After Peng fan and Dai mubai left, Wang Jian's face was straightened again, holding the ring to the teacher under the seat, and said, "you guys, we have the money to build the new college. What else can you suggest?"

"Since there's no one to talk to, let's talk about two points."

Hu Yannian took a look around him. When he saw that no one was moving, he stood up and said to Wang Jian with a smile.

"Director Huyan, please go ahead."

There was a touch of joy on Wang Jian's face. If he thought highly of anyone's suggestion, it must be Hu Yannian.

As a teaching director with decades of professional experience, every suggestion of Hu Yannian is precious.

Hu Yannian said with a smile: "first of all, the main problem is the curriculum. The current curriculum of the college is a little rough, which I think can be further refined."

Wang Jian thought about it, then nodded and said, "what director Huyan said is reasonable. The current schedule is only my original temporary plan. Director Huyan has more experience in this kind of thing, so I'll leave it to you. What do you think?"


Hu Yannian nodded, and then said again, "then there is the second point. Can the Dean consider expanding the enrollment of some students again?"

Wang Jian was stunned and asked, "what does director Huyan think?"

"It seems that I don't want to confine the ambition of the dean to a junior soul teacher college, does it?"

"That's natural. Everyone has lofty aspirations, and so do I. that's to make the college the first in mainland China!"

Everyone who was doing it was stunned, but Wang Jian, who was sitting there, had a serious face and firm eyes, and could not see that he was joking.

Hu Yannian was also stunned, and then sighed: "I didn't expect that the dean's ambition is so high, but... It's difficult to become the first college in the mainland."

If you want to become the first soul Teacher College in mainland China, you must first become a senior soul teacher college, which has very high requirements for both colleges and students, and there are three mountains above it.

The first is Tiandou Royal College, the second is Xingluo Royal College, and the third is the senior soul teacher college directly under wuhundian.

The three colleges almost take most of the outstanding young soul teachers in the world, and many senior soul teachers colleges can't match them. It's not easy to surpass them.

"People always have dreams, don't they? Otherwise, it's different from a salted fish. "

"Ha ha, the dean is full of witty remarks. Since the Dean has such ambition, the expansion of the college should be inevitable. "

"Although our college is still relatively small, there are still plenty of classrooms and tutors. It's July and August is the time to graduate. Maybe we can recruit some soul masters who graduated from junior soul master college."

"Well? Is that ok? "

Wang Jian looks at Hu Yannian in surprise.

Hu Yannian said with a smile: "why not? Our college is now called Tianxing soul teacher college, and there is no fixed title of junior or intermediate senior. "

"So we can take the college as an intermediate and senior college, and the junior college as a subsidiary!"

Wang Jian's eyes brighten. Isn't this the primary school affiliated to XX middle school?

"But... I want to join the College Alliance in December. Does that make any difference?"

"Of course not. After all, the College Alliance is a loose alliance. What it strives for is only the treatment. The so-called junior, intermediate and senior levels are only the level issues. In fact, the existence of a soul teacher college is still the public recognition of it. As for other issues, there are no specific restrictions!"


If Wang Jian thinks about it, isn't it equivalent to an ancient academy?

"Well, I'll try my best to make some publicity and try to attract some talented students, so that I can get good results at the assessment meeting in December."

With Hu Yannian's suggestion, Wang Jian even felt that he could rush towards the treatment of intermediate soul teacher college.

"Do you have any suggestions?"

Seeing the silence of the crowd, Wang said: "since there is no one, we can wait until the next time. We will make a summary every month in the future. At that time, we can also put forward the problems or suggestions we have found."

"And then there is..."

Wang Jian's hand extended to the soul guide. With a flash of light, three heavy books appeared in his hands.

Facing the puzzled eyes of the people, Wang Jian looked up at them, put three books on the table and solemnly said: "this is the internal teaching material of our college. You can have a look first. At present, there are only three books, and you will slowly rub them later."

"And... This is a confidential document of the college! Don't disclose it to people not related to the college. Do you understand? "

Seeing Wang Jianling's sharp eyes, everyone is awe inspiring, but they also find it hard to understand. It's nothing more than a textbook. Is it necessary to inspire people?

Seeing that they were puzzled, Wang Jian gently pushed the three books on his desk to them and said in a soft voice, "you can have a look first."

Hu Yannian got up and took the three textbooks into his hands. He glanced at several textbooks and found them novel.

The materials of these three textbooks are strange, which have never been seen before, and the covers of the three books are printed with their own names.

Encyclopedia of ghosts and beasts, Encyclopedia of martial spirits and basic combat knowledge.

Aware of the weight of books, Hu Yannian found that things are not simple.

He picked up "basic combat knowledge" himself, and then handed the other two books to other tutors. Lian Yan and Su Yun gave thanks, took one each, and then read it curiously.

Just now, Wang Jian felt a little thirsty, so he took a sip of the tea from the teacup on the table. The bitter taste spread in his mouth, making his tired head wake up instantly.


As time goes on, the faces of the people holding the book are more and more shocked. Even the hands holding the book are shaking, and their eyes are full of excitement and incredible color.

"This... This is..."

"The two encyclopedias record all the martial spirits and soul beasts that have ever appeared in the world, and there is nothing missing!"

Wang Jian added that people understood why Wang Jian attached so much importance to the two books.

"Do you understand now?"

Everyone looked at each other and nodded. However, he was shocked and couldn't help thinking about how Wang Jian got these two books. If the records in this book are true, the time he spent is absolutely astronomical, and it's impossible even without considerable influence.

Wang Jian didn't think so much about it. He was relieved to see people nodding. In fact, he was willing to share these things. After all, although knowledge is precious, inheritance is more important.

And compared with holding it in your hands, it's obviously safer to spread it widely.

But if you want to do these things, at least you need to wait for Tianxing college to become the first college in the mainland, because before that, it will be the precious heritage of Tianxing college.

After the achievement of the first soul Teacher College in the mainland, the strength is the strongest foundation of Tianxing college!

Wang Jian thought silently.