It's a kind of sadness for anyone to regard a lie of Zeus as the biggest secret to be trusted, but eventually die on this lie which is not a secret.

Queen Hera thought that what she hated most now should be secrets, anyone's secrets!

But in order to let her die, Zeus told her a real secret: the great man who led the former Soviet Union to defeat Nazi Germany in the last century was her ancestor.

This is the biggest secret of Zeus.

If queen Hera died because of the biggest secret of Zeus, she might have no regrets.

Unfortunately, her death was due to a lie, and the most ridiculous thing is that Zeus did not tell her the real secret until before her death.

At this time, what is the feeling in sister Hera's heart? Who can describe it with pen and ink?

There was no one, including herself, so Hera stood there, watching Zeus raise his right hand.

With the fall of Zeus' right hand, four golden warriors came in.

"Take queen Hera... To the rest room of the fighting field, and don't be sentenced for the time being. Remember to feed her Mengpo soup. Well, you don't have to ask for instructions any more. Let's go down. "

King Zeus hesitated to finish this sentence, turned and walked to the back of the hall.

In ancient Chinese mythology, it is said that Mengpo soup is made of flowers from the other side of the river, manzhushahua and water from forgetting the river.

After drinking Mengpo soup, you can forget all the worries, all the love and hatred. No matter how hard this person is in this life, after drinking this bowl of Mengpo soup, he will completely end up with the previous life.

It doesn't matter why there is Mengpo soup in ancient Chinese Mythology on Mount Olympus. The important thing is that there is this kind of medicine here. After drinking it, people will forget all their previous love and hatred.

Originally, Zeus said that he would treat Hera diva with the most cruel punishment, but in the end, he asked the golden warrior to give her Mengpo soup, so that she could forget all her love and hatred, including the fear of death.

This result is definitely a kind of "happiness" for Queen Hera. After staying for a while, she suddenly fell on her knees and kowtowed to the king Zeus who had entered the back of the hall: "thank you, thank you, great king Zeus!"

Hera Queen's status on Olympus has always been transcendent. What she said most of the time is that she represented King Zeus.

But now, King Zeus asked the four golden warriors to escort her to the rest room of the fighting field and feed her a bowl of Mengpo soup... So these golden warriors were a little silly. They doubted whether they had heard the wrong thing. After looking at each other, they all read the real answer from other people's faces.

During the conversation between King Zeus and queen Hera, these golden warriors were at the door, but they didn't dare to eavesdrop on their conversation, so they didn't know why. Just after a moment of stupefaction, one of the little leaders bent down and whispered, "queen, please!"


Although she was about to drink Mengpo soup and leave the world with ignorance, Hera did not want to show any fear in front of these warriors. After a slight hum, she bent down to sort out the folds on her robe, and then walked slowly out of the hall of the gods, with the calm of the past on her face. Looking at Hera's back as she walked slowly out of the hall of the gods, King Zeus stood behind the door of the main hall, his body pressed tightly against the wall, tears streaming down from his closed eyes.

"Hera, I really don't want to do this to you, but you really shouldn't make me do it!"

He raised his hand to wipe the tears on his cheek. Zeus murmured to himself, "you know, you are not only the most effective assistant in my heart, but also a sister. Most of the time, you are my object of sexual fantasy. You have a face no less than mine and a super figure. Even if I'm a woman, I will still fall in love with you without hesitation. "

As if queen Hera was still in front of me, Zeus laughed with tears: "you don't know how much I envy you and envy you when I peep at you and that guy's love. I really want to rush out and kill you all! I really didn't expect that when you are in love, there will be such amorous feelings that I can't control and want to have you all my life. "


Zeus sighed: "but I didn't do that, because I found that when I wanted to possess you more, I was also interested in that man and longed to be with him..."

After talking to himself, Zeus dried the tears on his face, walked quickly to a room and pushed open the heavy wooden door.

This room is the bedroom of King Zeus. As long as she doesn't leave Olympus, she will rest here every time.

There are no luxury furnishings in the room, only a big bed, a wardrobe, and a computer desk.

Although there are not many things in the room, it seems more or less empty. Suddenly, there will be a sense of loneliness. If you look carefully, you will find that the placement of every thing is so reasonable. It will not even make people feel empty, but also make people feel warm and calm.

After closing the heavy wooden door, Hera went directly to the computer desk. As soon as her right pinkie knocked on the keyboard, the computer screen lit up.

Since peeping through the love between Hera queen and Chu, Zeus has been thinking about a question: why am I bisexual!?

On the computer screen, there is such a content: in human sexual orientation, people of both sexes will have sexual attraction, or sexual impulse orientation, which is called bisexuality.

A bisexual may maintain a sexual x love relationship with both genders, or a single sexual x love relationship with one of them, or prefer one of them.

There are many factors in the formation of bisexuality, the most prominent of which is psychology.

For example: if a pair of parents dress up a boy as a girl according to their own preference and treat him as a girl, over time, the boy's gender identity will be disordered, and the same-sex orientation will also be produced. Similarly, if a girl is raised as a boy since childhood, she will be interested in a gentle woman after the child grows up.

Bisexuality is not a simple disease, nor a psychological abnormality. Its existence has a great relationship with the surrounding environment, just like a cold, which is formed after birth

Staring at the explanation of this term, Zeus was stunned for a long time before he closed his eyes and murmured: "Susan, now you can't treat this problem as before. You have to make a decision as soon as possible to love a man or a woman!"

When King Zeus said this, his whole body suddenly trembled. Then he jumped up from his chair like a spring and ran to the door quickly: "no, no, don't give Hera Mengpo soup! If I could only choose to fall in love with one woman, who else would I fall in love with? But if she was fed Mengpo soup, how could she remember me again? No, I can't give her Mengpo soup. I'd rather let her hate me than let her forget me! " King Zeus is regarded as a great God on Mount Olympus. She dominates everything!

Her every word was treated as an edict.

All the people in Olympus are proud of being able to serve King Zeus, even at the expense of their own lives.

These golden warriors on duty in the temple of the gods have no way to continue their worship of Zeus. So after getting her order to escort queen Hera to a rest room of the fighting field, someone brought a bowl of green Mengpo soup.

Armed with silver bowls in both hands, the golden warrior bent over and raised the soup to the top, respectfully saying, "queen, please use the soup."

Hera days later slowly stretched out her hand and took the bowl of soup which can make people forget everything. When she moved to her mouth little by little, her eyes gently looked at everything in the room: in this room, there was once a man who was imprisoned. His name was Chu Yang, Chu of Chu River and Han kingdom. Yang who raised his hand to say goodbye came from the east of the world.

If King Zeus had not kidnapped chuyang Feng here, Queen Hera would not have known chuyang, so her later life would be another situation.

But the problem is that... All this has happened. Chuyang came to Olympus. He brutally took Hera's body and her heart.

After Hera Queen's heart was stolen, she would never forget that man again, and during his detention, she spent a period of time with him in this lounge that she would never forget.

In those days with Chu Yang, most of the time they were together, they were forgetting their love... They loved more than they talked. In every corner of the room, Hera's sweat was left behind, and she was full of palpitations.

Now, Hera queen came to the rest room again. She seemed to see two bodies touching each other on the ground. Her ears seemed to hear men's heavy breathing and women's wanton screams.

But all this is just as if, as if, the man is now in the Far East, running for his wife and his career.

As for Hera queen, because she told him a big lie, she would be fed a bowl of Mengpo soup in this room, forget all her love and hatred, and then wait for King Zeus.

"Hehe, chuyang, if King Zeus is not king Zeus, then I would rather die than forget the feelings of being with you. I know, you don't love me at all, when you gallop on me, the most is just a kind of boring vent, and the conquest of vanity! But I don't care about these, I only care about the feeling of soul shaking when I can be with you. "

In a voice that only she could hear, Queen Hera said with a smile, "unfortunately, it's King Zeus who made me forget all this. It's the king Zeus who saved me in my most critical moment! I have betrayed her, for you, now I can't continue to betray, otherwise my conscience will be very hard, even when I die. So, I can only choose to forget, I hope next life, I will never know you again