This is anti-theft, the main text should be as soon as possible. I posted it early today because there is an event at night. I will tell you the specific event in the main text.

When I was a child, I only laughed when I watched movies, but when I grew up, I found out when I became a robber—it was so fucking painful.

Lin Sanjiu got up from the gift bag, feeling that the skin on his back was on fire, and was torn into strips by the burning pain. The ground was covered with shards of broken glass that were as sharp as knives, and each piece stood upright on the floor with its pointed end upright, like a small piece of sharp grass, and there was nowhere to find the next place to stay.

"Are you OK?"

Countless streaks of blood slid down the skin itchyly, and flowed through the wound still embedded with glass slag, making people's nerves jump. Angry from the pain, Lin Sanjiu wanted to pick up a big towel to wipe the blood off the two of them, but when he unfolded it, the towel was filled with cold sparkle.

If she was the only one, even if she fought so hard that she didn't have a good skin all over her body, she would still find that woman Hakain... But with the gift bag beside her, she could only hold back her anger now.

"It's okay." After standing up, Ji Shanqing smiled at her. Although he was covered, he was still scratched in many places, and his clothes and skin were covered with bloodstains.

"...What's wrong?" Lin Sanjiu glanced into his eyes.

"Nothing." Ji Shanqing smiled again.

She didn't expect Libao to neither panic nor cry, which was quite different from her previous reaction, and she was a little stunned for a while. "Can we go? Let's get out quickly."

Ji Shanqing, who was picking up glass shards from his body, raised his head and glanced at her when he heard this. "Why?"


Isn't this bloody mess not enough reason?

"Are you still in the body of the gift bag?" Lin Sanjiu frowned, "In case the clothes are broken..."

"I've made quite a few changes," he replied—even a little too calmly. "But if my sister feels relieved to go out, how about we go back to the pool?"

The road leading to the main entrance was already covered with shards of broken glass like knives, but a few steps behind, the courtyard was just outside the shattered glass wall. Just as Lin Sanjiu turned around towards the outside of the courtyard, he couldn't help being taken aback: The ground was still covered with broken glass, but the glass wall was intact again blocking the gap between them and the courtyard.

"Let's go," she shuddered, all the hairs on her body stood up, "No wonder the dumbbell just now—"

It didn't take her to finish the sentence, Ji Shanqing already understood; he changed his face and pointed to the dining table not far away: "Sister, grab that one!"

In just a few words, they heard the ticking, ticking second hand again. If they had the time to look outside, they would definitely be able to spot the red light of the explosive device between the branches and leaves; but Lin Sanjiu didn't look out, but immediately threw out a wave of consciousness, grabbed the table legs, Drag it across half the kitchen.

"Squat down!" She set up the dining table, stretched out her hand and pulled the gift bag down—almost the two of them had just squatted behind the table, when there was another loud noise in the kitchen; countless air currents, broken glass, sparks, bombs The branches and leaves were punched straight into the house and rolled up in the air.

Lin Sanjiu's heart suddenly tightened, and he hurriedly pulled the gift bag back, and several huge glass spikes came out from the wooden dining table; if they hadn't dodged in time, they would have plunged into their faces It was—the heavy dining table was pierced by glass like a hedgehog, and it was impossible to stop another explosion.

The wooden floor and dumbbell plates just now probably have only one mission, which is to force them into the kitchen. Once you have experienced an explosion, it will be difficult to get out: the road leading to the door is covered with dense glass spikes, the height of which touches the calf, and there is no place to step down. They are the effects of abilities, and I'm afraid they can't even be cleaned up—not to mention, the next explosion is not far away.

Lin Sanjiu looked up at the ceiling. The chandelier is not over their heads, there is only a white wall over their heads.

"Hold me tight," she asked back, and the gift bag immediately obediently lay on her stomach, wrapping her arms tightly around her waist. "Catch it!"

At the same time that the glass wall was fully reappeared, she kicked on the spot and leaped into the air with the gift bag. With a muffled "bang", her metal gloved hand smashed through the ceiling, revealing a black hole among clusters of dust fragments; Swinging, the other hand smashed another hole in front.

"Sister, the device is timing!" Ji Shanqing whispered in her ear.

"I know, you must hold on to me, do you hear me?"

Lin Sanjiu hung his hands from the ceiling, rolled his waist and curled up his legs. Relying on the strength of her legs curled up and down, she swung her body forward again—her right hand took advantage of the situation and released another hole that could be grasped.

Outside the kitchen door, the rope tied with dumbbell plates was hanging straight in mid-air, swaying slightly.

After Lin Sanjiu made several holes in the ceiling one after another, he also moved forward for a long distance, only about ten steps away from the kitchen door; when Ji Shanqing said in a low voice, "It's coming!" , she suddenly let go of both hands at the same time, and her consciousness poured out forward.

As soon as her consciousness was wrapped around the rope, she quickly shortened her consciousness; at the same time, the glass wall behind them, which had just recovered, shattered again behind them.

"Bandit No. 2's HP is reduced by 1." Even in the broken glass flying all over the sky, the female voice was still clearly audible.

Oh shit.

Lin Sanjiu had already jumped onto the rope with the dumbbells with the gift bag, and was pushed out of the kitchen far away by the airflow; but the gift bag lay on her back, and was still wrapped up by the aftermath of the explosion. I don't know how much each person's "life value" is—they both went to 2 o'clock before they figured out where Hakain was hiding.

When the rope swung into the living room, Lin Sanjiu let go, and fell to the ground together with the gift bag. This is not far from the main entrance, even if there is any trap, it is impossible to break out before her accelerated sprint; once her speed exploded, the whole person almost became a phantom, and rushed back in the blink of an eye. out the door.

As soon as he stepped out of the door, the hand that was holding Ji Shanqing was suddenly shaken by him, and it was thrown away from his hand. Lin Sanjiu was startled, stopped his body hastily, and turned his head suddenly, but was slapped heavily on the nose by the door.

With a "click", the door lock was locked.

"Gift package?" She stood up covered in hairs, and for a while couldn't figure out what kind of trap this was, leaving Ji Shanqing alone—"What's wrong with you? Come out!"

"Sister," Ji Shanqing's voice sounded softly from behind the door, somewhat indistinct. "You take a break outside and treat the wound. Give me a few minutes... I will come out to find you with that Hakaine soon."