
Just then, Xu Yuanzhi's phone suddenly rang.

At the caller ID, Xu Yuanzhi's expression immediately solidified, "it's my father!"

The atmosphere of the whole private room also became tense in an instant.

Although the father calls his son, it's natural and normal.

But the incident of Zhao Xingming just happened, which made everyone nervous.

"Ah Zhi, don't be afraid. Just take it boldly. Do you really believe what this loser can do?"

Chen Liping comforted nearby.

Seeing that Xu Yuanzhi still hesitated, Chen Liping grabbed the other party's phone directly, pressed hands-free after connecting, and then handed the phone to Xu Yuanzhi.

Xu Yuanzhi was so nervous that his hands were shaking, but he tried to use a calm tone and said carefully, "Dad, what's the matter?"

The voice of an excited middle-aged man soon came from the other end of the phone, "ah Zhi, it's a great wedding. I just signed an oil field cooperation contract with the king of the Middle East."

"The scale of the oil field this time is much larger than before. Our Xu family has improved to a higher level. It's a great joy!"

Hearing this, the atmosphere of the whole private room suddenly became relaxed.

Xu Yuanzhi was so happy that he almost shouted out, "really, Dad, that's great. Ha ha, how many shares can I share this time?"

"You boy, you know what you want for nothing. What do you think day by day? I'm your son. Sooner or later, these things in the family must be yours. What's the hurry? It's true."

Said the other end of the phone.

Xu Yuanzhi laughed. "It seems that's the same thing. Ha ha, Dad, let me tell you a joke."

"A loser just said in front of me that he would let our Xu family die every minute, ha ha!"

"What? Who's so bold!"

The other end of the phone said in a deep voice, "dare you say so about our Xu family, what do you eat? I now order you to break his dog's mouth!"

"OK, I'll let the loser pay the price, Dad, let's do it first."

Xu Yuanzhi hung up the phone with a smile, and then said grimly to Ye Wuji, "loser, do you hear me? Don't you say you'll bring down our Xu family every minute?"

"Let you down. Our Xu family took another oil field. Just now you heard it clearly. My father asked me to break your dog's mouth!"

"But I still think it's too cheap for you."

As Xu Yuanzhi said, he looked around, then pointed to the window and said, "well, you jump from here. I'll take it as if it hadn't happened."

As soon as these words came out, a Chen family nearby couldn't help muttering, "this is the 12th floor. There are cement roads below. You can't fall to death if you jump down?"

Xu Yuanzhi sneered, "I can't control it. Whether it's falling to death or miserable, or stepping on dog shit, it's all his own business. Loser, why are you waiting? Jump for me!"

"Xu Yuanzhi, don't go too far!"

At this time, the old lady suddenly shouted angrily, "what can't we discuss? We have to force people to death."

"If you force him today, my old bone will jump with him!"

"Ha ha, whatever you want!"

Xu Yuanzhi looked at the old lady and sneered, "old woman, don't talk with me here. In front of me, you are nothing!"

"Moreover, I left my words here today. You have chosen to be my enemy. Next, you and the whole Chen family can't have a better life!"


The old lady trembled with anger.

It was not just Xu Yuanzhi's words that made her angry.

But when she found that Xu Yuanzhi threatened herself, none of the Chen family opposite was born, and everyone remained silent.

And there are several people who look at themselves with cold and sarcastic eyes!

Today, all the people who came to this private room were the Chen family's direct descendants whom she was most optimistic about at ordinary times, and they were also the people she took care of most at ordinary times.

However, when it came to the crisis, she found how ridiculous all this was.

"Grandma, don't be angry. It's okay."

Chen Xiaozui quickly held the old lady and said softly.

"Little drunk, grandma, I'm sorry for you..."

The old lady's mood finally collapsed at this moment.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, the only one standing beside her was the one who had been suppressed by her, treated unfairly by her and hurt the most by her.

Seeing the old lady's expression, Chen Xiaozui was both moved and unable to laugh or cry.

She knew that the old lady must have misunderstood that she was comforting her. In fact, this was not the case. Chen Xiaozui really knew that she would be fine.

"Loser, don't you hear me? I'll let you jump!"

Xu Yuanzhi pointed to Ye Wuji and shouted angrily.


Just then, his phone rang again.

"Well, it's my father again."

Seeing that the call was from his father, Xu Yuanzhi smiled and muttered, "there won't be any good again."

As he spoke, he stared at Ye Wuji meaningfully, then pressed the PA keyboard with a show off attitude, "Hey, Dad, tell you something, just the loser. I think it's too cheap to break his mouth."

"If you dare say so about our Xu family, he is looking for death. Now I let him jump from the upstairs. This is the 12th floor. Ha ha, there are cement floors below. I told him that if he could survive, I wouldn't care about it."

"Dad, do you think my method is good... Dad? Why don't you talk?"

Xu Yuanzhi suddenly found no one on the other end of the phone.

After several seconds, suddenly came a roar like a mountain roar and tsunami, "Xu Yuanzhi, you villain, you have made a big disaster. Our Xu family is over, completely over!"


The atmosphere of the whole private room immediately solidified.

Xu Yuanzhi was stunned for a moment and hurriedly said, "Dad, what's going on?"

"What's going on?"

The other end of the phone roared, "you're okay to ask me. It's all your good deeds. Do you know who you've offended!"

"Just now, several kings who cooperated with the Middle East issued a notice to our Xu family and immediately interrupted all cooperation with our Xu family!"

"And all the previously signed orders are cancelled. Do you know what this means?"

"It means that we will not be able to supply our customers on time and will pay tens of billions of liquidated damages!"

"Also, our current company buildings, factories and oil fields are all surrounded by unknown armed forces in the Middle East!"

"You bastard, what have you done? Our Xu family is over, completely over!"