
In a desolate wilderness, a team was moving forward slowly, with a gust of wind blowing and a smell of sulfur.

"Boss! We've gone so far. Do you want to go on?" asked a thin, brisk man.

The stout man with brilliant blond hair stopped and looked around. Then he said, "Kane! What did you find?"

The skinny man named Kane hesitated and said, "I didn't find it, just..."

"Just what?" the man with the head frowned and said, "Kane, we've been friends too. If you find anything, just say it directly."

"Boss, I feel something wrong!" Kane said, looking around.

"That's wrong? It's not the first time we've been here to investigate. There's no danger all the time." the leading man frowned and looked around.

The surrounding wilderness is desolate, and the sky is gray. The earth is desolate. There are some ferocious trees in the open field. There are reddish brown weeds at the foot, and many gray dead bones are scattered in the weeds. Many of these dead bones have been rotten and will be broken if touched gently.

"Boss, I don't know what's going on, but I just feel something wrong here!" Kane said with some distress.

"Kane, have you been out too long and Miss Mary of the Flamingo tavern?" joked a strong dwarf with a beard and a body of only 1.34 meters.

"Holt, shut up! Be careful when I get back, I'll tell Hannah that you saved a small vault in the tavern!" Kane shouted back without showing weakness.

"Damn it, you can't!" Holt blew his beard and glared at Kane, and the others around him laughed.

"Well, now we are investigating the enemy's situation and paying attention to vigilance!" the man led by him scolded, and the two people stopped one after another. After seeing the crowd quiet, he motioned Kane to continue.

"We have carried out so many missions together. You should know that I have some special premonitions." Kane looked at the people and continued: "sometimes when I encounter danger, I will have a sense of crisis in advance. This time, I have a strong sense of crisis again!"

"Sense of crisis? Is it here now?" the head man's expression suddenly became serious, and the people around him were dignified. Although Kane's sense of crisis was not 100% accurate, it had saved them more than once.

"Yes, that's it!" Kane nodded hard.

"Bell, you go around and check the situation!" the head man gave a direct order with a frozen look in his eyes.

"Good boss!" I saw an aura rising on the man named bell. In a twinkling of an eye, he became a storm crow with a length of nearly three meters and wings of four meters. A gust of wind blew and flew into the air in an instant. The storm crow circled over the people's heads and flew around.

"Ryan and floss, watch out, others take a break!" when they saw the storm crow leave, they began to rest.

This team is a mixed team composed of humans, dwarves and half elves. There are rogues, soldiers, druids, Rangers and other professions. The middle-aged man headed by him is a soldier and the most powerful professional system in the team. The veteran who participated in the last bloody battle and survived is powerful and even has touched the edge of legend. Once he crosses the border, Will become a legendary strong man. But this level has baffled many people.

The difficulty of the melee class is several levels worse than that of the advanced legend of the caster. As the most popular class, the warrior is not excellent in the multiverse. Even the warrior class can be called mediocre, but it is indispensable. It is also one of the few hard and hard occupations with the abyss demons.

After a while, a sharp cry suddenly occurred in the sky. The people who had sat down to rest immediately stood up: "alert! There's a situation!"

The huge storm crow fell from the sky, and a flash of light changed into human again.

"What did you find?" the leading man asked directly.

"Devil!" said bell in a low voice.

"Where is it?"

"Come with me!" he said, changing into a storm crow again, and then jumped up and flew away.

"Follow up!" the leading man waved his hand, and the others immediately followed the storm crow in the sky.

Everyone in the team stretched out their hands very quickly. Even the dwarves in heavy helmets walked away and followed closely with short legs. This is a reconnaissance team from the steel fortress. Since the end of the last war, some teams will go to the blood wasteland or even the death volcano deeper to investigate, so as to get the devil's every move at the first time. During this time, they have found that the devil's action is active again.


After galloping for a long distance, the middle-aged man directly ordered to stop moving, and the storm crows in the sky also landed. They looked at each other and nodded slightly.

"Pay attention to concealment! Kane, you go ahead and explore the way!" after that, the team acted again, but the speed slowed down a lot this time. The group bent forward. After continuing for hundreds of meters, the leading wanderer put out his hand to stop them and continued to move forward. Then lie on the ground with one ear on the ground, listen sideways, and then crawl on. The crowd stared at his moving figure quietly.

The wanderer hid behind a boulder, looked around, and then waved to the people. The others then climbed over carefully.

"Shh!" when he saw the crowd coming, Kane made a Shh expression to the crowd, then pointed to the front of the rock. When he saw the crowd nodding, he motioned to check.

The flat ground in the distance suddenly sank there, forming a huge crack. The crack was dark, and some roars came from time to time. From time to time, we can see some huge meat insects with bloated body and ferocious mouth. The body diameter of these meat insects is more than two meters, more bodies are hidden under the ground, and gravel and soil appear constantly. Some demons command these ferocious giants to dig.

"Ah!" after seeing the scene behind the rock, one of them involuntarily wanted to make a sound, but Kane, who was quick eyed and quick handed, covered his mouth. The crowd quickly retracted their heads.

"I'm sorry! I've lost my manners." the man who realized that he almost exposed the people looked at the people with a guilty face.

"Almost killed by you!" the leading middle-aged man glared at him, and then continued to observe.