Qiao Yuan Temple said in a lower voice, "I know that even if... Even if you don't go, I will face the world alone in 14 months. So it's good for me to get used to this state earlier... Just, since you've decided so, what are you doing back?"

"I..." Sakura Shuian gently wiped his face. Dark clouds floating out the window covered the moonlight.

"I finally got used to it," before he finished, Qiao Yuan Temple was about to shrink behind the mug and hide in the steaming steam, saying: "... I finally got used to it."

It was probably the first time for him to encounter such a situation. Such an evolutionist who seemed to be able to do everything, now he seemed to be a little at a loss. "I... I just want to see you."

Qiao Yuan Temple still only looked at the cup of tea. "I know, I'm fine now. I can handle it by myself. Don't worry. I got out of danger five months ago, and I can continue to take care of myself in the future..."

"Five months ago?" Yingshuian immediately raised his attention, "what happened?"

Speaking of that, I can't help thinking of Jin Yan.

Qiao Yuan Temple closed his eyes and spoke slowly about her acquaintance with Jin Yan at that time, almost numbly; When her story came to the park that evening, her voice began to get lower and lower: "Jin Yan was just infected at that time, and it was still herself. So when those people surrounded me, she saw that I was going to be bad. She suddenly shouted, jumped up from the rear, and fell down two people... Thanks to her buying me some time, I could seize the opportunity to escape."

Sakura Shuian tightly pursed her lips and nodded. "But did she change her shape later?" He came closer again, and the shadow and breath floated on the table. "The memory of the deformed person is coherent, doesn't she -"

"Dead," Qiao Yuan Temple interrupted him.

Sakura Shuian's expression condensed on his face, and he looked more and more like a plaster statue under the moonlight outside the window.

"Later, when I sent her home, I told her that I would help her as you helped me at that time. But she was seriously infected, and I was not sure at that time. In fact, I was ready. If she couldn't recover, I had to leave my work and house here and run away... As a result, the next morning, I found her dead." She said flatly.

"Suicide?" Yingshuian guessed at once.

Qiao yuan nodded silently.

The silent orange light of the desk lamp flowed down and slowly filled the silent emptiness between them. Sakura Shuian lost a lot of weight, and his T-shirt hung loosely on him; He bowed his head, suddenly stood up, bypassed the tea table, and sat down beside Qiao Yuan Temple. The wind stirred his hair and T-shirt.

"... sorry."

He stretched out his hand. When he was about to touch Qiao Yuan Temple, the latter suddenly turned around and rushed forward into his arm. Sakura Shuian was frozen at that moment, and her half stretched arm stayed in the air. After several seconds, she slowly turned around, and her fingers hesitated, landing on the warm and naked back skin of Qiaoyuan temple.

Qiao Yuan Temple couldn't even shed a tear. She would not let go of her hands again, but just lifted her head, like a vine trying to cling to the trunk, holding his neck. His cheek wiped from his Adam's apple, and her clavicle hit her chest. Her warm and cold skin was close to her, and her hair was messy with her breath.

"Tomorrow," she said, listening to her low, murmuring voice, like a sob, "tomorrow, you go... And never come back..."

Yingshuian sent out a dumb breath of pain from his throat.

The hair on the dark red Persian carpet was thick and dense, and clumps of it were tied on the back. The load was lifted and collapsed, like clumps of waves rising and falling one after another. Qiao Yuan Temple was like a boat, and could only swing on it uncontrollably. The dim light of the desk lamp is wrapped in small dust, which fluctuates and flows with the breath, trapping everything in an old movie like melancholy. The colors elongated and fused, and the living room expanded and changed its shape, and finally turned into layers of continuous, boundless white light, shining into her mind.

Panting, Qiao Yuan Temple sat up and reached for the cup of tea that was already half cold. She was so thirsty that she drank half a cup at a draught; The cicada outside the window finally gave a long cry, and then there was no sound. She listened and smiled silently.

Yingshuian really lost a lot of weight, and the spine muscles and scars on her back were clear under the dim light. Even if he was naked, he still seemed to be unable to dissipate the heat, approached the table and opened the window; He looked back and asked, "why, are there insects now?"

Did you see the pesticide outside the window? Qiao yuan nodded, and then raised his glass to drink a sip of tea.

The notebook has been spread on the desktop, and she hasn't collected it yet, and she doesn't feel the need to put it away. The dense handwriting on the notebook caught Ying Shuian's eyes. He bent down and looked at it for a while.

Qiao Yuan Temple leaned on the armrest of the sofa, waiting for him to look up.

"Put the bird food box on the edge of the window,"

When Sakura Shuian still lowered her head and read the notebook without saying a word, she couldn't bear it and opened her mouth dumbly. That's what she wrote down five months ago, of course she remembers. "Since you decided to leave at the beginning, you shouldn't come back... I finally got used to it."

Yingshuian finally raised his head slowly, as if he had been poisoned.

His skin was too white to be close to human fireworks, so when two purples finally appeared at the corners of his eyes, it was like blood dripping into the snow, and gradually diffused at an undetectable speed. Qiao Yuan Temple couldn't help laughing. She had to cover her mouth, press her bulging cheek, and cover her laughter back into her mouth.

"You... You have," Sakura Shuian looked at her, her voice trembled, and she even had difficulty spitting out words. In the makeup like blood purplish red of the corners of his eyes, a little water light gradually flickered. "Completely deformed?"