What kind of way should the feelings between the three princes of Chu and Chai go on?

Judging from the process of their separation, I'm afraid no one can make it clear.

At some point, it seems that the God who made man is a complete jerk.

Clearly is a pair of men and women who care about each other very much, but just arrange between them to appear this kind of thing that they don't want to see.

Because for the first time, they should be on the big soft bed, not on the table.

What's more, it should not be the impulse of anger and punishment in one's heart, while the other side is suffering humiliation and pain.

But that's what happened. It's strange, it's weird.

Chai Murong, who was not in good physical condition, could not bear the pain he had never suffered under the ravages of Chu's changing state, and soon fell into a half awake and half faint state of consciousness.

Finally, the curse is no longer, the tears are no longer, only the crackling sound of skin collision. Faster and faster in the heavy gasp.

Fan Jing, the Secretary of the Southern Hebei municipal Party committee, made the mistake of "being a grass on the wall and falling with the wind". Despite Chu Yang's plea, he was eventually assigned to the Municipal Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference and became a dispensable deputy director.

There is no faction that likes a grassroots character.

so Fan Jing's departure gives Liang Huimin, a former deputy secretary of the Jinan municipal Party committee, an opportunity.

Under the secret operation of the Chu family, he jumped from the second leader of the municipal Party committee to the first leader of the municipal government and became the Secretary of the municipal Party committee.

It is the so-called one emperor and one courtier. This sentence can completely sum up everything in the officialdom, which means that it is obvious that the first thing he has to do after a new leader takes office is to transfer personnel. No one will be generous enough to allow "former ministers" to still occupy important positions.

Therefore, soon after Liang Huimin came to power, all the officials, including Vice Mayor Ma and Li Wendong, were inevitably kicked aside. They were either forced to transfer to other cities or "exiled" to Qingshui yamen as a deputy, just like Fan Jing.

This kind of phenomenon is no longer normal in officialdom. No one will make a petition for it.

Li Wendong, who once had a sense of crisis, was inevitably affected by the collapse of Fanjing, and was arranged to study in the provincial Party school.

As for whether he will be given the post of secretary of the political and legal commissar and director of the Public Security Bureau after he returns from his studies... What do you think?

It's just like when Fan Jing's downfall and Liang Huimin's upper position kicked off Vice Mayor Ma and Li Wendong, the new director of public security has to arrange his confidants in an important position after he takes charge of the Municipal Bureau.

When Li Wendong was in power, Liang Xin and Wang Wenjie always had the word "Li" on their heads. As we all know, their abilities were also recognized by the provincial and municipal governments.

But... The turning point of everything is in the word "Dan".

But it is undeniable that Wang Yi, the new director of the Public Security Bureau, will not tolerate Liang Xin and Wang Wenjie's occupying the position of vice Bureau and criminal police team leader while he is in charge of the Municipal Bureau.

Although their work during their reign was excellent, Wang Yi's words made Liang Xin and Wang Wenjie go down to the grass-roots level: in China, the most important thing is to have outstanding people.

Wang Wenjie was "assigned" to any deputy political commissar of Tangwang town police station, the most remote area in Southern Hebei.

Liang Xin, who used to be a "thorn rose" in the police circle in Southern Hebei, has become an ordinary policeman at Huayuan Road police station in Shizhong District.

Liang Xin was promoted to the bottom from the deputy director of the Municipal Bureau, and the result was even worse than that of Wang Wenjie.

Anyone can see that the reason why she is able to have today is that she has been paid too much attention to by Fanjing.

In ancient times, there was a saying that a man who gained the Tao rose to heaven, but once the man who gained the Tao lost his power? The person he (she) values most is undoubtedly the one who has suffered the most.

Suddenly, there is no reason to say that, but how many times in the world are things reasonable?

Liang Xin knows all this in her heart. But she can't complain about anything, and she can't complain about it, because this is the reality. At present, the most important thing for her is to adjust her mind in the shortest time, and do what she should do according to the quality and quantity every day.

Liang Xin soon adjusted her mind, but she was not very talkative, and now she is more silent.

That her parents are very worried about her, more than once advised her to resign, so as to focus on her life.

Every time her parents talk about this, Liang Xin just smiles and doesn't object. But when it's time, she goes to work.

Lao Liang and his wife, who know their daughter's temperament, can only shake their heads and sigh: let her go.


That night, Liang Xin was on the night shift.

Just as she had a drink of water and was going to patrol the street with her colleagues, she received a call to the police: a middle-aged woman was abruptly ignored by someone under the stop sign in front of the Ming emperor's disco. Now the victim has gone to the Central Hospital in Southern Hebei.

After receiving the phone call, Liang Xin immediately drove to the central hospital with patrol leader Li Yaqing.

When Li Yaqing arrived at the ward. Only then did he feel that it was a big trouble, because there were not only several families of the victims in the room, but also the new director Wang Yi (he had seen Wang Yi's picture in the internal information), who was also present. Suddenly, his eyelids jumped: I'm a grass. Isn't the victim some relative of the new director?

Sure enough, without waiting for Li Yaqing to say anything, he saw the woman sitting on the hospital bed glancing at him and said to Wang Yi in a strange way: "Wang Yi, Wang Yi, you are still the director of the Municipal Bureau. But my sister was hurt like this in front of the public! If it wasn't for her to call me, I'm afraid I'd be dead on the street tonight. Hey, as a provincial capital, Southern Hebei is only at such a level of public security. I don't know how you are the director. How do your people keep the peace? "

Wang Yi seems to have just arrived, but he hasn't had time to investigate the specific situation. After hearing what his wife said, he gave her a gloomy look and then waved his hand: "Han Ping. Don't say that! Didn't I have a meeting in the bureau at the time of the incident? That's why I didn't come here right away... OK, please don't talk about it here until it's clear. "

"Do you understand? Isn't that clear enough? My sister just played a joke with a mud leg, and it was made like this Han Ping looks at Li Yaqing and Liang Xin standing in the room. I said, "how do you people usually do your work? High! It's a serious dereliction of duty for you to have such a bad event in your jurisdiction. Do you want to eat this bowl of rice? "

It seems that this woman is Wang Ju's wife. Damn, even if you are Wang Ju's wife, you are just his wife. We don't want to eat this bowl of rice, as if you say it doesn't matter... Li Yaqing, who is smiling on his face, secretly looks at Wang Yi, who is indifferent. Without any hint, he can only say good things: "Wang, this lady, can we first learn about the incident from the victim?"

Don't wait for Han Ping to speak. The middle-aged woman named Hanna raised her head from the hospital bed and said, "Oh, I say you are too slow to go to the police! If you had appeared half an hour ago, that inhuman bastard would not have been able to run away... Is your quality worthy of our taxpayers? "

"Yes. That's it Han Ping immediately echoed and began to blame the poor quality of the police in Southern Hebei: "our old Wang is still the director. If he is an ordinary person, my sister doesn't know what will happen."

"We, we didn't receive the alarm call at the first time. Well, this lady, please rest assured that we will give you a satisfactory reply after the investigation." Li Yaqing wiped the sweat on his forehead when Wang Yi was silent and the two women were nagging. But Han Ping interrupted: "investigation? What else do you want to investigate? My elder sister is lying here. All you have to do is to catch the murderer as soon as possible. I say how do you become a policeman... Ah, Wang Yi, I think you'd better send the criminal police team of the Municipal Bureau. You can't handle such a big case if you look at them

Wang Yi frowned and didn't say anything. Liang Xin, who frowned after she came in, walked out from behind Li Yaqing, took out a book from under her ribs and said, "madam. There is no doubt that the duty of our police is to fight crime. At present, the most important thing is to know what happened. As for whether we can handle such a "big case", it seems that you don't have to worry about it

Han Ping didn't expect that a small policeman would dare to contradict her, the director's wife. Subconsciously, looking at Liang Xin: "Yo, who are you? It seems that he has great general demeanor. What's his position in the police station? "

To Han Ping's ridicule, Liang Xin just like did not hear that, just light answer: "my name is Liang Xin, is a Garden Road police station ordinary police."

"Cut, I don't talk to a little policeman, go and ask your director to come!" Han Ping turns her head to one side.

"Han Ping, stop talking about it!" Seeing his wife's arrogance, Wang Yi couldn't see it any more. He yelled in a low voice and said to Liang Xin at random, "Liang Fu and Liang Xin, follow the police procedures."

"Yes." In the face of Wang Yi, the "originator" who pushed himself to the end. Liang Xin didn't show any indignation. She just agreed to come. After Li Yaqing subconsciously stepped back and sat in front of the hospital bed, she began to narrate to Han Na skillfully.

Wang Yi seems to be very polite to Liang Xin. Hannah didn't say any more of those strange words, just told her injury in a detailed "disguised" way.

Finally, she said hatefully: "I remember that person was very arrogant when he left and said to me that he would leave me his contact information and name! He, he said that he lived in the famous Shuangxi club in Southern Hebei. His name was chuyang, Chu in the Han Dynasty of Chuhe. He raised his hand to say goodbye to Yang! Now I'm in the Ming emperor's hall, waiting for me to call the police and catch him! "