Chapter 3 - Broly's misfortune...


What is that sound did I just heard a notification sound from my phone!!!

[Ding!!! An Unknown conscious soul has been found]

'what are you??? ' I asked toward the source of the sound though I didn't know if the direction is right or not.

[Ding!!! I am the Outerverse system Host]

The OS said to me surprising me 'oh then can you help me get out of this dark void??? '

I asked with little hope...

[Ding!!! Of course, the system is able to accomplish that but before that, you will have to choose a world you want to go to accept your old one]

I told me in slow past as it wanted for me to register everything...

After thinking I decided to ask 'Is it possible ti go to Dragon Ball world'

I asked and waited for receiving my answer for the system.

[Ding!!! Analyzing please wait~]

The OS told me and after some time it gave a replay...

[Ding!!! After analyzing from your memory the system has found a similar world called The World of Kies. The world is known as such because of the world being controlled by Kies.

Does host want to reincarnate in that world. ]

It must be because of Supreme-Kie and God of Destruction.

After coming to some conclusion I nodded and said 'Ok I am ok with it… '

[Ding!!! Before moving on the Host need to get soul bind with the system as you are conscious so the system needs your permission for it.

Do you agree??? ]

The system asked and I agreed instantly after all I want tk get out of this place as soon as I can.

[Ding!!! Soul binding completed….]

[Ding!!! Now before we move in the new world the host needs to complete some special choices to match himself with the new world. ]

First I was given a choice to select my race...

1. Kioshen (Supreme Kie)

2. Human

3. Saiyan

5. Frost Demon.

Of course, I chose Saiyan though I wanted ti chose Human but on second thought why the fuċk should I start from the very bottom.

Then came appearance. So, I started choosing how will I look and I choose Vegeto and Gogeta look because I like that more than anyone's look in Dragon Ball.

Then it came to Bloodline choice and after I looked around I found the list like this.

1. Progenitor Bloodline- The first Saiyan and the strongest bloodline there is.

2. Ancient Bloodline- The bloodline of a Saiyan from the dark ages.

3. Rage Bloodline- The Bloodline Broly has.

4. High Ranking Bloodline- Prince Vegeta has.

5. Mid Ranking Bloodline- Napa.

Do you even need to ask I chose without asking Progenitor Saiyan what do you take me for a fool or something? I will become OP from the get-go.

[Ding!!! All the preparation are made now before you get to get to your body I will remind you one last time that when you get to the world of Kie you will get a starting package

But to open it you will need to kill a being with power more then 1000B.P before the age of 5 or else you will lose the starting package. ]

'Good now can we move on. ' I said as I again lost consciousness.

Flashback end.


After getting out of the incubator chamber King Vegeta got very angry knowing there is someone with more power level than his son or has more potential.

After all, no one wants to have an uprising in their ruling.

After thinking he made the decision of sending Broly off to a planet at the outer corner of the Galaxy.

As King Vegeta entered the room with some doctors and with more Saiyans ge ordered tgem to take out Broly from his Incubator.

While they were doing that Ban who is sleeping at the very corner of the room woke up because of the noise he was hearing from outside.

Ban's Pov-

As soon as I woke up I heard a loud baby cry coming from the middle of the room and looked at that direction tk see what the shit is going on there.

Hey, I am in a fuċkɨnġ incubator so how teb hell is I hearing the baby's cry.

Is that Broly they are taking out from that incubator???

Yes, that is him well looks like the King didn't like what he saw. Anyway, it's not my problem as I am safe for now but I need to be careful.

After Broly was taken out of the incubator chamber room the room again went silent.

'Hey system you there??? ' I asked as I am really getting really bored.

Do you want me to help you with something ]

'Hey I am getting really bored can you suggest anything for me to do? ' I asked with anticipation.

[Ding!!! It is not surprising for you getting bored Host, after all, you are stuck here all the time without doing anything but currently, you can't do anything major so I am sorry host though if you had done S.P I might have provided you some training manual]

The system gave me an annoying answer but I had another question in mind.

'How long do you think I will have to stay inside this incubator??? ' I am really getting bored.

[Ding!!! From the world settings, you will still need to become 2 years old at the very least after all this chamber ps built especially for you to become strong and grow up faster]

'Oh that's a bummer...' I thought as I looked at the empty incubator in the middle Vegeta's one then to Broly's which is empty right now as I asked ' Then why did they took out Broly???'

[Ding!!! Actually, he would get out in 2 to 3 months but you know how King feared any competition so he did that.]

'Then what about Vegeta??? ' right will he be taken out soon.

'Lucky him…' I said as I again fall in sleep