Hearing Lu Qianli's opening, he turned back slowly. After seeing the river beside him, Li Jin's sight stopped for a moment, and it seemed that he appeared unexpectedly.

After the pause, he turned to look at the river outside the window. The cigarette in his hand burned out and was about to burn to his fingertips, but Li Jin looked numb and didn't move at all

"Where are the people?"

Jiang Wang was suffering from crazy pain all over his body. He almost moved slowly to Li Jin's body.


Li Jin looked at the river outside the window and didn't speak.

"... Li, Jin, I, ask, where are you, people?"

Jiang Xun's tone increased. He even called his name with his surname. His action was very slow. It seemed that if his tone was a little faster, he would have a surging emotion in his uncontrollable chest.

Li Jin finally found a vent after suppressing his emotions for many days. His throat had been completely abandoned after smoking for many days. He was dumb and didn't know it. He sneered:

"You ask me? Jiang Wang, what qualifications do you have to ask me?"

Knowing that he was also a victim, he felt a burst of dryness at the bottom of his heart at the thought that he could not protect his mind.

He hates Jiang Wang, but he hates himself even more.

I hate myself why I don't care more about my sister, why I didn't stop her at the beginning, and why I couldn't get to the scene earlier

Lu Qianli hurriedly separated them and stood in the middle to persuade them. His tone was choked:

"God Li, he has half his life left. Don't bother him..."

Li Qinian didn't find it. Everyone felt bad.

Li Jin's hatred flashed by. He closed his eyes and threw his cigarette butts on the ground

Everyone knows what five-day search and rescue means, but none of them can accept such a result.

"Boss, there's news!!"

Xiao san'er suddenly pushed the door and entered. The door panel hit the wall and made a huge noise.

It turned out that the decadent man rushed to Xiao san'er in an instant, grabbed his arm, and his fingers were trembling!

"Where is it?"

Xiao san'er shook his head: "I don't know the specific situation. It's the news brought back by someone who doesn't forget to return..."

As soon as he knew the news, he rushed in and told Li Jin.

Li Jin rushed out of the door without saying a word.

Jiang Wang's action was not slow. When he was still stunned for thousands of miles, he rushed out directly.


Xiao san'er was also excited at the bottom of his eyes.

When they came to the door, they saw a man in black wearing a bodyguard suit.

Li Jin: "did you find it?"

"... well."

Assistant Mo's face was silent and his body was full of depression.

Such a reaction doesn't look like good news

Li Jin's heart sank. The hand holding his arm suddenly lost all his strength. He stepped back absently. He wanted to ask the question, but now he couldn't say it

The answer is close at hand.

He was suddenly afraid.

He has carried too many honors and Disgraces in his life. He has served as the rise and fall of China E-sports on his shoulders. In the finals, he never retreated and panicked against the expectations of global fans. Everyone said that Li God was invincible and fearless, but at this moment, he was really afraid.

For Li Qinian, his sister, his mood is the most complex

"You say."

He didn't dare to open his mouth, so Jiang Wang opened his mouth for him.

Mottezhu looked at his face paler than white paper. When he came to his mouth, he couldn't say anything

Jiang Wang's body shook slightly. He stared at assistant Mo, and his voice was lighter than feathers:

"... I ask you, where is she?"

He asked many times as like as two peas, but no one could give him the answer he wanted.

Mott helped red his eyes, clenched his teeth and squeezed out a few words:

"... found it."

"... was picked up by nearby fishermen."


Why fish?

"Why fish“

Jiang Wang's eyes were red and spoke softly.

Mottezhu couldn't bear it: "... The body has been soaked in the sea for too long and has been completely deformed. It can only be recognized as the young master according to the cloth of the clothes."

"Cough cough!"

The long man stooped and coughed blood clots from his throat. The bright red liquid crossed his white chin and made his face paler.

"Brother Wang!!"

Lu Qianli screamed, grabbed his arm and shouted to the house:

"Doctor! Doctor!!"

The two doctors who were resting in the house heard his scream full of fear and ran out of the house immediately.

Seeing that the corners of Jiang Wang's mouth were full of blood, they were both surprised. One of them immediately ran to the house to look for tools, and the other took Jiang Wang and checked his injury.

Jiang Wang shook his head lightly. His black eyes were covered with red blood and looked ferocious and frightening:

"No, can, can."

How could she die?

How could she die

The young man in memory is fresh, wanton and always full of vitality. How can he become a cold body and can't speak anymore? He laughs heartlessly at him

There was a sharp pain in his chest. The strength that had been holding him suddenly disappeared. He lost all his strength in a moment

Despite this, he still stubbornly stretched out his hand and grabbed mot's sleeve.

"... the clothes may be the same. If you say the facial features of the body are illegible, it means that the person may not be her."

How could mottezhu not have thought of such a problem?

Facing the man who vomited blood, he didn't have the courage to speak again, but Jiang Wang always grabbed his sleeve, as if he would never loosen it as long as he didn't speak

"Young master Jiang, you should cooperate with the doctor first. We'll talk about other things later."

Jiang Wang didn't seem to hear what he said. His five fingers clung to his sleeve and didn't let the doctor pull him away. He stubbornly repeated his question again——

"... not her, is it?"

Mott helped him become his last straw.

"... master Jiang."

Mott helped his eyes turn red and shed two lines of clear tears from the corners of his eyes.

"The team as like as two peas has been tested, and the fingerprint of the corpse is exactly the same as that of the young master. The DNA report is exactly the same."


It was a rare sunny day, but there was a thunder in his mind.

His consciousness fell into chaos again.

The voices of the people around seemed to disappear.

He felt himself standing alone in the street. Looking down, he saw a big hole in his chest. The howling cold wind passed through the hole, and he could still hear the echo of the long wind.

He held out a hand blankly and grabbed it at his chest.

The place where the heart was originally placed was empty and there was nothing.

It turned out that there was no heartbeat. It was this feeling


"Brother Wang!!"

"Brother Wang, wake up -"

I don't know how long later, many cries rang out in his ears.