Jiang Wang's singing is low and intoxicating. All the lyrics are being photographed. One word, steady.

Li Qinian's voice was good, and his singing jumped off. His youth was full of vitality. He was pulled back by Jiang when he ran out of tune occasionally.

"How do I feel that the songs of these two people are strangely in tune..."

Suddenly someone opened his mouth in the box.

"It's not just me! One is too stable and the other is too floating, but the feeling of two people together is surprisingly just right!"

"Help! How can I hear a sense of CP! I feel that brother Wang is spoiling brother seven. What's the matter???"

"I can hear it too! Gao lengzhong, the overbearing president of the dog, and his proud cat are his little wife. Whatever her daughter-in-law does, she is spoiled and let her fool around!"

"Lie down, lie down, wake up, I can't knock anymore..."

But their CP sense is too strong, especially when they are singing, they look at each other

"The fireworks will fade and the Sheng song will stop, which makes the end of the story more beautiful..."

They sang the last lyrics together. There was a moment of silence in the box, and then everyone clapped wildly.

Monitor: "that sounds great!"

Li Qinian threw the microphone into his arms: "you are stronger than I thought."

After listening to two songs.

Monitor: "......"

Such a strong, just once!

After a while, everyone was tired of singing, and someone suggested playing games.

"KTV traditional project, truth and adventure, how about?!"

If it was in the past, you might not be interested, but today, there are two school figures sitting opposite!

It's a big secret that shocked the whole school to play two games and dig up some gossip!


"That must be played!"

Li Qinian caught a glimpse of everyone's eagerness to try. He was madly retreating. He was about to pull brother Wang to retreat, so he was shouted:

"Brother Qi, brother Wang, it's your first time to attend a class party, but you can't be absent!"

"Yes, it's just you two. Come back and sit down."

Li Qinian: "......"

She had to sit down with a helpless face.

Monitor: "do you see this wine bottle? Whoever turns the bottle mouth must be punished. Truth and adventure must choose one..."

"Well, I'm going to turn the bottle now..."

Then he turned the bottle.

The bottle turns wildly. Finally, the mouth of the bottle slowly stops in the direction of Li Qinian.

Li Qinian: "......"

Sure enough, I can't escape the outcome of losing every bet.

There was a moment of strange silence.

The monitor looked at her sympathetically:

"Brother Qi, when recording the program, many viewers thought you were deliberately unlucky. Now it seems that you are really unlucky by strength..."

Li Qinian: "......"

Monitor: "truth or adventure?"

Li Qinian didn't hesitate: "the truth."

A circle of people were eager to try. Finally, the monitor got the opportunity.

The monitor was unkind and lived up to expectations by asking the first question:

"Is the seventh brother's first kiss still there?"

Li Qinian: "......"

She suddenly thought of the kiss at the bottom of the swimming pool.

Is this... Your first kiss?

She glanced at Jiang Wang, but found that the other party was quietly looking at herself. She quickly withdrew her eyes with a guilty heart.

Li Qinian: "it should be gone."

"What do you mean should?" everyone was unconvinced.