For Su Yanxi and Lu Jingyan to make up for the wedding, Chu Li naturally said a few words of blessing against his will, and by the way also said some words of envy and so on. Su Yanxi didn't think so, just listened to it.

After dinner for three, Su Yanxi drives Lian Qingyan back. Chu Li stares at the white BMW and gradually disappears into the night. After holding the bag tightly, she takes out her mobile phone from the bag and dials Ella's phone: "Ella, help me investigate myself. Lian Qingyan, I want all her details when I go to work tomorrow."

After sending Lian Qingyan back, it was already 9:30 when Su Yanxi returned to the villa, but Lu Jingyan couldn't come back until very late because he had an operation appointment.

Su Yanxi also didn't go to wait for him, as soon as he got to the sleepy point, he went to sleep directly.

When she woke up the next day, Su Yanxi only felt that she was held by a strong embrace. She turned her head and saw the tired sleeping face of the man.

Thinking that today is his day to rest, Su Yanxi didn't wake him up, but quietly wanted to get up and wash. But as soon as he got up, the sleeping man noticed it. He took her by the arm, pulled her gently, and fell into his arms again.

"What time is it?" The man closed his eyes tightly, did not open, hoarse voice line seems a bit low.

"It's half past eight."

"Well..." The man answered vaguely, still hugged her tightly and went on sleeping.

Su Yan Xi sighed silently and asked with a smile, "what time did you come back last night?"

"It's late. I don't remember."

"Then you can sleep more! It's still early. "

"Well, call me at nine."

"Good." Su inkstone Xi soft voice should wear, just feel to embrace her big palm a little loose some strength, lift the quilt to descend.

Two days ago, they agreed to take advantage of today's rest day to see the wedding ring. However, Su Yanxi couldn't bear to see him so tired. Anyway, it's not urgent to see the wedding ring. It's nothing to go later.

At ten o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Jingyan got up in a daze. When he saw the time on the bedside table, his brain suddenly woke up. He immediately opened the quilt, changed his clothes and went downstairs.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I just saw Su Yanxi come out of the living room. They looked at each other. Lu Jingyan's lips moved. Before making a sound, I heard her gentle voice lingering in my ears: "you wake up."

"Well, why don't you call me?" Lu Jingyan pursed her lips into a straight line. She was a little annoyed. She promised to take her to see the wedding ring in the morning, but she overslept.

But Su Yanxi was not annoyed, just said with a smile: "you are so tired, I want you to sleep more! Go and wash! Then come and have dinner. "


They went out after lunch at home. They went to many jewelry stores in the city. Su Yanxi didn't find a suitable one. Finally, Lu Jingyan took her to a jewelry store specializing in customized wedding rings.

After seeing all kinds of customized samples, Su Yanxi thinks it's very novel. She learned from the store manager that this wedding ring can not only be customized, but also allow them to participate in the process of customization, which makes this ring of extraordinary significance.

All afternoon, they stayed in the jewelry store, from designing styles to selecting materials and making early works, until night fell.

"Lu Jingyan." Two hands hand in hand walking on the road, Su Yanxi suddenly stopped and called him.

Hearing the speech, Lu Jingyan looked back at her: "en? What's the matter? "

"Thank you." Beautiful apricot eyes with a smile at him, as if all the emotions have been injected into this simple three words.