Ling Yun was so knowledgeable that he could see that the immortal body of King Kong was much more powerful than the golden bell jar. With the blessing of Buddhist mantras, those body protection golden lights were composed of the most pure Buddha power, which was caused by the external manifestation of Buddha power. It can be said that all evil can not invade.

"Well, the old bald donkey's defense should be roughly the same as that of me and the stars, and their defense abilities are almost the same."

Ling Yun immediately made a judgment, and then without hesitation, he took back the pure Yang power and the lightning power that poured into the blade, and no longer used the fire and thunder sabre.

Fire and thunder are the most yang to hard power. It is absolutely useful to deal with Baqi serpent. However, if it is used to deal with intelligent masters and can't break the opponent's defense, it has very little effect in addition to sending energy to the opponent.

It's very windy to use the Huo Lei Sha Dao, but it doesn't matter if you fight between life and death. What matters is who wins and who loses. Lingyun knows this better than anyone else.

Moreover, under Lingyun's knife, he has already tried out the strength of intelligent master, absolutely must be above Wang Chongxiao.

Lingyun takes back the pure Yang power and thunder and lightning power in the blade, and instantly infuses the pure Yin power into it. The Ming blood devil sword instantly glows red, the evil spirit rises sharply, and the Yin Qi is dense!

"The old bald ass really has two sons. You can try to take me a few more knives!"

Lingyun drank heavily again, and his body rose to the sky again. This time, his Sabre technique did not change, or he cut the world with fury!

Because the pure Yin power infuses the blade, the blade gang of the Ming blood magic sword becomes extremely cold. The sword Gang bursts out, and the covering place is frozen instantly!

This is also the ghost blood magic sword. If it had been changed into another sword, it would have been useless if it had been impacted by Lingyun!


The intelligent master fought back with his fist, and his fist glittered with gold. He was shaking Lingyun's blade hard!

However, master intelligent is OK, which does not mean that others are all right. Because Lingyun's Dagang is so terrible, a black red sword curtain will be formed. Behind the intelligent master's back, the rock ground is cut by the terrifying Dagang, with dozens of meters of cracks. The earth and stone shot at both sides, which actually hurt many experts who are not in the late congenital stage.

The power of a knife is so great!

Seeing such a terrible scene, people around immediately retreated and scattered to avoid Lingyun's sword gang.

This time, both Lingyun and smart master did not retreat. After the fight, Lingyun repeatedly wielded his sword, and the intelligent master fought with Lingyun by virtue of King Kong!

"Cut the world! Cut the world with a knife! Roll back the triple wave! Split Huashan! Annihilation!... "

Lingyun's knife is as close as a knife, and he is struggling with the intelligent master. For King Kong, he has no other way but to consume the opponent's Buddha power and break the master's defense.

But the intelligent master is not in a hurry, because his body can resist Lingyun's Dao Gang, so there is no need to avoid it. He also uses his fist to consume Lingyun's power.

"Old bald ass, play with me and delay time?"

After more than a dozen knives, Ling Yun immediately saw through the intention of the intelligent master, and understood that the other side was still fighting a war of attrition with him by relying on more people and bullying less people.

Brush, brush!

A shocking scene appeared. Lingyun even directly sacrificed the green shadow flying sword, the Yin and Yang Gang Qi sword, and Wang Yin!



The green shadow flying sword grows bigger in the wind and becomes three feet in size in a blink of an eye. Together with the Yin and Yang vigorous Qi sword, two flying swords surround the intelligent master's body. They shuttle like lightning. The piercing angle is tricky and weird. You can find the defense space of the intelligent master!

At the same time, under the control of Lingyun's mind, RenWang seal has become a square meter in size and weighs 10000 Jin. It rises and falls in the air. As long as Lingyun is smashed by the fist of intelligent master, RenWang seal will immediately fall on the top of the mountain!

"My God, he can do four things at once

Some people exclaimed, because it was so shocking. The running tracks of green shadow flying sword and Yin Yang Gang Qi sword are completely different. Each time they stab at the intelligent master's body parts are also different. Moreover, the seal of the human king is also in the air, which is perfectly matched with Lingyun's sword technique!

In this way, the intelligent master is in a hurry. He not only has to resist Lingyun's magic sword, but also resists Lingyun's two flying swords with his heart, and he also wants to avoid the man's seal that comes from time to time!

In particular, Ren Wang Yin was completely regarded by Lingyun as a huge stone of ten thousand catties. He was responsible for smashing people. The intelligent master could not hide and smash, but could only cope with it!

Smart master was attacked by four sides in an instant, and he could no longer keep calm and calm, because the attack power of Lingyun's two flying swords was not worse or even stronger than Lingyun's ghost blood magic knife, though they were not held in their hands!

You know, Lingyun is burning a hundred drops of Shenyuan now, how powerful the divine sense power is. Moreover, the flying sword is a thorn, and the power is only concentrated in one point. The magic knife is just splitting, and the power is naturally dispersed.

In the blink of an eye, the Intelligent Master seemed to be fighting with four Lingyun. He was so exhausted that he even recited the Vajra mantra slowly, and his body protecting golden eyes became weaker."HISHI..."

The green shadow flying sword and the Yin and Yang Gang Qi sword were stabbed several times in succession into the golden light of the intelligent master's body protection after dozens of lightning stabs. However, after stabbing, they became the end of the crossbow and could not hurt the master's body.

Lingyun side of the battle is in full swing, and the other side of the night stars, of course, is the same!

Boom boom boom boom!

The scene on the other side is totally different from this one, because there are 19 people fighting. The momentum is really too strong. Only from the battle scene, it should completely surpass the master of Lingyun's battle intelligence!

Now, the night star is not using the magic school skill at all, but the martial arts of guiding the star in the void. Now that she has completed her phantom fish and dragon steps, she has already been able to perform the form and shadow transformation. She appears and disappears in the stick shadow of the eighteen Arhats, and shuttles back and forth like lightning. Eighteen people on the other side can't even touch her skirt.

"The moon is falling and the stars are sinking!"

The night star is used to fight against the enemy. It is one of the most powerful fighting skills in the void guiding star formula. Instead of using weapons, she uses stars!

Eighteen stars flew out of the night star's eyebrow recognition sea, and became larger in an instant. Each star became one meter in diameter. It looked like a shrinking star. All of them were shining and had a real weight. Each one weighed more than a ton!

The four levels of Qi training peak, six kilometers of divine sense, night stars use the mind to urge these small planets, let them spin rapidly, constantly smashing at the eighteen Arhats!

The night star was more and more pleased with the Vietnam War. She had already found the beauty of the void guiding star formula, because the stars she released, driven by her mind, had real weight, and because of the rapid rotation, they also had great gravity!

Of course, rotating planets have gravity. They not only attract each other, but also can make those opponents unable to keep balance. One by one, they are not stable. Naturally, their moves are very awkward. They are not only less powerful, but also poor in accuracy!

Frankly speaking, the gravity of these rotating planets is not very big, but it can make them unstable, and they always can't flow. As a result, the joint attack effect of the array is greatly reduced!

The eighteen Arhats looked at the small planets spinning around them. They were too shocked because they didn't know what kind of skill it was. They could only smash them with their sticks!

Boom boom boom boom!

Each Shaolin arhat can smash those stars, but they can smash one star, and the night stars will immediately release two. She doesn't care. Anyway, she knows more than one, not many, but countless!

How many planets are there in a galaxy? Can you count it?

The night star star feels the wonder of the star guiding formula in the void. She is not even in a hurry to kill people, but she is practicing. She uses the eighteen Arhats of Shaolin to familiarize herself with her own skills!

"My God, that's not true Qi. How can it be?"

The supernatural master immediately saw the way, and knew that the "little planets" used by the night stars had nothing to do with the true Qi in her body.

Of course, it's actually related, because these stars are composed of the power of stars absorbed by the night stars, not the true Qi, but the power of the stars, so she can use the formula of guiding stars in the void to evolve into a planet with weight!

"Those things are definitely not evolved by her true spirit. What kind of things are they?"

"This skill is really against the weather. It's useless when there are too many people!"


Night stars until thoroughly familiar with the mystery of falling moon and falling stars, she no longer play, but really hand!

All of a sudden, the star whirlpool in the night Star elixir field rushed out of the body again, quickly enlarged, and the whole star whirlpool suddenly enveloped all the eighteen Arhats in it!

Spin! Spin! Or spin!

At the moment, the 18 planets are spinning rapidly, and the star whirlpool is also rotating. The two soon perfectly combine and complement each other. The speed and weight of those 18 planets have increased dramatically again!

The eighteen Arhats are confused. They can't find where the night stars are. They face a real miniature star whirlpool, as if they are in the middle of a huge galaxy. They are dazzled and dizzy!

Because the evolution of this star vortex is too real, as if it existed in ancient times, people will have a sense of insignificance and fear facing the whole galaxy, which makes people despair.

"Cluck What's the use of more people? Kill

Night Star spirit, finally began to kill people, she raised her hand a little, there is a star flying out of the eyebrow, instantly bigger, rapid rotation, directly to the nearest Luohan!


That star suddenly bumped into the arhat's body, smashed him to fly out!

Bang bang bang bang!

The night stars can't stop after a successful move. Dozens of stars fly out of the galaxy vortex from time to time, smashing those Shaolin Luohan everywhere!

"Hee hee, it's fun!"

The night stars are so interesting that she doesn't need to move now. She smiles at the scattered Shaolin Arhats, and can't help clapping.The night stars are laughing, but they are sneering. Her mind moves, and two full moon shaped weapons finally fly out of the Taixu ring!

Glittering, air-conditioning pressing, like the stars in the whirlpool, appeared in the general sun and moon!

Double beheads of heaven and devil are like the sun and the moon!


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