37 Chad’s Located, Hollow Hunting

"Also Ichigo, usually at times like these the Hollows hide in between the Realm Of Void that is in between both Earth and the Soul Society, and once they do that it's impossible to detect them, we get alerts from Soul Society when they step into the human realm Earth other than waiting there's nothing we can do!!"


"Rukia there's always a way, regardless of what might happen or what you think, honestly I never realised this up until now, I can just sense out their Reishi, and that Parakeet if we sense that then we'll be able to sense the Hollow as its targeting the Soul within the bird"

"Ichigo, come on you know that's impossible"

Rukia looked at Ichigo as if he'd gone senile, as what he was saying sounded absolutely ridiculous.


With that said Ichigo closed his eyes and spread out his hands to both sides of his body and began his spiritual sensing of the Parakeet known as Yuichi. "U... Umm Ichigo?"

'I swear what is this sensation, this feeling, No it can't be even I can't sense such a weak Reishi never mind Ichigo a newbie Shinigami, he can't find that Parakeet why's he even trying, and to complicate matters even more the human soul is being eclipsed by the Parakeets!'

'To simply home in on it from such a large distance gap is amazing and unheard of.'

*Shiver, Rukia witnessing this started to shiver in fright and just stared gaspingly at our Crab haired protagonist.


Soon enough countless Spiritual Ribbons started to manifest around Ichigo giving out unique location Reishi's from all around, however Ichigo was still focused and had his eyes closed.

"Th... This is really..." Rukia became flustered upon seeing all this and added it to Ichigo's long list of being unique and simply reality defying.



At this moment Ichigo had opened out his eyes and grabbed a spirit ribbon with a swoosh of his hands, before smiling and saying "Gotcha!"

"This way Rukia catch up quick" Rukia nodded before saying, "Oh.. Yeah I'm hurrying up."

Meanwhile in her thoughts was, 'Reiraku~ Spirit Ribbons, how did he do that, only a seasoned Shinigami could handle such a task yet he does it as if he's mastered it and comprehended it to the max level, he truly is developing into this role faster than I thought possible or necessary!'


Deep Down in a factory basement:

Where Chad and Yuichi hiding away from the Hollow targeting them, "I think we've ditched it somehow" said Chad looking relieved however Yuichi said, "But your in danger mister it makes me feel bad for this all happening!"

"It doesn't matter I've decided to see this whole thing come to an end whether I like it or not Yuichi, I promised to help you and I intend on keeping that promise after all its a promise between men!"




Instant the wall behind Chad began to gain faint lingering cracks and in an instant was on the verge of cracking before Chad immediately ran out of the factory and made his way to the local streets near the houses.

"Tmp... TMP... Tmp.. TMP!!!"

Chad had ran the most he had in his life and had ran out of breath before gasping for air as he clang onto a nearby street alleyway with Yuichi in his other hand, praying for his new kind and determined owner.

"... Wait That's Chad!!"

At this moment Chad turned to his left and saw the duo of Rukia and Ichigo running at high speeds towards him as if an emergency, When Chad saw them his eyes widened in shock and made his way straight as to get them off of his tail, and so that they are not incidentally hurt because of him.

When Ichigo was about to Instant Transmissionto Chad, his sister Karin had appeared and was clinging to bare life by leaning against a lamppost while sweating profusely in pain, shock and worry.

"Ichigo you'd better take her home don't worry I'll handle the Hollow" said Rukia as if heeding no intention to Ichigo but he replied saying, "What? I can't just leave you like that, what if you get hurt, huh tell me!!"

"Ichigo just do as I say, Ichigo I'll try not to hurt myself if that makes it any and I thank you for your affection towards me but I'm sure a veteran Shinigami like me even without my powers will be able to subdue a rogue malicious spirit!"

With this Ichigo grabbed onto his sister, Karin and began flying to his home on the way he heard his sister say that she had dreamt the Parakeet Yuichi's deepest memories and that the boy truly deserved justice for all the pain he had suffered to this Ichigo only nodded as he had already chosen to avenge the boy.


Back to Rukia, 'sh*t this damn gigai ain't allowing me to catch up with them, I swear this Gigai is just equal to a average school girls abilities the ones at developmental unit are all Perverts designing Gigai with big boobs and legs and not muscles to actually help you out in ones predicament, it can't even fly how useless.'

Currently Rukia was grunting her teeth in frustration as she had put this job on herself but couldn't even catch up to the victim how humiliating this human experience has been.

[Gigai: A temporary body that Weakened Soul Reapers reside in during their trip to the Human Realm Earth as to not be noticed as weak prey ripe for the taking.]

'This is bad I'm already out of breath'

*Huff *Puff, "Mmm... Well you smell nice"

At this moment Rukia glances behind herself and saw a gigantic skeletal monster the Hollow had appeared behind her, 'Sh*t' was all she thought of at this moment.

"... Mmm Well... You smell like Lunch, oh well time to eat your SOUL!!!"