After she cleaned herself, Jieun finally went downstairs accompanied by Ayana, who walked close behind her. She is now feeling a little refreshed and even can sense that her energy is slowly coming back.

Today all the princes postponed to re-enter the forest. They want to make sure Haru's condition is really no longer worrying, also because they need to devise a strategy on how to fight the powerful Komodo Dragon. Because, if not dealt with it immediately, the beast will probably attack civilians next.

Worse, if the beast is finding a way to get into the Hilleo Village. Who knows if the beast feel bored living in the forest and started exploring outside? Its definitely a walking death threat out there.

Prince Haru, who is sitting in a wheelchair observes his other sibling who helps workers there clean the mansion area, bathe their horses, pick vegetables and fruits which he always done when he was there, years before. He is smiling, but inside his heart he feels disappointed as he cannot help.

"Why do you look so sad while smiling Prince Haru?" Jieun ask while now walking closer to him.

His sense that not sharp as before as he doesn't regain his strength yet making him a bit startled by hearing the sudden voice. He blinked. One... Twice... Like cannot believe what he just saw.

"Wow! Miss Jieun. Are you wanting to go to the beach or something?" He asks while laughing.

Of course, this is Prince Haru we are talking about. His voice can be heard from miles away, making all his siblings that are busy with their work stop themselves to watch what the chaos is all about.

Jieun is fixing those big sunglasses while smiling. That sunglasses actually covered part of her small face at the time, that's how big it is.

She already prepared herself for that kind of reaction actually. But, after looking at her face from the mirror, Ayana was right. Her eye bag is much worse than she ever had before. Such a horror! Beating the time when she stay up at night to study for the exam. So, she borrow those from one of her worker. Which is actually for men to wear.

"That's not so nice Prince Haru. This is a new fashion you know." Jieun feel relieved even if the prince is commenting about it but it just means that he is alive and well. It's all she cares about anyway. He is her first patient after all.

"You're definitely gorgeous Miss Jieun." Prince Leo with his laughing face even give her a thumbs up. While the other prince also looking at her with funny face, except that Prince Eun-Woo, who just continuing his work without any care.

"Let me check on you Prince Haru. How do you feel? Can you feel any discomfort or anything?" Jieun started her examination.

"I feel weak, which I don't like. But other than that, I guess I'm fine." He said.

Jieun, wearing her medical gloves, opening the cloth that covered the wound on the prince's shoulder. She can feel that Haru flinch a little. Probably feeling a bit hurt when the wound was blown by the wind.

She carefully observed the wound area. The seams are still nice, not a rupture, even its only her first time doing it. She can feel that she can close the wound by her new power just like the wound on the bird before, but decided to just leave it be last night to not create any suspicious from others. Now, she also don't even know if she could release those powers again.

But, apart from that, she also knew that sooner or later Prince Eun-Woo will open his mouth. Telling the story to other princes and next the King. She must prepare herself well. But, for now, while she can keep the story as secret, then she will.

"The surgery went well. The stitch area is also looking dry. Make sure you are not moving to act as it will probably open. Just relax while you still can. Think it as a holiday okay?" Jieun advising as she knows that the prince is the most active from others. Hopefully he will listen to that advice.

"Well..." Haru thought for a moment, then smiled big.

"I never have a holiday before, so I will take full advantage of this situation. Don't worry then Miss Jieun." He said suddenly a bit enthuntistic.

What a positive person he is? Jieun shaking her head looking at the prince fast change of mood.

Prince Haru is continuing the conversation while waiting Jieun wash his wounds and change the bandage there.

"I heard from Eun-Woo that you are even fainted while trying to save me. I feel bad hearing that, but also thankful by it." He said a bit too seriously. Which, not like him at all.

"That's my job as a healer after all. Don't feel guilty about that. Look at me now, still standing well while you still can't. I definitely stronger than you." Jieun playfully said while still focusing on her work.

Hearing that, whatever Haru is feeling just vanished. "I think you're right. You are definitely stronger than me."

And the conversion is dragging on... and on... and on... Making Jieun feel a bit regret approaching that prince. She mentally takes notes that after this she must run away fast after clearing his wound and not serve the conversation very much.

After that, Jieun took herself into the orchard and sat across the bench there while eating some of her favourite fruits. One of her favourite routines there. But today, she is actually there wanting to be alone. Trying to think.

She actually confused with herself now. What is the sudden healing power that she gets? Her mother definitely didn't posses that if she remembers correctly. Also none of this things is told in the prophecy. So, what exactly that happening to her? Did she catch on some chronic disease or something?

She sighed heavily. Serving her much thought make she did not realize that her behaviour was being observed by someone.

"Why do you sigh so heavily like there are too many problems you're facing? While there are many people out there who are living much more pitiful life than you."

Apparently, Eun-Woo secretly followed Jieun's steps to the orchard. He actually had too many questions to ask the girl. Just now he finds the right timing while his other siblings are preoccupied with other work.

'And you apparently is one of my problems', Jieun said in her mind while making a funny face. Not noticed by the prince of course.

"Ask away now. Whatever question that inside your mind that is. I know you're not a person that like small chatting anyway. Also, my cheek is just now healed from talking too much from conversation with Prince Haru earlier. So, don't expect me to talk much." Jieun said while glaring warningly to Eun-Woo.

Eun-woo then sits on the same bench, but a bit far from the girl. That's a long bench after all.

"You're already talking much for someone that hurting her cheek." He just tried to calm the situation between them before asking the actual questions.

"Geez..." Jieun snort a bit, feeling annoyed. So unladylike if Eun-Woo could categories the behaviour that is. But not that he cares anyway.

"About last night..." Eun-Woo started his question while his eyes tried to study the girl's face.

Jieun body become a little rigid after hearing the first sentence even though she knows the man will definitely ask about it.

"What about it? You suppose to not have any power." Eun-Woo continues his question.

"To tell you the truth, I also don't know." Jieun answering honestly. She raised both her hands and examined it herself.

"The first time it happen is inside the forest. While I trying to save the bird. My hand suddenly glowing. Making the wound on the bird disappeared and the bird seem alive, well after that. That day, even I feel curious, I was afraid to tell you or anyone else so I just living my ordinary life...and forget all about that." Jieun start telling stories.

"But last night, after seeing Prince Haru in the brink of death. I was feeling so lost. But then you are coming in. Seeing your face remind me about the memory that I try hard not to remember." Jieun pausing for a moment, looking at the man. Except the man to believed that she is speaking the truth.

Eun-Woo chooses to just keep quiet. Let the girl continue to tell the story before he asks further.

Jieun look back in front of her, looking away from the man.

"So I try to focus and remember the feeling back then. At first it didn't work but as I want to give up, all the mixed feeling inside me just exploded and it finally work. Do you think I can do that again if something happen next?" Jieun now ask for Eun-Woo opinion.

Eun-Woo thinking a little before start talking.

"How does your power work?" He also curious.

"Emm ..." Jieun try to remember.

"My eyes suddenly can see the whole body system, like organs, blood flow, brain just like a graphic inside of book. But on a real human body that is. I am able to detect what is wrong with Prince Haru body easier because of that. Then, when I feel ready to heal my hand started to glow."

"I don't know much of your power, but I can feel that you can use your power in a good use if you can remember how to operate it. I think you should practice harder for that. Your lack of stamina also need to be enhanced. Built your muscle a bit. Otherwise, you will be fainted because of fatigue every time. How can you live with that weak body?" Eun-Woo said the last part sounded like scolded.

"I know that already!" Jieun said a bit loud. If only he knew her in her real life. He definitely will be sorry for saying that.

"But at least now I have an excuse to exempt you from punishment by the King. He likes power anyway." Eun-Woo said while clenching his teeth. His face also turned a little serious, so mysterious.

"What's that you just said?" Jieun not hearing the words start questioning.

Eun-Woo looked at the girl for a while before he got up from his seat,

"I said just get into exercise already." He deliberately changed the verse. The girl doesn't need to know about that.

Jieun make a sour face. Unsatisfied.

"I'm good with exercise that for sure. I do it almost everyday." If stretching is count as one that is, she added that words to her mind only.

Eun-Woo just smirking.

"This couple of days while I'm here the only exercise that I saw you do is eating."

Jieun cannot believe what she heard just now. How dare the man insulting her. With that Eun-Woo walks away leaving the now furious girl alone.

"Hey!" She's finally screaming in anger.