Although Liang Xin doesn't know many people, she still knows the truth that it's a guest from afar.

What's more, people don't come empty handed, they all bring a lot of real money.

So, she and Chai Murong had to bow down and nod to everyone who came into the hall, no matter they knew each other or not: "welcome to the hall, I'm so sorry to let you spend money..."

After sister Liang's smile made her cheeks sour, she finally understood that it must be related to Chu Yang that these people can hold her sister's little fragrant feet.

Thinking of these people's appearance, Liang Xin is very angry: granny, you don't want me. Why do you join in when I get married? What's more, where did Jin Junxiu die? Can't you see your own wife? It seems that she is going to be kidnapped by the boy named Chu!?

From the time Li Wenzhong and others appeared to 11:30 at noon, Liang Xin and Chai Murong politely said that they had to have a train, and the number of times they showed sweet smiles was comparable to that of any laughing professional who had worked all his life. This job was really tiring.

Liang Xin and Jin Junxiu didn't see his family before they decided to pull the evidence like lightning. So today, she really didn't know which characters were present in the Jin family. Even if she knew, she didn't know them. Anyway, as long as they came in, she and Chai Murong would smile and smile.

Finally, when director Zhao of the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau arrived late, Liang Xin and Chai Murong's "reception" work finally came to a successful end, and the originally empty parking lot was full at this time.

"Well, I don't know where Jin Junxiu died." After wiping the sweat on her forehead, Liang Xin just said this sentence. When she saw Sun Bin, who was in charge of collecting the money, she rushed over: "Liang Bureau, Chai Dong, an unexpected accident has happened!"

"What an accident!" As today's protagonist, Liang Xin naturally has to step forward.

"When the bridegroom went back to discuss with the person in charge of the hotel just now, he suddenly received an urgent call from his hometown, saying that his grandmother just saw him..."

Speaking of this, Sun Bin seems to think that it's the big day of the Liang Bureau, so he should be very taboo about the word "death", so he quickly hesitated, and then carefully said: "he said that his grandmother loves him most, let alone hold a wedding. Even if the sky falls down, he has to go back to see his grandmother first, so he left early, and no one got on the highway, Just call me to let me know. Please let me say sorry to Liang Ju. "

As soon as Sun Bin's voice fell, Liang Xin almost jumped up: "what? Seeing that the wedding ceremony is going to be held soon, the municipal Party committee, the municipal government and other guests are all present, but he left me alone and asked you to say sorry to me. Isn't that a bastard's way of doing it? "

In a hurry, sister Liang couldn't even pretend to be a lady. She turned around and walked into the hall: "no, I have to let Wenjie catch him back!"

"Oh, slow down, Liang Xin. Listen to me first." Chai Murong catches Liang Xin.

Liang Xin was very worried and said with a black face: "what else do you say? I'm against that bastard. He didn't look at me at all."

"The world is so wonderful, but you are so irritable, so bad, so bad!" Chai Murong imitated Guo Furong's tone in Wu Lin Wai Zhuan and advised her to say, "Liang Xin, calm down. The wedding ceremony will start in less than half an hour. Even if you send someone to catch Jin Junxiu, it will be too late."

"Yes, what can I do?" Liang Xin is suddenly a stay.

Chai Murong's eyes turned and his face was awe inspiring: "Liang Xin, do you believe me?"

Liang Xin frowned: "Chai Murong, although we don't have any deep friendship, I know you are also a lover. Why don't I believe you? What's your good way to avoid this embarrassment

"It's very simple. Just find a bridegroom to replace Jin Junxiu for the time being." Chai Murong said: "although it's absurd to do this, it's not an expedient measure. You can explain it to your family later. Anyway, the most important thing at present is to pass this pass."

After listening to Chai Murong say this, Liang Xin immediately some silly eyes: "what, Chai Murong, you are not joking with me? I only heard that if the parts are broken, they can be replaced. There are even fake boyfriends, but I haven't heard that the bridegroom can replace them! Chai Murong, don't forget that this is in full view of the public. With so many dignified people, if I hold a wedding ceremony with a man casually, will Liang Xin still have the face to be a man? No, no, I'd rather not get married than do such a ridiculous thing! "

Chai Murong said slowly: "Hey, who said that you and other men had a wedding ceremony?"

Liang Xin is more at a loss: "Chai Murong, how can I not understand what you mean?"

"I mean, cough, come and see!" Chai Murong coughed, straightened up his chest, pinched his waist with one hand, and his posture was called "I'm wearing a neutral dress today. I'll take the place of your bridegroom for the time being. What do you think?"

Otherwise, sister Liang's face was a little thicker. After listening to Murong's words, her big eyes had to stare out: "you, you are my bridegroom? If we walk by with arms crossed, we must be mistaken for a pair of same sex. Love

Without waiting for Chai Murong to say anything, Sun Bin, standing at the door, said in a murderous way: "who dares to say that Chai Dong and Liang Ju are the Lala, I'll twist his head off and kick him as a ball!"


On September 9, 2012, at 11:58 noon, director Liang Xin's wedding ceremony officially opened in the voice of professional emcee.

"Leaders, guests, uncles, aunts, uncles, cousins, cousins, dishes, good afternoon!"

The master of ceremonies, who relied on his mouth to eat, stood on the rostrum in the hall, waving his powerful right hand and began to spit: "on this sunny day, another happy couple entered the wedding hall, and we were lucky to witness their marriage with our own eyes..."

After selling her lips for more than ten minutes, the emcee began to invite the bridegroom's parents and the bride's family to sit on the two rows of chairs that had been put in place for a long time.

According to the customs of Southern Hebei, this occasion is called formal recognition. Under the introduction of the MC, the bride and groom will officially change the name of their family members, which is the most important part.

"Next, let's welcome the elder of the bride, the bride's parents." With the proposal of the emcee, Lao Liang and his wife grinned and went to the rostrum.

You can't blame Lao Liang and his wife for their happiness. If you think about it, my daughter, who has been raised for 30 years, is finally married. It's a very happy thing in itself. In addition, there are so many heavyweight leaders at the scene. Being a parent, you will feel that Bei Er has face.

When Lao Liang and his wife came to the front and back of the stage, according to the arrangement of the MC, they sat on the east row of chairs, accompanied by Liang Xin's two aunts and Li Wenzhong, a temporary media. These five people formed the group of relatives and friends of the woman.

"Next, let's welcome the elder of the man, please!" With the singing of the master of ceremonies, a middle-aged and elderly couple, and a young man and woman, came out of the crowd.

Liang Xin and Jin Junxiu's marriage can be called a flash marriage. The old people on both sides didn't meet each other, so the old couple didn't know each other's elders at all. They just nodded with a smile, which was regarded as a greeting.

It's understandable that the elder of the woman doesn't know the family of the man, but Liang Xin, the bride, doesn't know either... Fortunately, she's not here now, otherwise she's embarrassed.

However, there are many strange things in the world, such as now: Liang Xin's family didn't know the four men's families who came out, but the Secretary of the municipal Party committee and the mayor of Southern Hebei were greatly surprised when they saw the middle-aged and old man.

"Ah, isn't this Chu Jiangshan, the Secretary of the provincial Party committee of northeast province? Can't I be mistaken? "

After seeing the man, the Secretary of the municipal Party committee yuan was stunned, and then quickly wiped his eyes.

After confirming that the man sitting in the chair was Chu Jiangshan, the Secretary of the provincial Party committee of northeast province, Secretary yuan was really excited and subconsciously turned to Mayor Han. After seeing the shocked expression on his face, he knew that he was not wrong.

Although these two did not expect that Chu Jiangshan would be the elder of the man, they are not the kind of masters who cry out when they see something wrong.

Since Chu Jiangshan didn't show up here at all, they had better pretend they didn't know each other, or they would be struck by thunder... That's impossible. Anyway, a word from others will certainly affect their future.

In a very short period of time, these two officials, who are worthy of being in charge of the government, hid the shock on their faces and began to ponder in their hearts: no wonder Chai Murong sent the invitation instead of Liang Xin. It was for this reason. Well, you'll have to get closer to him if you say anything later. Even if it's not a faction, it's also of great benefit!

In the end, the reason why Chu Jiangshan appears here is not to be mentioned here. Anyway, Secretary yuan and Mayor Han have a clear idea.

After the elders of both sides took their seats, the MC officially announced: "dangdangdang! Now let's welcome the bridegroom and groom to the stadium with warm applause


Just after the couple showed up, clapping like thunder rang out.

But, the applause rang, that is just a few seconds, it suddenly stopped, because you see at this time: the bridegroom holding the bride's left hand, turned out to be a woman!

The bridegroom is a woman!

Not only Liang Xin's parents and others were stupid, but most of the guests in the hall were stupid. Even the master of ceremonies, who made a living by selling his mouth, was stupid on the spot.